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1100.7 - Audiovisual Media and Products

This chapter provides procedures, responsibilities, and approval requirements for audiovisual media and products used for public information purposes.

December 10, 2008

OPR:  Office of Communications

Instructions:  This replaces Survey Manual (SM) chapter SM 500.7 - Audiovisual Media and Products, dated September 20, 1993.

1.  Purpose.  This chapter provides procedures, responsibilities, and approval requirements for audiovisual media and products used for public information purposes.  These products include video productions, motion picture films, CD-ROMs, photographs, slides, animations, public service announcements, video news features, and electronic/satellite transmissions.  This chapter also details the requirements for planning and implementing the distribution of audiovisual products, responding to publisher and public requests for audiovisual materials and photographs, and providing guidance on producing appropriate audiovisuals and broadcast coverage.

2.  Scope.  This policy applies to all Bureau audiovisual media and products, with the following exceptions:

A.  Productions by private organizations produced in cooperation with the USGS or sponsored in part by the USGS through grants or cooperative agreements, provided that the USGS contribution does not exceed 50 percent of the total production cost.

B.  Collections of slides for limited use as visual accompaniments to speeches or other verbal presentations given by Bureau employees.  However, if the audiovisual presentation or slides are to be published or posted to a public Web page either by the USGS or another organization, review and approval requirements for USGS information products must be followed (see SM 205.18 and SM 502.4).

3.  Policy. 

A.  The USGS Office of Communications has primary responsibility and provides policy direction for audiovisual products produced by or attributed to the USGS.  The Office of Communications reviews all proposed audiovisual products and approves and certifies them for approval by the Department of the Interior (DOI) Office of Communications (see 471 DM 1).

B.  Additional requirements for review, approval, and release of USGS information products (see SM 205.18SM 502.4, and SM Part 1100 - Publishing). Other appropriate reviews, such as those to comply with accessibility (see SM 600.6), metadata, and USGS Visual Identity System (see SM 550.1) are also required.

4.  References.

A.  SM Part 1100 - Publishing.

B.  SM 502.4 - Fundamental Science Practices: Review, Approval, and Release of Information Products.

C.  SM 205.18 - Authority to Approve Information Products.

D.  SM 550.1 - USGS Visual Identity System.

E.  SM 600.6 - Implementation and Administration of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.

F.  432-1-S1 - USGS General records Disposition Schedule.

(1)  Chapter 1100 - Audiovisual Records.

(2)  Chapter 1300 - Publishing Records.

G.  471 DM 1 - Audiovisual Media and Publications.

5.  Requirements for Producing USGS Audiovisual Media and Products.

A.  Review and Approval. 

(1)  The USGS Public Affairs Officer, through the established channels of review and clearance within the USGS and the DOI, has primary responsibility for all USGS audiovisual products. Authorization for the creation of audiovisual products (including 35mm, 16mm, 70mm, film, videotape, motion picture, CD-ROM, and laser-disc) is provided only through express approval of a Form DI-551 – Audiovisual Authorization Request, by the USGS Public Affairs Officer and by the DOI Office of Communications.  Additional requirements for submitting Form DI-551 are found in Appendix A—Additional Requirements on Submitting Form DI-551 for Surname and Approval.  The DI-551 and the supporting documentation requested in Appendix A must be submitted and approved before any work can begin on an audiovisual project, including the procurement and retention of audiovisual equipment and supplies.  When substantive changes are made to a DI-551 during the surname and/or approval process, offices significantly affected by the changes will be asked to re-surname. 

(2)  The USGS program official who authorizes the use of Federal funds for the production of an audiovisual product will be accountable for meeting all USGS, DOI, and other applicable requirements and regulations such as review, approval, and release of USGS information products (see SM 502.4), use of copyrighted material (see SM 1100.6), and contract management. 

(3)  A preliminary approval of the rough cut edit by the USGS Public Affairs Officer will be required before the final program is completed and distribution occurs.

B.  Procurement.  All audiovisual services will be requisitioned through the appropriate USGS Procurement Office and requires an approved DI-551 before awarding procurement.

C.  Credit Line.  Official footage distributed for reproduction will carry the following credit line:  U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of the Interior.

D.  Commercial Use.  Official footage of USGS facilities, employees, or the visual identifier may not be used in advertising illustrations or for commercial purposes that connote USGS approval of a product, service, or firm named in the advertisement.

E.  Storage of Master Footage.  All USGS offices will adhere to requirements for audiovisual product storage and archive as stated in USGS General Records Distribution Schedule, Chapter 1100 - Audiovisual Records.

F.  Reporting.  All USGS offices will provide to the USGS Office of Communications an annual list of new audiovisual products that have been made available to the public for viewing and/or purchase, and where the product is available and/or how it may be obtained.

/s/ Karen D. Baker                                                                              December 10, 2008

_____________________________________________                  _______________

Karen D. Baker                                                                                   Date

Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services


Appendix A

Part 1100, Chapter 7



Additional Requirements on Submitting Form DI-551

for Surname and Approval

Please submit the completed Form DI-551 – Audiovisual Authorization Request and supporting documentation that includes answers to the questions listed below.  Submissions should be sent to the Audiovisual Coordinator in the Office of Communications (email: phone: 703-648-4460, fax: 703-648-4466 or 119 National Center, Reston, VA 20192).  Working with the USGS Public Affairs Officer, the Audiovisual Coordinator serves as the point of contact for tracking audiovisual requests and notification of DOI approval/disapproval.

1.  What is the purpose or theme of the intended productions?  (What do you want to achieve? What do you want the audience to do/learn?  A helpful idea is to try to summarize your purpose or theme in a single sentence.)

2.  What is your message?

3.  Who is your target audience?  One of the most important considerations in production is the nature of the audience.  The USGS has defined four audience types and each audience can require a different approach.  A media product rarely can effectively target everyone.

4.  How will the product be used/shown/distributed?  (How will your intended audience obtain the information you want to provide?  You need to have a distribution plan that includes the ways you will get the product to the targeted audience(s).  Given the difficulties of distribution, the more specific you can be, the better; for example: How many copies of your product need to be made?  How will it be packaged and shipped?  Where will you get the addresses for shipping?  Are there other potential users?  Will this information be available on the Web?)

5.  What format will be used?  For broadcast-quality products, nothing less than Betacam SP is acceptable. 

6.  What is the budget?  You should include projected costs for script writing, equipment, travel, props, graphics and animation, talent, editing, audio and narration, duplication costs, and distribution. 

7.  What information resources are available for the production? (such as, technical experts, research documents, printed materials, other productions—please include key contact information including names, addresses, telephone, and email.)

8.  What relevant visual materials are available for the production? (such as, existing film or video footage, still photos, historical paintings.)

9.  Will graphics, music and/or animation be needed?  (Graphics, music, and animation can often be very helpful, but should be carefully considered since they may have a significant impact on the budget. 

10.  Is travel for production necessary?  (Travel may be a significant part of the production budget).

11.  Please provide a thorough description of how the USGS Visual Identity System has been followed and incorporated in to the product and packaging. 

Remember, it is always in the best interest of the requester to provide as much information as possible, since unanswered questions only slow the process.

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