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JACIE 2008 Presentations

Fairfax, Virginia

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008 

 Future of Remote Sensing Session

Greg Stensaas, USGS — Welcome 

Keynote Speaker

  • Dr. Gene Whitney, Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology Policy — The Future of Land Imagery and US Global Earth Observation (no presentation available)

Invited Speakers

  • Douglas Muchoney, GEO/GEOSS, GEO Secretariat — An Evolving Business Model for Commercial Imagery: How Will GEOSS Help?
  • Kass Green, ASPRS — Future of Remote Sensing and Land Imaging Surveys
  • Brad Doorn, USDA — Expanding the Use of Land Imaging for Agriculture Decision Making: The Gobal Agricultural Monitoring (GLAM) Partnership
  • Dr. Stefan Buckreuss, DLR — The German Radar Mission TerraSAR-X

Government Overview Session

  • Barbara Ryan, USGS Associate Director for Geography — Interior’s Role in Terrestrial Earth Observations
  • Corena Alexander, NGA Deputy Chief, Sensor Assimilation Division,ASX, Acting Branch Chief, Commercial Data Integration Branch, ASXC — Commercial Remote Sensing
  • Glenn Bethel, USDA Remote Sensing Advisor– USDA Overview
  • Dr. Stephen Ungar, NASA – NASA Overview
  • Eve Douglas, NOAA — NOAA’s Use of High-Resolution Imagery

Land Imaging Panel Discussion (no presentation available)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Session 1: Aerial Imagery 

  • Thilanka Galappaththi, Applanix — GNSS-Aided Inertial Navigation for Direct Geopositioning of Digital Airborne Imagery
  • Bruce Hogan, Applanix — High Altitude Tactical Mapping with Applanix DSS (Digital Sensor System)
  • Dr. Mostafa  Madani, Intergraph —DMC System – Features and Benefits
  • Dmitry Varlyguin, GDA Corp — Feature Mapping and Decision Support with Digital and Analog Air-borne Data Mesh
  • Len LeFeir, Booz Allen Hamilton — Commercial Airborne Initiatives, Commercial Data Integration Branch
  • Michael Gruber, VEXCEL, Microsoft Photogrammetry — UltraCamX  Large Format Digital Aerial Camera
  • John Mootz, USDA — National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP)
  •  Zack Adkins, USDA  — Geospatial Data and the APFO: Past, Present, and Future
  • Craig Molander and Scott Merritt, Surdex Corporation — Practical Experience With Image Metrics for Aerial Products
  • Dr. Eric Warner, Penn State University — Validation of Visually Estimated Percent Impervious Surface from NAIP CIR Imagery
  • Ayman Habib and Ki-In Bang, University of Calgary, AB, Canada — Error Budget of LiDAR Systems and Quality Control of the Derived Point Cloud

Session 2:  High Resolution Imagery 

  • Rani Hellerman, ImageSat International — EROS B – Operational Experience, Second year of operation
  • Dr. Byron Smiley, DigitalGlobe — The Absolute and Relative Geolocation Accuracies of QB02 and WV01
  • Gyanesh Chander, SAIC — Geometric Assessment of TopSat and BEIJING-1 Data
  • Gene Dial, GeoEye — GeoEye: Remote Sensing & Production Services
  • Kurt Thome, University of Arizona — Assessment of Automated Ground-based Vicarious Calibration Method using High-Resolution Commercial Sensors
  • Dr. Charles G. O’Hara, SIS/MAT — Evaluating the Accuracy and Characteristics of Commercial Image Data for Map Modernization and Maintenance Using Map Accuracy Tools

No Host Dinner - Champps Fair Oaks

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Session 3:  Medium Resolution Imagery 

  • Michael Hales, NGA — Moderate Resolution: A Focus on Global Transparency
  • Satish Srivastava, Canadian Space Agency — RADARSAT-1 Image Quality and Calibration Performance Maintained Beyond 12 Years of Operation
  • Stephen Mackin, DMC International Imaging — Constellation Calibration for Commercial Application Support
  • Gyanesh Chander, SAIC — Catalog of World-wide Test Sites for Sensor Characterization
  • Julio Dalge, INPE — CBERS-2B – Radiometric and Geometric Quality Assessment
  • Julio Dalge and Antonio Machado, INPE — Status of CBERS-2B – Data Reception, Archiving, Processing, and Distribution
  • Shawana Johnson, Global Marketing Insights Inc. — Indian Remote Sensing Satellites Current and Future Missions
  • Robert Tetrault, USDA FAS — Access and Availability of Resourcesat-1 Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) Data for Agriculture
  • David Johnson, USDA NASS — Cropland classification accuracy as a function of AWiFS incidence angle
  • Jess Clark, USDA FSA-RSAC — Assessing Post-fire Burn Condition Using Remotely-Sensed Commercial Imagery
  • Claire Boryan, USDA NASS — Research to Operational:  A Paradigm Shift for the Cropland Data Layer Program
  • Paul Stephens, DMC International Imaging Ltd — Developments in the Disaster Monitoring Constellation
  • Kurt Thome, University of Arizona — Inflight, Intersensor Radiometric Calibration of High- and Moderate-Resolution Sensors Using the Reflectance-Based Method
  • Ricardo Passini and Karsten Jacobsen, BAE Systems — Geometric and Radiometric Property of Large Size Digital Aerial Frame Cameras
  • Sebastien Saunier, GAEL — The contribution of the European Space Agency to the Commissioning Phase of the PRISM & AVNIR-2 Instruments Onboard ALOS (JAXA)


  • Alfonso Barreiro — DEIMOS 1 and DEIMOS Imaging, New Spacecraft, New Company
  • Rebecca Dodge — AmericaView – A State-Based Remote Sensing Initiative Developing Remote Sensing Applications through Education, Training, Internships, and Pilot Projects
  • Sigmund Hsu — Application of Landsat 7 imagery and IMaG Automated Feature Extraction (AFE) to produce geoshapefiles of standard coverage (water, vegetation, built up areas).
  • Glenn Reese — On-Orbit Initialization of the WorldView-1 Optical Focal System using the ITT MTF Measurement Toolkit
  • Paul W. Scott — Assessment of WorldView-1 Spatial Image Quality Using Edge Targets
  • Jiali Shang — Monitoring Changes in Cropping Practices Using Optical and Radar Imagery
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