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JACIE 2012 Presentations

Fairfax, Virginia

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JACIE 2012 Meeting Summary


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Welcome - Greg Stensaas, USGS

Keynote Address 9:00 - 10:00 am

  • Dr. Waleed Abdalati, Chief Scientist, NASA — Planet Earth, the Power of Perspective

Government Sponser Session 10:15 am - 12:00 pm, Moderator: Greg Stensaas, USGS

  • Lawrence Friedl, Applied Sciences Program, NASA Headquarters
  • Mitch Goldberg, Chief of the Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division, NOAA
  • Glenn Bethel, Remote Sensing Advisor, USDA
  • Frank Kelly, Director, USGS/EROS

Panel Discussion: Precision Analysis Supporting Decision-Makers 1:30 - 3:00 pm, Moderators: Kurt Thome, Greg Stensaas

  • Agency Representatives

Spotlight Session 3:15 - 5:00 pm, Chair: Kurt Thome

  • Paul Stephens,DMCii — New Sensors; update on developments in the DMC Constellation
  • Dr. Leila M. G. Fonseca and Frederico Liporace, INPE — Brazilian EO Satellite Program Update
  • Dr. David Mulawa, GeoEye — GeoEye Geolocation Assessment and Reporting Update for 2011
  • Klaus Neumann, Intergraph Z/I Deutschland GmbH — Update on high resolution aerial mapping cameras
  • Brett Thomassie, DigitalGlobe Incorporated — DigitalGlobe Incorporated Satellite and Aerial Program Update

Wrap Up, Q/A, Closing Remarks, Moderators: Kurt Thome, Greg Stensaas

Poster Session/Reception 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Welcome - Kurt Thome, Greg Stensaas

Session 1: High-Resolution 8:30 - 9:45 am, Chair: Cal Hagan 

  • Dominique Léger, Onera–the French Aerospace Lab — On-orbit MTF and defocus assessment methods applied to SPOT5 cameras
  • Ellis Freedman, Serious Science, LLC — A Constant MTF Resampler
  • Doug Griffith, NGA — General Image Quality Equation (GIQE)
  •  Dr. Nancy Podger, GeoEye — Image Quality Performance of the GeoEye-1 High Resolution Imaging Satellite

Session 2: High-Resolution 10:00 -11:40 am, Chair: Paul Bresnahan

  • Steve Mackin, DMCii — Radiometric Calibration of the high spatial resolution NigeriaSat-2 Satellite VHRI
  • Drew Hopwood, Astrium GEO-Information Services — Post Launch Commissioning and Testing of Pléiades 1
  • Preston Mattox, GeoEye — GeoEye-1 New Sensor Mode – 1×2 Multispectral Pixel Aggregation
  • Stephen Schiller, Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems — IN-Flight Performance Assessment Of Imaging Systems Using The Specular Array Radiometric Calibration (SPARC) Method

Q/A from Sessions 1 and 2

Keynote Address 11:40 am

  •  Rebecca Moore, Google — Earth Engine: Petabyte-scale Processing Over Earth Observation Data for Societal Benefit

Session 3: High-Resolution 1:30 - 3:30 pm, Chair: Dave Case

  • Greg Snyder, USGS — Results of The National Enhanced Elevation Assessment
  • Marzio Dellagnello, NGA — NGA Multinational Geospatial Co-Production (MGCP) Program overview & Commercial Imagery
  • Michael Franklin, NGA-SLMR — Commercial Imagery Overview
  • Paul Bresnahan, NGA — Geolocation Accuracy Re-Evaluations of GeoEye-1 and QuickBird-2
  • Dayne Broderson, Geographic Information Networks of Alaska — Statewide Alaska Orthoimagery and Elevation Mapping Programs – Status and Results from Year 1
  • Seungwoo Lee, Satrec Initiative — Automated Measurement of SNR of High Resolution Satellite Images

Session 4: High-Resolution 4:00 - 4:45 pm, Chair: Jon Christopherson 

  • Robert Ryan, Innovative Imaging and Research Corp — Extending the Operational Envelope of Electro-optical Imaging Systems to Include Pre-sunrise and Post-sunset Operation
  • Ruedi Wagner (presented by Klaus Neumann), Geospatial Solutions Division — The Leica RCD30 medium format camera – A new approach to camera calibration
  • Dr. Ricardo Passini, Bae Systems GP — Accuracy and Radiometric Study on Latest Generation Large Format Digital Fram Cameras 

Q/A from Sessions 3 and 4, Daily Wrap-up

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Welcome - Jon Christopherson, SGT

Session 5: Active Sensors 8:35 - 10:15 am, Chair Jon Christopherson

  • Brant Howard, CompassData, Inc. — Remotely Sensed Ground Control Points
  • M. Lorraine Tighe, Intermap Technologies —  Seamless Fusion of Lidar, Radar and Optical Terrain Data
  • M. Lorraine Tighe, Intermap Technologies — Comparison of X-Band Airborne and Spaceborne Imagery
  • Dirk Robinson, Skybox Imaging, Inc. — An introduction to the Skybox Earth-observation imaging platform

Q/A from Session 5   

Session 6: Medium Resolution 10:30 am - 12:15 pm, Chair: Mike Benson

  • Bruce Guenther, NASA GSFC — Status of NPP VIIRS On-orbit Calibration and Performance
  • Gyanesh Chander, SGT — Applications of Spectral Band Adjustment Factors (SBAF) for Cross-calibration
  • Mary Pagnutti, Innovative Imaging and Research Corp — Landsat Data Continuity Mission and Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Instrument Image Product Simulations for Sensor Comparisons and Data Fusion Research
  • Jon Dykstra, MDA Information Systems, Inc — A Comparison of Landsat and RapidEye Imagery for Use in Correlated Land Change (CLC) Analysis

Q/A from Session 6

Session 7: Medium Resolution 1:45 - 3:25 pm, Chair Curt Reynolds

  • Laura Brindle DMCii — Radiometric Calibration of the 22m GSD Nigeriasat-X satellite sensor using combined cross-calibration results over Dome-C and Libya 4
  • Dennis Helder SDSU — Absolute Calibration of Optical Sensors Using Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites – Initial Concepts
  • Victoria Adams (presented by Emily Pindilli), Booz Allen Hamilton — Improving the Way the Government Does Business: The Value of Landsat Moderate Resolution Satellite Imagery in Improving Decision-Making
  • Guy Serbin InuTeq LLC — Optical and Thermal Requirements for Agricultural and Environmental Remote Sensing

Q/A from Session 7

Session 8: Medium Resolution 3:40 - 5:20 pm, Chair Dave Kohlbrenner

  • Audra Zakzeski, NASS/USDA — Improving Agricultural Landcover Classification in the Cropland Data Layer Using the Disaster Monitoring Constellation
  • Drew Hopwood, Astrium GEO-Information Services — Using Deimos-1 & UK-DMC2 to Monitor U.S. Crop Conditions During the 2011 Crop Season
  • Fabrizio Pirondini, DEIMOS Imaging S.L.U. — Data Quality of Deimos-1 & UK-DMC2 Imagery for the Monitoring of 2011 US Crop Season
  • Ajit Sampath, SGT — Assessment of UK-DMC-2, RE, SPOT-5, and RS-2 accuracy

Q/A from Session 8

Discussion and Conference wrap-up – Greg Stensaas

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