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JACIE 2013 Presentations

St. Louis, Missouri

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JACIE 2013 Meeting Summary


Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Welcome - Greg Stensaas, USGS

Government Sponser Session 8:40 - 10:20 am

  • Brad Doorn, NASA
  • Mitch Goldberg, NOAA
  • Glenn Bethel, USDA
  • Tom Holm for Frank Kelly, USGS
    • USGS LDCM Status - Launch Video

Keynote Session 10:50 am

  • Roberta Lenczowski, Data Quality and Remote Sensing Applications

Small/Special Satellite Session 1:30 - 4:15 pm

  • Darrell Williams, Global Science & Technology, Inc. — The Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Mission (TerEDyn): A Small Satellite Concept Offering an Unprecedented Combination of Spatial and Temporal Resolution to Augment Landsat Coverage
  • Paul Stephens, DMCii — New Sensors; Update on Developments in the DMC Constellation, Area Mode 2 DMC Video
  • Michael Oxfort, RapidEye AG — RapidEye Large Area Imaging Capabilities and New Countrywide Mosaic Project
  • Jorge Gil Garcia for Fabrizio Pirondini, DEIMOS Imaging S.L.U. — DEIMOS-1 image quality improvements through MTF deconvolution
  • Brett Thomasie, DigitalGlobe Inc — Digitalglobe Incorporated Corporate and Satellite Program Update
  • Philip C. Abbot, Purdue University — Commercial Value of Satellite Imagery for Agriculture

Poster Session 4:30 pm 

Wednesday April 17, 2013


Medium Resolution Session 8:30 - 11:00 am 

  • Drew Hopwood, Astrium Geo-Information Services — Continued Monitoring of US Crop Condition Using Deimos-1 & UK-DMC2
  • Jack Xiong, NASA/GSFC — S-NPP VIIRS On-orbit Calibration and Performance
  • Gynash Chander, SGT, Amit Angal, SSAI/NASA —  Geometric and Radiometric Assessment of the AWiFS-2 Sensors Aboard ResourceSat-2
  • Andreas Brunn, RapidEye AG — The Calibration and Validation Activities performed at RapidEye During the year 2012
  • Andreas Brunn, RapidEye AG — New MTF Resampling Kernel and Its Effect on RapidEye Imagery

High Resolution Session 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

  • Byron Smiley, BAE Systems — Commercial Imagery and Terrain Models Used in Computer Vision at BAE Systems

Poster Session 1:00 pm

High Resolution Session (Continued) 1:30 - 4:30 pm

  • Fabio Pacifici, DigitalGlobe, Inc. — An automatic atmospheric compensation algorithm for very high spatial resolution imagery and its comparison to FLAASH and QUAC
  • Drew Hopwood, Astrium GEO-Information Services  — Status of Astrium GEO-Information Services’ EO Satellite Constellation
  • Laura Brindle, DMCii — Reducing the uncertainty in radiometric cross-calibration over the Libya 4 site – Modelling and Measurement
  • Robert Arnold, DigitalGlobe, Inc. — Radiometric Calibration and Assessment of DigitalGlobe Sensors
  • David Mulawa, DigitalGlobe, Inc. — DigitalGlobe Geolocation Assessment and Reporting Update for 2012
  • Ajit Sampath, SGT — Geometric Assessment of Pleiades-1a, Deimos and ASTER Data Sets
  • Jorge Gil Garcia for Fabrizio Pirondini, DEIMOS Imaging S.L.U. — DEIMOS-2 Pre and Post-launch Calibration and Data Validation

Surdex Tour 6:00 pm

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Applications, Testing, and Standards Session 8:30 am - 12:30 pm 

  • Steve Mackin, DMCii —Automated methods for the quality control of data from the DMCii satellite constellation
  • Carola Braun, Bundeswehr Geoinformation Service (BGIS)   — Quality Assessment of Elevation Data Products in the Bundeswehr
  • Lori Phillips (for Authors), USGS — Quality Assessment (QA) of LiDAR Data at the USGS National Geospatial Technical Operations Center (NGTOC)
  • Lori Phillips (for Authors), USGS — Assessing the Accuracy of the Alaska National Hydrography Dataset
  • Sebastien Leprince, Cal Institute of Technology Geological and Planetary Science Division — COSI-Corr Processing: a solution for dense image registration, ground deformation measurement, and DSM generation
  • Dennis Helder, SDSU — An Empirical Absolute Calibration Model for Optical Sensors Using Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites
  • Andreas Brunn for Ralf Reulke, DLR — Standard for Image Quality of Optical Remote Sensing Data
  • Chuanrong Li, Academy of Opto-Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences — Assessment of Remote Sensing Optical Payload Performance and Data Quality over Two Comprehensive Sites
  • Andréa Canhoto, INPE — Assessment of EIFOV Based on Natural Edges for Satellite Images

Poster Session 1:30 pm

Aerial/SAR/RADAR Session 1:45 - 3:25 pm

  • Mary Pagnutti, Innovative Imaging and Research Corp. — Low Light Applications for Absolutely Calibrated Large Format Large Dynamic Range Digital Imaging Sensors
  • Robert Ryan, Innovative Imaging and Research Corp. — Aerial Imaging Quality Assurance
  • Klaus Neumann, Z/I Imaging GmbH    — Aerial Mapping Camera Technology from Hexagon
  • M. Lorraine Tighe, Intermap Technologies —  Airborne or Spaceborne?

Miscellaneous Session 3:40 - 4:50 pm

  • Amanda O’Connor, Exelis Visual Information Solutions — ENVI Services Engine: Scientific Data Analysis and Image Processing for the Cloud
  • Brandon Migdal, ITT Exelis Geospatial Systems — Image Quality; Breaking the paradigm by leveraging collaborative, net-centric efficiency
  • Charles Samuels, SI — Harnessing Big Data and Models to Solve User Geospatial Problems and Challenges Using IDEAS (Intelligent Data Exploration and Analytics System)


  • Darrell Williams, Global Science & Technology, Inc. — The Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Mission (TerEDyn): A Small Satellite Concept Offering an Unprecedented Combination of Spatial and Temporal Resolution to Augment Landsat Coverage
  • Gynash Chander, SGT — Overview of the Land Product Validation System (LPVS)
  • Jorge Gil Garcia for Fabrizio Pirondini, DEIMOS Imaging S.L.U. — DEIMOS-1 image quality improvements through MTF deconvolution
  • Jorge Gil Garcia for Fabrizio Pirondini, DEIMOS Imaging S.L.U. — DEIMOS-2 Pre and Post-launch Calibration & Validation
  • Amit Angal, SSAI/NASA; Gynash Chander, SGT — Impact of Terra MODIS collection 6 on long-term trending with Landsat 7 ETM+ reflective solar bands
  • Charles Samuels, SI — Harnessing Big Data and Models to Solve User Geospatial Problems and Challenges Using IDEAS (Intelligent Data Exploration and Analytics System)
  • Lori Phillips, USGS — Lidar and the National Map


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