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The Alaska Science Center Data Repository, a USGS Trusted Digital Repository, provides public access to the digital data from our research. See below for featured data sets and a list of all data releases from the USGS Alaska Science Center. All USGS released data sets are also listed in the USGS Science Data Catalog.

Filter Total Items: 465

Avian Habitat Data; Seward Peninsula, Alaska, 2012

This data package contains two tables with habitat measurements from each sampling point used in avian point-transect surveys on the Seward Peninsula in 2012 and the locations of those sites. Measurements include percent cover and canopy height of alder (Alnus spp.), dwarf birch (Betula spp.), ericaceous shrubs (e.g., Empetrum, Vaccinium spp.), herbaceous, lichen (e.g., Cladonia spp.), and willow

North Pacific Wintering Barrow's Goldeneye Body Mass, Morphology, and Prey Sizes 1996-2015

These data provide information in support of the creation of a bioenergetic model to estimate winter prey consumption by Barrow's Goldeneye (Bucephala islandica). One table consists of mass and morphological measurements of wintering Barrows Goldeneyes captured or collected in Alaska and British Columbia from 1996 to 2015. The second table consists of size classes of Pacific blue mussels (Mytilus

U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon from Selected Rocks from Southwestern Alaska and the Yukon-Tanana Upland and Environs of Eastern Interior Alaska and Eastern Yukon, Canada

This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of detrital zircon from sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks collected from southwestern Alaska and from the Yukon-Tanana upland and environs of eastern interior Alaska and western Yukon, Canada. The samples were collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted from 1996 to 2021 and funded by the Mineral Resources Program

Breeding Biology of Loon and Waterfowl Species on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska during 1973-1975

This data package presents legacy loon and waterfowl breeding biology data collected at study sites near the Old Chevak Field Station on the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (formerly the Clarence Rhode National Wildlife Range), Alaska during the summers of 1973 through 1975. These data were collected to provide a basis for the evaluation of long-term changes in loon (Pacific and Red-throated

Limnological Data from Experimental Exposure of Juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) to Elodea in a High Latitude Lake

This dataset provides nine tables of data from an experimental study in which juvenile Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) were reared in floating net pens (limnocorrals) and exposed to Elodea spp. (a potential invasive species in high latititude lakes) and native aquatic vegetation. Data include: (1) coho salmon body, otolith, and stable isotope measurements, (2) abundance of macroinvertebrates, (

U-Pb Ages, Hafnium Isotope Ratios, and Trace Element Concentrations by Laser-Ablation Split Stream (LASS) Analysis of Igneous Zircons from the Western Alaska Range

This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and ages, Hf isotope data, and trace element concentrations of zircon from igneous rocks collected from the western Alaska Range of south-central Alaska. The sample suite was collected as part of geological mapping and supporting geochemical and geochronological analysis conducted from 2011 to 2013. We also analyzed portions of remainders of previously col

Gavia Species Identification and Diet Composition from Feces, Central North Slope, Alaska, 2012-2014

This data set is comprised of one table with sampling information and NCBI BioProject accession numbers for sequence information of this amplicon-based study targeting Loon (Gavia sp.) and fish species expected in lake systems of the North Slope of Alaska from fecal samples. Highly conserved primers which could differentiate species of interest were developed for five portions of gavia mtDNA genes

U-Pb Isotopic Data and Ages of Detrital Zircon from Selected Rocks from northern Yukon, Canada

This data set contains U-Pb isotopic data and associated ages of detrital zircon from sedimentary and metasedimentary rocks collected in northern Yukon, Canada. The samples were originally collected as part of geological mapping and research conducted by the Geological Survey of Canada. They were recovered from archived collections and sent to the U.S. Geological Survey for analysis of detrital zi

Gridded Seabird Density Estimates in Lower Cook Inlet, Alaska

This data set provides monthly (March-October) gridded density estimates for seabirds in lower Cook Inlet, Alaska. Gridded density estimates were produced by applying spatiotemporal modeling of at-sea survey data collected between 1975 and 2021 of seabird at-sea surveys available in the North Pacific Pelagic Seabird Database (NPPSD; Drew and Piatt 2015). We modeled joint dynamic species distributi

Data Supporting Walrus Areas of Use in the Chukchi Sea During Sparse Sea Ice Cover

The dataset consists of geospatial files depicting the estimated June-to-November distribution of walrus foraging and occupancy during a four year period of sparse sea ice cover above the Chukchi Sea continental shelf (2008-2011). The walrus distribution and utilization estimates are based on location data from satellite-linked radio-tracked walruses in the Chukchi Sea (2008-2011). Compared to pre

Walrus Haulout and In-water Activity Levels Relative to Vessel Interactions in the Chukchi Sea, 2012-2015

These data were used to evaluate effects of vessel exposure on Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) behaviors. We obtained greater than 120,000 hours of location and behavior (foraging, in-water not foraging, hauled out) data from 218 satellite-tagged walruses and linked them to vessel locations from the marine Automated Information System. This yielded 206 vessel-exposed walrus telemetry

Soil and Vegetation Data from Lake-Margin Wetlands in the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge

This data release includes six child items of soil and vegetation data from lake margin soils of the Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Data includes multiple lakes that are defined as either stable or drying. Lake margin vegetation communities include graminoid, shrub, and forest. Sols are separated into organic and mineral layers. Microbial data includes different phospholipid fatty a
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