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The Astrogeology Science Center's mission includes producing planetary maps and cartographic products which reveal topography, geology, topology, image mosaics and more, all made available to the international scientific community and the general public as a national resource.

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Geologic map of Tooting crater, Amazonis Planitia region of Mars

Tooting crater has a diameter of 27.2 km, and formed on virtually flat lava flows within Amazonis Planitia ~1,300 km west of the summit of Olympus Mons volcano, where there appear to have been no other major topographic features prior to the impact. The crater formed in an area ~185 x 135 km that is at an elevation between −3,870 m and −3,874 m relative to the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) M

Image mosaic and topographic map of the moon

Sheet 1: This image mosaic is based on data from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Wide Angle Camera (WAC; Robinson and others, 2010), an instrument on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft (Tooley and others, 2010). The equatorial WAC images were orthorectified onto the Global Lunar Digital Terrain Mosaic (GLD100, WAC-derived 100 m/p

Bedrock geologic and structural map through the western Candor Colles region of Mars

The Candor Colles are a population of low, conical hills along the southeast flank of Ceti Mensa, in west Candor Chasma, within the Valles Marineris system of Mars (fig. 1). Ceti Mensa and the adjacent Candor Mensa are mounds of layered sedimentary deposits and are the most prominent landforms within west Candor Chasma. Prior to the arrival of the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in orbit around

Geologic map of Mars

This global geologic map of Mars, which records the distribution of geologic units and landforms on the planet's surface through time, is based on unprecedented variety, quality, and quantity of remotely sensed data acquired since the Viking Orbiters. These data have provided morphologic, topographic, spectral, thermophysical, radar sounding, and other observations for integration, analysis, and i

Geologic map of MTM -30247, -35247, and -40247 quadrangles, Reull Vallis region of Mars

Mars Transverse Mercator (MTM) –30247, –35247, and –40247 quadrangles cover a portion of southern Hesperia Planum and the highlands of eastern Promethei Terra, east of the Hellas basin. The map area (lat 27.5–42.5° S., long 110–115° E.) consists of cratered ancient highland materials of moderate relief, isolated knobs and massifs of rugged mountainous materials, extensive tracts of plains, and sur

Global geologic map of Ganymede

Ganymede is the largest satellite of Jupiter, and its icy surface has been formed through a variety of impact cratering, tectonic, and possibly cryovolcanic processes. The history of Ganymede can be divided into three distinct phases: an early phase dominated by impact cratering and mixing of non-ice materials in the icy crust, a phase in the middle of its history marked by great tectonic upheaval

Geologic map of the Agnesi quadrangle (V-45), Venus

The Agnesi quadrangle (V–45), named for centrally located Agnesi crater, encompasses approximately 6,500,000 km2 extending from lat 25° to 50° S. and from long 30° to 60° E. The V–45 quadrangle lies within Venus’ lowland broadly between highlands Ovda Regio to the northeast and Alpha Regio to the west. The region ranges in altitude from 6,051 to 6,054 km, with an average of ~6,052 km, which is ess

Geologic map of the Lada Terra quadrangle (V-56), Venus

This publication provides a geological map of Lada Terra quadrangle (V–56), a portion of the southern hemisphere of Venus that extends from lat 50° S. to 70° S. and from long 0° E. to 60° E. V–56 is bordered by Kaiwan Fluctus (V–44) and Agnesi (V–45) quadrangles in the north and by Mylitta Fluctus (V–61), Fredegonde (V–57), and Hurston (V–62) quadrangles in the west, east, and south, respectively.

Geologic map of MTM -15027, -20027, -25027, and -25032 quadrangles, Margaritifer Terra region of Mars

Mars Transverse Mercator (MTM) quadrangles −15027, −20027, −25027, and −25032 (lat 12.5°−28° S., long 330°−335° E. and lat 22.5°−28° S., long 324.5°−330° E.) in southwestern Margaritifer Terra include diverse erosional landforms, sedimentary deposits, and tectonic structures that record a long geologic and geomorphic history. The northeastern regional slope of the pre-Noachian crustal dichotomy (a

Geologic map of Kalaupapa Peninsula, Moloka‘i, Hawai‘i, USA

Kalaupapa Peninsula, along the northern coast of East Moloka‘i volcano, is a remarkably well-preserved example of rejuvenated-stage volcanism from a Hawaiian volcano. Mapping of lava flows, vents and other volcanic constructs reveals a diversity of landforms on this small monogenetic basaltic shield. The late-stage lava distributary system of this shield is dominated by a prominent lava channel an

Geologic map of the north polar region of Mars

The north polar region of Mars occurs within the central and lowest part of the vast northern plains of Mars and is dominated by the roughly circular north polar plateau, Planum Boreum. The northern plains formed very early in Martian time and have collected volcanic flows and sedimentary materials shed from highland sources. Planum Boreum has resulted from the accumulation of water ice and dust p

Geologic map of the MTM 85200 quadrangle, Olympia Rupes region of Mars

The north polar region of Mars is dominated by Planum Boreum, a roughly circular, domical plateau that rises >2,500 m above the surrounding lowland. Planum Boreum is >1,500 km in diameter, contains deep, curvilinear troughs and chasmata, isolated cavi, and marginal scarps and slopes. The north polar plateau is surrounded by low-lying and nearly horizontal plains of various surface texture, geologi
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