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The Astrogeology Science Center's mission includes producing planetary maps and cartographic products which reveal topography, geology, topology, image mosaics and more, all made available to the international scientific community and the general public as a national resource.

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Global geologic map of Europa

Discovered by Galileo Galilei more than 400 years ago and imaged in detail by the Voyager 2 Galileo spacecraft, Jupiter’s icy moon Europa has been a source of intrigue. A range of science investigations indicate that it contains the key ingredients for habitability, notably energy, chemistry, and liquid water. Europa’s surface is geologically complex and, based on the dearth of impact craters, int

Geologic map of the source region of Shalbatana Vallis, Mars

Xanthe Terra is a high-standing cratered plain located southeast of Lunae Planum and south of Chryse Planitia in the western equatorial region of Mars. It contains landforms shaped by diverse geologic processes, including various scales of channels and valleys, chaotic terrains, delta fan deposits, and landslides. An extensive outflow channel system is located within Xanthe Terra and the surroundi

Geologic map of MTM −10022 and −15022 quadrangles, Morava Valles and Margaritifer basin, Mars

The landscape in Mars Transverse Mercator (MTM) −10022 and −15022 quadrangles (lat −7.5° N. to −17.5° N. between long 335° E. and 340° E.) in Margaritifer Terra preserves a record of sedimentary and alluvial deposits, volcanic and tectonic structures, and erosional landforms that record a long and complex geologic and geomorphic history. MTM −10022 and −15022 quadrangles primarily encompass Morava

Geologic map of the Aeolis Dorsa Region, Mars

The Aeolis Dorsa region of Mars, located just north of the global dichotomy boundary, includes the Aeolis and Zephyria Plana, and a depositional basin between them. This interplana region consists of extensive networks of ridges—the eponymous Aeolis Dorsa—and is interpreted as having formed by topographic inversion of fluvial and alluvial deposits. To the south is a nearly 1-km-deep trough (Aeolis

Geologic map of the Athabasca Valles region, Mars

This 1:1,000,000-scale geologic map of the Athabasca Valles region of Mars places the best-preserved lavas on Mars into their geologic context. The map shows vigorous geologic activity in the most recent epoch of the geologic history of Mars, which is extremely unusual for the planet. In these atypically youthful terrains, the interpretations of geologic processes are exceptionally robust for plan

Geologic map of Olympus Mons caldera, Mars

The Mars volcano, Olympus Mons, is probably the best known extraterrestrial volcano. The summit forms a nested caldera with six overlapping collapse pits that collectively measure ~65 x ~80 kilometers (km). Numerous wrinkle ridges and graben occur on the caldera floor, and topographic data indicate >1.2 km of elevation change since the formation of the floor as a series of lava lakes. The paths of

Geologic map of Jezero crater and the Nili Planum region, Mars

The cratered highlands located northwest of Isidis Planitia have been recognized as one of the best preserved Noachian landscapes currently exposed on Mars; the area hosts a record of diverse surface processes, diagenesis, and aqueous alteration. This region has consistently been considered a high priority for landed-mission exploration and includes the anticipated landing site of the Mars 2020 Pe

Image mosaic and topographic maps of Mercury

Map DescriptionsSheet 1: This image mosaic is based on observations acquired by the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS; Hawkins and others, 2009), an instrument on the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft (Solomon and others, 2007). The Mercator projection is used between latitudes ±57°, with a central meri

Geologic map of the Nepenthes Planum Region, Mars

This map product contains a map sheet at 1:1,506,000 scale that shows the geology of the Nepenthes Planum region of Mars, which is located between the cratered highlands that dominate the southern hemisphere and the less-cratered sedimentary plains that dominate the northern hemisphere.  The map region contains cone- and mound-shaped landforms as well as lobate materials that are morphologically s

Sedimentological and petrographic analysis of drill core FC77-1 from the flank of the central uplift, Flynn Creek impact structure, Tennessee

Drill core FC 77‐1 on the flank of the central uplift, Flynn Creek impact structure, Tennessee, contains 175 m of impact breccia lying upon uplifted Lower Paleozoic carbonate target stratigraphy. Sedimentological analysis of this 175‐m interval carbonate breccia shows that there are three distinct sedimentological units. In stratigraphic order, unit 1 (175–109 m) is an overall coarsening‐upward se

Bedrock and structural geologic maps of eastern Candor Sulci, western Ceti Mensa, and southeastern Ceti Mensa, Candor Chasma, Valles Marineris region of Mars

This map product contains a set of three 1:18,000-scale maps showing the geology and structure of study areas in the western Candor Chasma region of Valles Marineris, Mars. These maps are part of an informal series of large-scale maps and map-based topical studies aimed at refining current understanding of the geologic history of western Candor Chasma. The map bases consist of digital elevation mo

Geologic map of Meridiani Planum, Mars

Introduction and BackgroundThe Meridiani Planum region of Mars—originally named due to its proximity to the Martian prime meridian—contains a variety of geologic units, including those that are crater‑related, that span the Early Noachian to Late Amazonian Epochs. Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) data indicate this area contains extensive layered deposits, some of which are rich in the mineral hematite.
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