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Basic hydrologic data collection, processing, analysis, dissemination, and archiving are major parts of the California Water Science Center program. Streamflow data, for example, are used for flood and water-supply forecasts, planning and design, river regulation, streamflow statistics, and research investigations. Much of the data are available on a near-real-time basis by satellite telemetry.

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Erodibility Data from Gust Erosion Chamber Experiments in Grizzly Bay and San Pablo Bay, California, Summer 2019

A Gust erosion chamber was used to apply horizontal shear stress to sediment cores obtained from San Pablo and Grizzly (within Suisun) Bays in California. A pair of sediment cores were collected from the same approximate locations in each bay six times between June 12th, 2019 and August 15th, 2019 for a total of 12 experiments and 24 sediment core results. Locations were chosen to capture the bent

Verified Irrigated Agricultural Lands for the United States, 2002-17

The spatial extents of verified irrigated lands were compiled from various federal and state sources across the nation and combined into a single Geographic Information System (GIS) geodatabase for the purpose of model training and validation. In cooperation with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), researchers at the University of Wisconsin (UW) generated a nation-wide map of irrigated lands using remo

Insecticide and fungicide concentrations in irrigation runoff and soils from a lettuce field in the Salinas Valley, California, 2019 and 2020

Irrigation runoff and soil samples were collected from a lettuce field located at the USDA-ARS Spence Research farm in the Salinas Valley, California to measure neonicotinoid insecticides (clothianidin and imidacloprid) and a fungicide (azoxystrobin) applied via coated seed and drench treatments. The field trial was designed to evaluate four treatments with replication: 1) control, untreated seed,

High-Resolution Measurements to Identify Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Water Quality and Stratification

The dataset documents the spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and related water quality parameters at high spatial resolution in the North Delta of the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta of California, USA. The dataset includes surface mapping, depth profile, and discrete data for nitrate, ammonium, phosphate, dissolved organic carbon, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and chl

Water chemistry data for samples collected at groundwater sites near the Oxnard oil field, June 2017-August 2017, Ventura County, California

In cooperation with the California State Water Resources Control Board's oil and gas Regional Monitoring Program, the U.S. Geological Survey collected and analyzed groundwater and associated quality control (QC) samples during June 2017 - August 2017. Groundwater samples were collected from one public supply well, four monitoring wells, and nine irrigation wells located within a three- mile buffer

Database of Geomorphic Features, Klamath River, California 2010

The USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, compiled a map of geomorphic features along a 140-km segment of the main stem Klamath River below Iron Gate Dam, CA. Flood disturbance within the study reach is produced by the combined effect of natural flows and reservoir releases. The physical response of the Klamath River to flood di

Diets and Stable Isotopes of Fishes in Rodeo Lagoon, California, 2016-2017

This dataset includes lab data for fish, fish diets, and stable isotopes for fish tissue, vegetation, and invertebrates collected during daylight hours in the Rodeo Lagoon and Lake in Golden Gate National Recreation Area at the Pacific Coast, USA during 2016 and 2017. This data release includes all animal taxa, and isotope values included in the analysis.

The Basin Characterization Model - A monthly regional water balance software package (BCMv8) data release and model archive for hydrologic California (ver. 4.0, May 2024)

This data release accompanies the USGS Techniques and Methods report titled: "The Basin Characterization Model - A Regional Water Balance Software Package" (Flint et al., 2021,, and includes all necessary Basin Characterization Model version 8 (BCMv8) inputs and outputs for water years 1896 to 2023. The BCMv8 was refined from the previous BCMv65 version to improve th

Electrical Resistivity Tomography Data at Elizabeth Lake, Los Angeles County, California, 2019

The Santa Clara River Lakes, located along the San Andreas fault 19 miles northwest of Palmdale, California, were placed on the state?s ?303(d) List? or ?Impaired Water List? in 1996 for eutrophic conditions, high pH, and low dissolved oxygen. In 2016, the state adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in the Santa Clara River Lakes. This study focuses on t

Inorganic chemistry data for groundwater wells near selected oil fields in the southwestern San Joaquin Valley, central California

This digital dataset contains geochemical and other information for 1,209 samples of groundwater from 343 wells located within 3-miles of the Buena Vista, Elk Hills, Midway-Sunset, and North and South Coles Levee oil fields in the southwestern San Joaquin Valley of central California. Data were compiled by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) from preexisting datasets and transferred manually into tw

Zooplankton Survey of the Northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, California, 2016-2018

This data set contains information on zooplankton and associated environmental parameters for sampling conducted in California's northern Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta between May 2016 and April 2018. Macrozooplankton were sampled with horizontal tows (water surface) of a 50 cm-diameter conical plankton net that was 150cm long with 102um mesh. Samples were preserved in the field in 10 percent forma

California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment (GAMA) Program Shallow Aquifer Assessment Study Unit Boundaries and Grid Cells for Assessment of Groundwater Resources (ver. 2.0, January 2023)

The California Groundwater Ambient Monitoring and Assessment Program (GAMA) is a statewide assessment of groundwater quality designed to help better understand and identify risks to groundwater resources. GAMA is implemented by the California State Water Resources Control Board. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is the technical lead for the Priority Basin Project (PBP), one of the components of t
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