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Water Quality Monitoring

The USGS California Water Science Center maintains a network of continuous water-quality monitors across the state which provide near-real-time water-quality data. Continuous water-quality monitors are typically installed at or near existing USGS stream gages or wells. Parameters that are monitored at continuous water-quality sites include water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrate, chlorophyll, cyanobacteria, fluorescent dissolved organic matter, and pH.

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Evaluating the Geohydrology in the San Gorgonio Pass Area

The San Gorgonio Pass, in southern California, is located between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountain ranges. The mountain ranges to either side of the pass rise almost 9,000 feet (2,700 meters) above. The San Gorgonio Pass serves as a corridor for U.S. Interstate 10. It is also known for its strong winds that make it a popular spot for wind turbine energy production.

Evaluating the Geohydrology in the San Gorgonio Pass Area

The San Gorgonio Pass, in southern California, is located between the San Bernardino and San Jacinto Mountain ranges. The mountain ranges to either side of the pass rise almost 9,000 feet (2,700 meters) above. The San Gorgonio Pass serves as a corridor for U.S. Interstate 10. It is also known for its strong winds that make it a popular spot for wind turbine energy production.
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Water-Quality Monitoring in the Sepulveda Flood Control Basin of the Los Angeles River Watershed

As part of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP), this project will enhance water-quality monitoring on a reach of the Los Angeles River slated for revitalization. The UWFP reconnects urban communities—particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed—with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies.

Water-Quality Monitoring in the Sepulveda Flood Control Basin of the Los Angeles River Watershed

As part of the Urban Waters Federal Partnership (UWFP), this project will enhance water-quality monitoring on a reach of the Los Angeles River slated for revitalization. The UWFP reconnects urban communities—particularly those that are overburdened or economically distressed—with their waterways by improving coordination among federal agencies.
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Results of Hexavalent Chromium Background Study in Hinkley, California

John Izbicki, PhD, a Research Hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center (CAWSC), led a five-year scientific study to determine the range of natural and anthropogenic (human-caused) hexavalent chromium concentrations, also referred to as chromium-6 or Cr(VI), in Hinkley Valley. The study was cooperatively funded by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control...

Results of Hexavalent Chromium Background Study in Hinkley, California

John Izbicki, PhD, a Research Hydrologist with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) California Water Science Center (CAWSC), led a five-year scientific study to determine the range of natural and anthropogenic (human-caused) hexavalent chromium concentrations, also referred to as chromium-6 or Cr(VI), in Hinkley Valley. The study was cooperatively funded by the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control...
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Emergency Drought Barrier’s Impacts on cyanoHABs and Water Quality

Drought is making the Delta Saltier. Less freshwater coming from watershed runoff and reservoir releases means that more salty water flows into the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta (Delta) from the Pacific Ocean. Changes in Delta salinity have far-reaching impacts, affecting the water supply for agriculture, drinking, wildlife, and Delta ecosystems.

Emergency Drought Barrier’s Impacts on cyanoHABs and Water Quality

Drought is making the Delta Saltier. Less freshwater coming from watershed runoff and reservoir releases means that more salty water flows into the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta (Delta) from the Pacific Ocean. Changes in Delta salinity have far-reaching impacts, affecting the water supply for agriculture, drinking, wildlife, and Delta ecosystems.
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Assessing impacts of wildfire on water and habitat quality in downstream aquatic ecosystems using remote sensing

This project focuses on the downstream effects of wildfires on lakes, reservoirs, and coastal water within the larger context of the USGS project on Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems (PHIRE): Support for Response, Recovery, and Mitigation. The overall objective of this work is to leverage the historic satellite remote sensing record to provide insight on the impact of...

Assessing impacts of wildfire on water and habitat quality in downstream aquatic ecosystems using remote sensing

This project focuses on the downstream effects of wildfires on lakes, reservoirs, and coastal water within the larger context of the USGS project on Post-fire Hazards and Impacts to Resources and Ecosystems (PHIRE): Support for Response, Recovery, and Mitigation. The overall objective of this work is to leverage the historic satellite remote sensing record to provide insight on the impact of...
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Forecasting Total Dissolved Solids Concentrations of Groundwater from the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project

The USGS seeks to increase understanding of the groundwater system in the vicinity of the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project well field and to estimate future groundwater levels and total dissolved solids concentrations in the wells and the long-term viability of the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project.

Forecasting Total Dissolved Solids Concentrations of Groundwater from the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project

The USGS seeks to increase understanding of the groundwater system in the vicinity of the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project well field and to estimate future groundwater levels and total dissolved solids concentrations in the wells and the long-term viability of the Lower Colorado Water Supply Project.
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Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Mixing in Keswick Reservoir, California

Keswick Reservoir, on the Sacramento River, receives both water and contaminants from the Spring Creek Debris Dam. The term contaminants refers here to different kinds of chemicals that are in some instances delivered to lakes and rivers. These chemicals can have a detrimental effect on drinking water supplies and the health of humans, fish, and other aquatic species.

Evaluation of Hydrodynamic Mixing in Keswick Reservoir, California

Keswick Reservoir, on the Sacramento River, receives both water and contaminants from the Spring Creek Debris Dam. The term contaminants refers here to different kinds of chemicals that are in some instances delivered to lakes and rivers. These chemicals can have a detrimental effect on drinking water supplies and the health of humans, fish, and other aquatic species.
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High Resolution Temporal and Spatial Mapping of Mercury and Methylmercury in Surface Waters of the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta

Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant of significant concern in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and watershed (Bay-Delta). The formation, fate, and transport of methylmercury (MeHg), a particularly toxic organic form of Hg that readily bioaccumulates in wildlife, has been studied extensively throughout the system. However, there is widespread recognition of the need for more comprehensive monitoring...

High Resolution Temporal and Spatial Mapping of Mercury and Methylmercury in Surface Waters of the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta

Mercury (Hg) is a contaminant of significant concern in the San Francisco Bay-Delta estuary and watershed (Bay-Delta). The formation, fate, and transport of methylmercury (MeHg), a particularly toxic organic form of Hg that readily bioaccumulates in wildlife, has been studied extensively throughout the system. However, there is widespread recognition of the need for more comprehensive monitoring...
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Evaluating the effects of wastewater-derived nutrients on phytoplankton abundance and community structure in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta

Planned upgrades to the Sacramento Regional wastewater treatment plant (SRWTP) will substantially reduce nutrient discharge and also alter the types and amounts of nutrients being distributed across the San Francisco Delta and Estuary (Delta). One highly anticipated outcome of lower nutrients is improved productivity in the phytoplankton communities that supply aquatic food webs, which should...

Evaluating the effects of wastewater-derived nutrients on phytoplankton abundance and community structure in the San Francisco Estuary and Delta

Planned upgrades to the Sacramento Regional wastewater treatment plant (SRWTP) will substantially reduce nutrient discharge and also alter the types and amounts of nutrients being distributed across the San Francisco Delta and Estuary (Delta). One highly anticipated outcome of lower nutrients is improved productivity in the phytoplankton communities that supply aquatic food webs, which should...
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Monitoring Cyanotoxins in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Fixed Stations and High-Resolution Mapping Surveys

California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) provides drinking water to about 30 million people and irrigation water to the agriculturally rich Central Valley. The Delta is also home to numerous threatened and endangered native species. The health of the Delta's aquatic ecosystems, and fish in particular, have long been in a state of decline. This is associated with decreasing...

Monitoring Cyanotoxins in California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta: Fixed Stations and High-Resolution Mapping Surveys

California’s Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (Delta) provides drinking water to about 30 million people and irrigation water to the agriculturally rich Central Valley. The Delta is also home to numerous threatened and endangered native species. The health of the Delta's aquatic ecosystems, and fish in particular, have long been in a state of decline. This is associated with decreasing...
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Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in the Adelaida Area of San Luis Obispo County, California

Stakeholders in San Luis Obispo County are concerned that the increased demand for water use has, and will continue to, affect groundwater levels and availability in the Adelaida area. To address stakeholder concerns, the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors has asked the USGS to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of groundwater resources of the Adelaida area.

Evaluation of Groundwater Resources in the Adelaida Area of San Luis Obispo County, California

Stakeholders in San Luis Obispo County are concerned that the increased demand for water use has, and will continue to, affect groundwater levels and availability in the Adelaida area. To address stakeholder concerns, the County of San Luis Obispo Board of Supervisors has asked the USGS to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of groundwater resources of the Adelaida area.
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San Diego Hydrogeology

This is the first comprehensive geologic and hydrologic study for the San Diego area. This study will provide the integrated hydrogeologic knowledge necessary in this important and highly visible area of the United States and will serve as a role model for similar coastal settings throughout the world that have modest rainfall and small aquifers. Locally, results will help state and federal...

San Diego Hydrogeology

This is the first comprehensive geologic and hydrologic study for the San Diego area. This study will provide the integrated hydrogeologic knowledge necessary in this important and highly visible area of the United States and will serve as a role model for similar coastal settings throughout the world that have modest rainfall and small aquifers. Locally, results will help state and federal...
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