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Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Chad Basin Province, North-Central Africa

The Chad Basin Province located in north-central Africa recently was assessed for undiscovered, technically recoverable oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids resources as part of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) World Oil and Gas Assessment. Using a geology-based assessment methodology, the USGS estimated mean volumes of 2.32 billion barrels of oil, 14.65 trillion cubic feet of natural gas,
Michael E. Brownfield, Christopher J. Schenk, Ronald R. Charpentier, Timothy R. Klett, Troy A. Cook, Richard M. Pollastro, Marilyn E. Tennyson

Geochemistry of Eagle Ford group source rocks and oils from the first shot field area, Texas

Total organic carbon, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, and vitrinite reflectance analyses performed on Eagle Ford Group core and cuttings samples from the First Shot field area, Texas demonstrate these samples have sufficient quantity, quality, and maturity of organic matter to have generated oil. Furthermore, gas chromatography and biomarker analyses performed on Eagle Ford Group oils and source rock extract
Janell D. Edman, Janet K. Pitman

After a century: Revised Paleogene coal stratigraphy, correlation, and deposition, Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana

The stratigraphy, correlation, mapping, and depositional history of coal-bearing strata in the Paleogene Fort Union and Wasatch Formations in the Powder River Basin were mainly based on measurement and description of outcrops during the early 20th century. Subsequently, the quality and quantity of data improved with (1) exploration and development of oil, gas, and coal during the middle 20th centu
Romeo M. Flores, Brianne D. Spear, Scott A. Kinney, Peter A. Purchase, Craig M. Gallagher

Megascopic lithologic studies of coals in the Powder River basin in Wyoming and in adjacent basins in Wyoming and North Dakota

Between 1999 and 2007, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) investigated coalbed methane (CBM) resources in the Wyoming portion of the Powder River Basin. The study also included the CBM resources in the North Dakota portion of the Williston Basin of North Dakota and the Wyoming portion of the Green River Basin of Wyoming. This project involved the cooperation of the State Office, Reservoir Managemen
Michael H. Trippi, Gary D. Stricker, Romeo M. Flores, Ronald W. Stanton, Lora A. Chiehowsky, Timothy A. Moore

Geology and assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Mesozoic (Jurassic and Cretaceous) rocks of the onshore and state waters of the Gulf of Mexico Region, U.S.A

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is in the final phase of the most recent assessment of the undiscovered technically recoverable oil and gas resources of the U.S. Gulf of Mexico coastal plain and state waters. Ongoing geologic, geochemical, and petrophysical framework studies have defined the total petroleum systems and assessment units (AUs) in the Gulf Coast region. Current studies examine the
Russell F. Dubiel, Peter D. Warwick, Laura R Biewick, Lauri A. Burke, James L. Coleman, Kristin O. Dennen, Colin A. Doolan, Catherine B. Enomoto, Paul C. Hackley, Alexander W. Karlsen, Matthew D. Merrill, Krystal M. Pearson, Ofori N. Pearson, Janet K. Pitman, Richard M. Pollastro, Elisabeth L. Rowan, Sharon M. Swanson, Brett J. Valentine

Temperature trends and preservation rates in the Deep Tuscaloosa Formation, Judge Digby Field, Louisiana

Judge Digby Field in Pointe Coupe Parish, Louisiana, exhibits some of the highest cumulative natural gas production from the lower Tuscaloosa Formation (Upper Cretaceous) in the Gulf Coast. The average production depth in Judge Digby Field is approximately 22,000 ft. The 400°F temperatures typically encountered at depth in Judge Digby Field are anomalously low when compared to temperature trends e
Lauri A. Burke

Geologic cross section, gas desorption, and other data from four wells drilled for Alaska rural energy project, Wainwright, Alaska, coalbed methane project, 2007-2009

Energy costs in rural Alaskan communities are substantial. Diesel fuel, which must be delivered by barge or plane, is used for local power generation in most off-grid communities. In addition to high costs incurred for the purchase and transport of the fuel, the transport, transfer, and storage of fuel products pose significant difficulties in logistically challenging and environmentally sensitive
Arthur C. Clark, Stephen B. Roberts, Peter D. Warwick

CoalVal-A coal resource valuation program

CoalVal is a menu-driven Windows program that produces cost-of-mining analyses of mine-modeled coal resources. Geological modeling of the coal beds and some degree of mine planning, from basic prefeasibility to advanced, must already have been performed before this program can be used. United States Geological Survey mine planning is done from a very basic, prefeasibility standpoint, but the accur
Timothy J. Rohrbacher, Gary E. McIntosh

Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Fry Canyon uranium/copper project site, southeastern Utah: Indications of contaminant migration

The Fry Canyon uranium/copper project site in San Juan County, southeastern Utah, was affected by the historical (1957–68) processing of uranium and copper-uranium ores. Relict uranium tailings and related ponds, and a large copper heap-leach pile at the site represent point sources of uranium and copper to local soils, surface water, and groundwater. This study was designed to establish the natur
James K. Otton, Robert A. Zielinski, Robert Horton

Oil shale and nahcolite resources of the Piceance Basin, Colorado

This report presents an in-place assessment of the oil shale and nahcolite resources of the Green River Formation in the Piceance Basin of western Colorado. The Piceance Basin is one of three large structural and sedimentary basins that contain vast amounts of oil shale resources in the Green River Formation of Eocene age. The other two basins, the Uinta Basin of eastern Utah and westernmost Color

Applying probabilistic well-performance parameters to assessments of shale-gas resources

In assessing continuous oil and gas resources, such as shale gas, it is important to describe not only the ultimately producible volumes, but also the expected well performance. This description is critical to any cost analysis or production scheduling. A probabilistic approach facilitates (1) the inclusion of variability in well performance within a continuous accumulation, and (2) the use of dat
Ronald R. Charpentier, Troy Cook

Assembling probabilistic performance parameters of shale-gas wells

Shale-gas well productivity estimates in USGS assessments from 1995 to present are based on studies that require decline curve fits and analysis to a large sample or to all wells within a particular assessment unit. Probabilistic type curves can be created on nearly any size well group and were designed for use within a resource context. The probabilistic type curve was designed to improve on the
Troy Cook, Ronald R. Charpentier
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