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Lake Fork at Gateview Reference Marks; Locations, Elevations, and Descriptions

Additional data regarding reference mark locations for monuments and photo locations along a 2,500 ft. reach of the Lake Fork at Gateview, CO

[BM, Benchmark brass cap; RM, survey reference mark, top of rebar; LHP/RHP, Cross section left/right headpin, top of rebar; PM, photographic monument, rebar or chiseled "X" on rock; MSL, mean sea level; PLGR, precision lightweight GPS receiver; XS, cross section; LEW/REW, left/right edge water; cbl , cobble; bldr, boulder; ft, feet; m, meter]    

Local Easting
(+/- ft)
Reference Mark Description
RM-2 5000.00 5000.00 7841.86       Left cableway anchor, sawed X in metal
HUB-1 4825.51 4960.58 7840.62       Left bank, upstream end of bridge
RM-100 4930.44 5117.39 7837.53 38.2992 -107.2300 26 Right upstream cableway pad, chiseled X, near PM-001
RM-3 4924.46 5133.36 7836.79       Right cableway anchor, sawed X in metal
BM-1 4612.33 5096.48 7836.70 38.2981 -107.2300 20 Brass cap on right bank near east end of Cross Section 3
09124500 Gage 4898.48 4981.89 7836.07       USGS Streamflow Gaging Station 09124500
RM-101 4990.64 5012.48 7839.27       Left upstream cableway pad, chiseled X
PM-007 4818.83 5032.02 7841.87 38.2988 -107.2301 16 Southeast curb of bridge, bolt head
LHP-2, PM-002 4436.06 4987.33 7836.26 38.2977 -107.2305 23 West end of Cross Section 2, rebar
RHP-2, PM-005 4452.01 5125.00 7838.06 38.2977 -107.2300 20 East end of Cross Section 2, rebar
LHP-3 4572.76 4955.41 7838.11 38.2981 -107.2305 16 West end of Cross Section 3, rebar at fence
RHP-3, PM-004 4609.51 5099.96 7837.08 38.2982 -107.2299 23 East end of Cross Section 3, rebar at fence
LHP-1, PM-003 4290.42 5027.43 7837.80 38.2973 -107.2304 20 West end of Cross Section 1, rebar at fence
RHP-1, PM-006 4306.61 5149.95 7838.99 38.2973 -107.2300 20 East end of Cross Section 1, rebar at fence
PM-011 4325.34 5063.91 7833.80       Left cbl Bar 10m bel XS-1, 0.5x0.5m black boulder, X
PM-009 4213.42 5088.07 7834.89       LEW V-Rock Weir 24m abv XS-1, 2x1.5m pink bldr, X
HUB-2, PM-013 5439.85 5367.07 7827.33 38.3002 -107.2285 13 L cbl bar 20m bel XS-5, pink rhyolite bldr, X, Hub-2
BM-2 5262.16 5322.58 7832.25 38.2997 -107.2287 16 Brass Cap on right bank 32m south of Cross Section 5
PM-012 5244.78 5193.70 7828.28       Left J-Hook Vane 60m above XS-5, 1.5x1.5m granite bldr
PM-015 5932.61 5560.43 7823.07       Left J-Hook Vane 30m below XS-8, 2x1.5m red rhyolite, X
PM-016 6183.94 5711.38 7821.22       Left V-Rock Weir 30m below XS-9, 2x1.5m pink bldr, X
RHP-5, PM-017 5322.18 5410.99 7831.71 38.2999 -107.2284 16 East end of Cross Section 5, rebar
PM-018 5345.15 5385.28 7828.90       Right bank, 1.5x1.7m pink boulder, X
PM-021 5497.99 5478.02 7826.11       R J-Hook Vane 20m below XS-6, 1.7x1.5m pink bldr, X
PM-023 6010.79 5653.12 7822.26 38.3016 -107.2270 20 R V-Rock Weir 20m above XS-9, 1.5x1.5m pink rhyolite bldr
PM-008 4837.91 4987.71 7841.62       Standing over northwest curb of bridge, bolt
LHP-6 5530.39 5308.36 7830.23       West end of Cross Section 6, rebar on levee
RHP-6, PM-020 5416.63 5472.17 7829.40 38.3001 -107.2281 20 East end of Cross Section 6, rebar at fenceline
RHP-7, PM-022 5583.31 5526.28 7827.92 38.3005 -107.2278 16 East end of Cross Section 7, rebar at fenceline

[BM, Benchmark brass cap; RM, survey reference mark, top of rebar; LHP/RHP, Cross section left/right headpin, top of rebar; PM, photographic monument, rebar or chiseled "X" on rock; MSL, mean sea level; PLGR, precision lightweight GPS receiver; XS, cross section; LEW/REW, left/right edge water; cbl , cobble; bldr, boulder; ft, feet; m, meter]    

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