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CERC makes scientific data available to the public through the USGS ScienceBase catalog. Our most recent data releases are highlighted below.  If you need assistance in locating specific data, please contact the CERC Natural Resources Data Management Specialist or the CERC Librarian.

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Physiological and behavioral responses of bighead and silver carp to chemicals associated with common carp sex pheromones

This dataset contains a combination of physiological and behavioral approaches for characterizing the response of bighead and silver carp to potentially attractive chemicals associated with sex pheromones identified in common carp. The dataset contains eight tables: 1) EOG responses from untreated and masculinized silver carp to prostaglandins, 2) mixture discrimination indices of the prostaglandi

Legacy and emerging contaminants in the Chesapeake Bay watershed as measured using passive samplers - 2005 to 2013

Legacy and emerging contaminants were measured in streams and rivers in the District of Columbia and the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia of the Chesapeake Bay watershed between 2005 and 2013. Passive sampling devices, SPMDs and POCIS, were used to sample these waterbodies, providing a time-integrated concentration of contaminants that are potentially bioavailable to n

Effects of early life stage exposure of largemouth bass to atrazine or a model estrogen (17a-ethinylestradiol)

Largemouth base histological development and transcriptomic changes in gonad tissue after early life stage exposure to Atrazine (1-Chloro-3-ethylamino-5-isopropylamino-2,4,6-triazine) or the model estrogen 17a-ethinylestradiol.

Mammalian biodiversity data for four bottomland hardwood restoration sites in Northeastern Indiana USA May 2015-August 2016

Mammalian biodiversity data for four bottomland hardwood restoration sites in northeastern Indiana utilizing various sampling methods and level of effort

Chemical analyses and histopathology of organisms and plants collected from breccia pipe uranium mine sites in the Grand Canyon watershed, 2015-2020

These data are comprised of measurements of aluminum, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, selenium, molybdenum, silver, cadmium, thallium, lead, bismuth, thorium, uranium, and mercury in invertebrates, vegetation, and small rodents. Gross alpha activity, gross beta activity, and radionuclide activities (isotopic U, isotopic Th) are also presented for vegetation; radioactivities for small

Asian carp eDNA and egg morphology data collected from Truman Reservoir tributaries, Missouri, USA, 2014

Ichthyoplankton tows samples collected from Truman reservoir tributaries evaluated for eDNA. Data also includes hydrologic and water quality parameters and morphology of grass carp eggs.

Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic nickel and zinc exposure bioassays to two sensitive freshwater benthic invertebrates

The responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms in six concentrations of toxicants in acute and chronic tests. Chemical and water quality parameters were measured for quality assurance and quality control purposes.

Survival and growth of juvenile freshwater mussels in a flow-through auto-feeding system

Survival and growth of four species of juvenile mussels in a pulsed flow-through auto-feeding beaker system.

Consumption rates and total mercury concentration of food items and consumers collected at six sites on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon, USA, 2007-2009

Consumption rates and total mercury concentration of food items and consumers collected at six sites on the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Sites ranged from 0-367 river kilometers downstream of Lees Ferry (AZ, USA). Samples were analyzed for total Hg using cold vapor atomic fluorescence (CVAF, Tekran Model 2600 CVAF spectrometer) following EPA Method 7474. Consumption rate samples were collec

Data for the assessment of the containment pond at Canyon Mine, Arizona, 2019

These data are comprised of measurements of elements (e.g., uranium, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.), major anions (chloride, nitrite+nitrate as nitrogen, sulfate, etc.), dissolved organic carbon, and general water quality characteristics in Canyon Mine containment pond water, sediment, vegetaiton and invertebrate samples collected in calendar year 2019.

Chemical and biological data from acute and chronic exposure to sodium nitrate and sodium sulfate for several freshwater organisms in water-only bioassays

The responses (survival, growth, and/or reproduction) of test organisms in six concentrations of toxicants in several test waters with different water quality characteristics. In addition to the individual biological data, chemical, and water quality measurements from each toxicity test are also reported. Test organisms include unionid mussels (Lampsilis siliquoidea, Villosa iris), a midge (Chi

Physical characteristics of pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon eggs

This dataset describes the diameter, shape, settling velocity, and specific gravity of eggs from 9 female pallid sturgeon and 14 female shovelnose sturgeon as determined in laboratory studies. Pallid sturgeon and shovelnose sturgeon are believed to broadcast demersal eggs in the current, near the river bed over coarse substrate. It is hypothesized that eggs settle immediately following fertilizati
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