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Cannonball River at Breien, North Dakota

06354000 Cannonball River at Breien, North Dakota - More than 110 years of data
The Cannonball River at Breien, ND
The Cannonball River at Breien, ND.

1903 Streamgage established on June 10 near Stevenson, North Dakota by U.S. Engineers (later known as U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). The streamgage was called “Cannonball River at (or near) Stevenson, N. Dak.” for several years. Observations were made under the direction of E. F. Chandler, district hydrographer. Donald Stevenson made daily reading form the standard cantilever chain gage when the streamgage was first established.

1915 Cantilever chain streamgage moved about 1 mile downstream from original site.

1928 Streamgage name changed to "Cannonball River near Timmer, N. Dak.".

Early versions of streamflow measuring equipment
Early versions of streamflow measuring equipment used at this streamgage.(Water-Supply Paper No. 64 Pl.1 Pg. 20A)

1934 USGS water-stage recorder is installed in August at the bridge on State Highway 6 about .06 miles(s) south of the city of Breien, North Dakota.

1946 Water-quality data collection begins at this streamgage.

1950 Record-breaking flooding occurs on the Missouri River and many of its tributaries. A peak-of-record stage of 22.30 feet(ft) and a peak-of-record discharge of 94,800 cubic feet per second(cfs) occurred at the Breien streamgage on April 19.

1984 A real time capability started.

1997 Second highest flood recorded on March 25, gage height (20.82 ft) discharge (31,100 cfs).

2003 Gage in operation for 100 years.

2009 Third highest flood recorded on March 04. Gage height of (21.84 ft) and discharge of (30,010 cfs).



The streamgage at the Cannonball River at Breien, North Dakota was established in the summer of 1934. Two other streamgages had existed upstream from the Breien streamgage prior to that year. The Cannonball River at (or near) Stevenson, North Dakota streamgage was established in 1903 one-half mile west-northwest of the post-office at Stevenson, N. Dak. Data was collected from this site for several years until the streamgage was moved downstream near Timmer, N. Dak. After 1934, the streamgage was located at its present location near Breien, North Dakota. Data from this streamgage is used in flood control. Data from this streamgage may be obtained from the USGS Water Data for the Nation.

Cannonball River at Breien, North Dakota March 22, 2008
Looking upstream from the east side of the bridgeat the Cannonball River at Breien, North Dakotaon March 22, 2008.
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