USGS EROS Archive - Landsat - Atmospheric Auxiliary Data – GEOS-5 IT C2
Data from Goddard Earth Observing V5 (GEOS-5 IT) are used in the Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 surface temperature algorithm.
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The GEOS IT replaces the GEOS FP-IT with enhancements to the model and assimilation system which enables more realistic representations of moisture, temperature, and land surface.
Refer to GEOS Systems and GEOS Weather Analysis and Prediction for information about the GEOS-IT project. The content and format are described in the File Specification document. (October 2015).
Additional Information
- GEOS Systems
- GEOS Weather Analysis and Prediction
- GMAO File Specification for GEOS-5 FP-IT
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the GEOS-5 IT product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as GEOS-5-IT C2 Subset.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT C2 Subset [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
Data from Goddard Earth Observing V5 (GEOS-5 IT) are used in the Landsat 8 and Landsat 9 surface temperature algorithm.
Dataset Citation
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
These data are available for users wanting to generate custom Level-2 products using the Collection 2 surface reflectance and surface temperature algorithms. It is not necessary for users to download the atmospheric auxiliary data for use with Collection 2 Level-2 products.
The GEOS IT replaces the GEOS FP-IT with enhancements to the model and assimilation system which enables more realistic representations of moisture, temperature, and land surface.
Refer to GEOS Systems and GEOS Weather Analysis and Prediction for information about the GEOS-IT project. The content and format are described in the File Specification document. (October 2015).
Additional Information
- GEOS Systems
- GEOS Weather Analysis and Prediction
- GMAO File Specification for GEOS-5 FP-IT
- Landsat Collection 2 Atmospheric Auxiliary Home Page
- Landsat Atmospheric Auxiliary Data - Data Format Control Book (DFCB)
Access Data
Use EarthExplorer to search and download the GEOS-5 IT product. The data are located under the Landsat category, Atmospheric Auxiliary Data, and listed as GEOS-5-IT C2 Subset.
Data Citation History
The preferred citation for this dataset was revised in 2024 to improve accuracy and alignment with USGS Fundamental Science Practices. The dataset digital object identifier (DOI) and version did not change.
Please cite this dataset in the following manner:
Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT, Collection 2 [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.
The previously used citation shown below is provided here for historical reference only:
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center. (2023). GEOS-5 IT C2 Subset [dataset]. U.S. Geological Survey.