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Fort Collins Science Center

Welcome to the Fort Collins Science Center (FORT) located in Fort Collins, Colorado, just east of the Rocky Mountains. At FORT we develop and disseminate research-based information and tools needed to understand the nation’s biological resources in support of effective decision making.


Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA Fall 2024 Webinar Series

Saline Lake Ecosystems IWAA Fall 2024 Webinar Series

New publication estimates the effects of streamflow withdrawals on the Yampa river and its surrounding habitat

New publication estimates the effects of streamflow withdrawals on the Yampa river and its surrounding habitat

Leveraging local habitat suitability models to enhance restoration benefits for species of conservation concern

Leveraging local habitat suitability models to enhance restoration benefits for species of conservation concern


Modelling effects of flow withdrawal scenarios on riverine and riparian features of the Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument

The National Park Service (NPS) is charged with maintaining natural riverine resources and processes in its parks along the Yampa River and downstream along the Green River. This mission requires information on how proposed water withdrawals would affect resources. We present a methodology that quantifies the impact on natural riverine and riparian features of Dinosaur National Monument based on a
Rebecca Diehl, J. M. Friedman

Trees have similar growth responses to first-entry fires and reburns following long-term fire exclusion

Managing fire ignitions for resource benefit decreases fuel loads and reduces the risk of high-severity fire in fire-suppressed dry conifer forests. However, the reintroduction of low-severity wildfire can injure trees, which may decrease their growth after fire. Post-fire growth responses could change from first-entry fires to reburns, as first-entry fires reduce fuel loads and the vulnerability
Kevin G. Willson, Ellis Margolis, Mathew D. Hurteau

Structured science syntheses to inform decision making on Federal public lands

The U.S. Geological Survey, Bureau of Land Management, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service partnered to develop a new type of science product: the structured science synthesis. Structured science syntheses are peer-reviewed reports that synthesize science information about a priority resource management issue on public lands. Structured science syntheses are developed explicitly to facilitate the a
Emma I. Dietrich, Sarah K. Carter, Tait K. Rutherford, Megan A. Gilbert, Travis S. Haby, Aaron N. Johnston, Samuel E. Jordan, Nathan J. Kleist, Richard J. Lehrter, Elroy H. Masters, Claudia Mengelt, Alexandra L. Stoneburner, Elisabeth C. Teige, John C. Tull, Sarah E. Whipple, David J. A. Wood


Developing habitat models for rare plants to inform decision making on multiple-use public lands

Public lands provide important habitat for many rare plants. However, public lands often need to accommodate many other uses, including traditional and renewable energy development, in addition to conservation. We are working with the Bureau of Land Management to coproduce ensemble habitat suitability models that can inform agency planning and permitting decisions that may impact rare plants.

Developing habitat models for rare plants to inform decision making on multiple-use public lands

Public lands provide important habitat for many rare plants. However, public lands often need to accommodate many other uses, including traditional and renewable energy development, in addition to conservation. We are working with the Bureau of Land Management to coproduce ensemble habitat suitability models that can inform agency planning and permitting decisions that may impact rare plants.
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Gunnison Sage-grouse Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET)

In partnership with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners, scientists from USGS Fort Collins Science Center are working to create a suite of prioritization scenarios that will inform adaptive management for Gunnison sage-grouse.

Gunnison Sage-grouse Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET)

In partnership with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and other partners, scientists from USGS Fort Collins Science Center are working to create a suite of prioritization scenarios that will inform adaptive management for Gunnison sage-grouse.
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Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET): A USGS-facilitated Decision-support Tool for Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration Actions

Sagebrush ecosystems represent one of the most imperiled systems in North America and face continued and widespread degradation due to multiple factors including climate change, invasive species, and increased human development. Effective sagebrush management must consider how to best conserve and restore habitats to stem the decline of species that rely on them, especially given limited...

Prioritizing Restoration of Sagebrush Ecosystems Tool (PReSET): A USGS-facilitated Decision-support Tool for Sagebrush Ecosystem Conservation and Restoration Actions

Sagebrush ecosystems represent one of the most imperiled systems in North America and face continued and widespread degradation due to multiple factors including climate change, invasive species, and increased human development. Effective sagebrush management must consider how to best conserve and restore habitats to stem the decline of species that rely on them, especially given limited...
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Microscopic view of tree rings, with a scale bar of 0.5 mm
Tree rings
Tree rings
shallow water come up against a rocky sloped shoreline dotted with green shrubs
Shore of Lake Abert, Oregon
Shore of Lake Abert, Oregon
seven people wearing safety gear stand in front of a large field, with a road in the background.
Site of Future I-25 Wildlife Overpass
Site of Future I-25 Wildlife Overpass
A group of people in safety gear walk a dirt road next to a fence.
I25 Wildlife Fence
I25 Wildlife Fence
People wearing safety vests walk through a field toward a highway underpass
USGS researchers and collaborators visit a newly completed wildlife underpass
USGS researchers and collaborators visit a newly completed wildlife underpass
two people stand under a large highway underpass
USGS researchers visit a newly completed wildlife underpass
USGS researchers visit a newly completed wildlife underpass
gloved fingers holding a small centrifuge tub containing white matter (DNA) in liquid
Sage-grouse DNA
Sage-grouse DNA
marshy wetland with mountains in the background
Goose Lake, Oregon-California
Goose Lake, Oregon-California
a hovercraft sits atop a mudflat with mountains in the background
A hovercraft glides over the surface of Summer Lake, Oregon
A hovercraft glides over the surface of Summer Lake, Oregon
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