Software for Bayesian Mapping of Regionally Grouped, Sparse, Univariate Earth Science Data (Program BMRGSU)
Software for SIR 'Effect of Data Pooling on Predictions From the Three-Part Method for Quantitative Mineral Resource Assessment-An Investigation of a Previous U.S. Geological Survey Assessment'
GSpy: Geophysical Data Standard in Python
GeoBIPy – Geophysical Bayesian Inference in Python
GeoBIPy – Geophysical Bayesian Inference in Python – is an open-source algorithm for quantifying uncertainty in airborne electromagnetic (AEM) data and associated geological interpretations. This package uses a Bayesian formulation and Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling methods to derive posterior distributions of subsurface electrical resistivity based on measured AEM data.
Processing Routines in IDL for Spectroscopic Measurements (PRISM)
USGS Processing Routines in IDL for Spectroscopic Meausres (PRISM) software provides a framework to conduct spectroscopy analysis of measurements made by spectrometers. PRISM functions allows users to compare spectra of materials of unknown composition with reference spectra of known materials.
View_SPECPR: Software for Plotting Spectra
The View_SPECPR software system plots spectra stored in SPECPR (SPECtrum Processing Routines) files.
SPECtrum Processing Routines (SPECPR)
SPECPR is an Interactive One Dimensional Array Processing System, with the tools needed for reflectance spectroscopy analysis. It also has tools to do a lot of other tasks and analyses of x,y paried data.