Fate and Bioremediation
Fate and Bioremediation
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2012 SPARROW Models for the Northeast: Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen, Suspended Sediment, and Streamflow
The 2012 SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) Models measure the damaging contaminants of phosphorus, nitrogen, and suspended sediment in streamflow throughout the Northeast United States. Through various types of watershed management practices, loads of nutrients and suspended sediment are significantly reduced within the stream network in impounded reaches, and...
Bioremediation in Wetland Areas, Standard Chlorine of Delaware Inc. Superfund Site, Delaware City, Delaware
Major releases of chlorinated benzenes and benzene are known to have occurred at the Standard Chlorine of Delaware Inc. Superfund Site from 1966-2002, resulting in contamination of the groundwater underlying the site and the wetlands surrounding Red Lion Creek. Although installation of a groundwater interception and treatment system has been completed around the main facility, wetland and sediment...