Data Collection Network: Groundwater
Wells: 92. Data collected: water levels, temperature, precipitation.
Data Collection Network: Surface Water
Real-Time Streamgages: more than 130. Data collected: stage, discharge, precipitation.
Data Collection Network: Water Quality
Real-Time Gages: 17. Data collected: temperature, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, nitrates.
Data Collection Network: Precipitation
Precipitation sites: 74. Data collected: rainfall.
Water Use: Compilation of water-use data for 5-year periods
Data collected: source (surface water or groundwater, fresh and saline, and total), water-use category, and area type (county).
Continuous and discrete surface-water, groundwater, and water-quality data are collected to provide long-term hydrologic records critical to investigating hydrology, modeling climate-change, evaluating natural and anthropogenic changes in the hydrologic regime, and providing information on water availability to water managers.