Understanding Cyanobacteria Blooms in the Willow Creek Reservoir
We are researching the causes of harmful algal blooms.
We are researching the causes of harmful algal blooms.
High Plains Aquifer Groundwater Availability Study
We are using a new groundwater model to understand how the aquifer responds to demands.
We are using a new groundwater model to understand how the aquifer responds to demands.
Understanding Sandbar Dynamics in the Lower Platte River
We are exploring the variation in sandbars to better accommodate uses of the river without jeopardizing critical habitats.
We are exploring the variation in sandbars to better accommodate uses of the river without jeopardizing critical habitats.
Missouri River Water-Quality Monitoring
We are collecting data to document water-quality changes in the river as Omaha improves their combined sewer overflow system.
We are collecting data to document water-quality changes in the river as Omaha improves their combined sewer overflow system.
Tile Drains and Streamflow-Trend Statistics, Elkhorn River Basin
We are investigating whether tile drains may affect streamflow.
We are investigating whether tile drains may affect streamflow.
See our science pages to learn about our projects here at the Nebraska Water Science Center.