New Jersey Precipitation and Weather Short-Term Network
The New Jersey Water Science Center provides valuable short-term (120 day) data augmentation to many locations for: Precipitation, Water and Air Temperature, and even Wind speed and direction at some of our coastal sites. Our field technicians continuously make field measurements and maintain these networks to ensure the accuracy of these data.
In addition to precipitation and air and/or water temperature readings taken at selected real-time sites, our New Jersey Tide Network hosts 11 weather transmitters and 12 rain gauges transmitting real-time metrological data (maintained for 120 days).
The data Tide Networks transmitted data include: air temperature, total precipitation, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and wind gust speed. This meteorological data can be used by planners to help determine future water elevations, analyze local short-term weather trends, and long-term climatology studies. Upon completion of Tide Network updates, additional weather sensors will be deployed in 2019
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
New Jersey Weather Monitoring Network
The NJTTS supplies real-time meteorological data for 120 days for flood-prone areas along the New Jersey shore and back bays to critical decision-making centers and the publically-available world wide web.
The New Jersey Water Science Center provides valuable short-term (120 day) data augmentation to many locations for: Precipitation, Water and Air Temperature, and even Wind speed and direction at some of our coastal sites. Our field technicians continuously make field measurements and maintain these networks to ensure the accuracy of these data.
In addition to precipitation and air and/or water temperature readings taken at selected real-time sites, our New Jersey Tide Network hosts 11 weather transmitters and 12 rain gauges transmitting real-time metrological data (maintained for 120 days).
The data Tide Networks transmitted data include: air temperature, total precipitation, relative humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, and wind gust speed. This meteorological data can be used by planners to help determine future water elevations, analyze local short-term weather trends, and long-term climatology studies. Upon completion of Tide Network updates, additional weather sensors will be deployed in 2019
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
New Jersey Weather Monitoring Network
The NJTTS supplies real-time meteorological data for 120 days for flood-prone areas along the New Jersey shore and back bays to critical decision-making centers and the publically-available world wide web.