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A message from Director Robert Breault

Welcome to the New York Water Science Center (NYWSC).

New York is a beautiful state. We’re incredibly blessed that on any one day we can take in the history of the Hudson River, bathe along Long Island’s beautiful beaches, hike the pristine watersheds of the Adirondacks, sail the Great Lakes, tour the Finger Lakes Region, or be inspired by the majesty of Niagara. New York is where we live and work. And as stewards of the environment and good New Yorkers, we feel it’s our duty to help protect New York’s natural resources and its people.

The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) New York Water Science Center (NYWSC) is made up of over a hundred New Yorkers that work day-in and day-out to help protect New York’s water resources. We provide water-resource managers like the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYSDEP), with the information they need to make informed decisions –- at any one time, we partner with somewhere on the order of a hundred Federal, State, and local agencies as well as universities, nongovernmental organizations, and Tribal Nations. The data we provide are timely and unbiased. We also help protect the lives and property of our family, friends, and neighbors by providing folks like the National Weather Service with the data they need to make accurate river flooding predictions, for example. When others are moving themselves and their families to higher ground during storms like Hurricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy, we’re usually running into harm’s way to ensure that accurate streamflow or storm-tide inundation data keep rolling in. It’s this dedication that makes me proud to be a part of the NYWSC family!

It’s my hope that in these webpages you get a taste of all the great work that’s being done by NYWSC staff in (and around) New York. If you’d like to talk with someone or partner with us please give me a call (518-285-5661) or shoot me an email ( 

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