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USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center staff publish results of their research in USGS series reports and in peer-reviewed journals. Publication links are below.  Information on all USGS publications can be found at the USGS Publications Warehouse.

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Duck plague in free-flying waterfowl observed during the Lake Andes epizootic

The first major epizootic of duck plague in free-flying waterfowl occurred at Lake Andes, South Dakota, in January and February, 1973. Duck plague was diagnosed in black ducks, mallards, pintail-mallard hybrids, redheads, common mergansers, common golden eyes, canvasbacks, American widgeon, wood ducks, and Canada geese, indicating the general susceptibility of ducks to duck plague. Clinical signs
S.J. Proctor, G.L. Pearson, Louis Leibovitz

Boreal owl taken near Watertown

Abstract has not been submitted
W.A. Rose, P. F. Springer

Death feigning by ducks in response to predation by red foxes (Vulpes fulva)

Predation by captive red foxes (Vulpes fulva) on approximately 50 ducks comprised of five species was observed in tests conducted at the Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center, Jamestown, North Dakota. Most ducks were attacked from a rear or lateral position and seized in the cervical or thoracic region. All birds became immobile (death-feigned) immediately when seized and with few exceptions r
Alan B. Sargeant, L. E. Eberhardt

A spring aerial census of red foxes in North Dakota

Systematic aerial searches were flown on transects to locate adult red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), pups, and rearing dens on 559.4 km2 (six townships) in eastern North Dakota during mid-May and mid-June each year from 1969 through 1973 and during mid-April 1969 and early May 1970. The combined sightings of foxes and fox dens from the mid-May and mid-June searches were used to identify individual fox fa
A. B. Sargeant, W.K. Pfeifer, S.H. Allen

Some nutritional aspects of reproduction in prairie nesting pintails

The nutritional significance of invertebrate foods in the diet of breeding hen waterfowl during the period of egg formation is discussed. Proximate, elemental, and amino acid analyses of the principal foods consumed by hen pintails (Anas acuta) during the nesting season indicate the animal foods selected are rich sources of protein and calcium, whereas plant foods tested were low in protein, parti
G.L. Krapu, G.A. Swanson

Migration of birds in North Dakota during fall 1974

Abstract has not been submitted
J. T. Lokemoen, D. H. Johnson

Utilization of Skylab (EREP) system for appraising changes in continental migratory bird habitat

The author has identified the following significant results. Surface water statistics using data obtained by supporting aircraft were generated. Signature extraction and refinement preliminary to wetland and associated upland vegetation recognition were accomplished, using a selected portion of the aircraft data. Final classification mapping and analysis of surface water trends will be accomplishe
E.A. Work, D.S. Gilmer

Feeding Ecology of Breeding Blue-Winged Teals

A 5-year investigation of factors influencing the selection of foods consumed by blue-winged teals (Anas discors) during the breeding season in the glaciated prairie region of south-central North Dakota showed that birds first arriving on the breeding grounds consumed a diet consisting of 45 percent invertebrates. The proportion of animal foods in the diet increased to 95 percent at the onset of t
George A. Swanson, Mavis I. Meyer, Jerome R. Serie

Tallying red fox

Abstract has not been submitted
S.H. Allen, A. Sargeant, B. Pfeifer

Habitat management considerations for prairie chickens

Lack of nesting and brood rearing habitat appears to be the universal limiting factor for prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) throughout their range. Grasslands are essential to prairie chickens, but vary widely in quality and thus in their ability to support prairie chickens. High-quality habitat is grassland providing residual vegetation averaging about 20 inches in height in spring a
L.M. Kirsch
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