School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - bridge
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN
Water-quality “super” gages (also known as “sentry” gages) provide real-time, continuous measurements of the physical and chemical characteristics of stream water at or near selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. A super gage includes streamflow and water-quality instrumentation and representative stream sample collection for laboratory analysis. USGS scientists can use statistical surrogate models to relate instrument values to analyzed chemical concentrations at a super gage. Real-time, continuous and laboratory-analyzed concentration and load data are publicly accessible on USGS Web pages.
Available Data
Station ID: 03353415
Stream Data: Gage height, discharge, stream velocity
Water-Quality Data: Dissolved oxygen, specific conductance at 25°C, turbidity, water temperature, nitrate plus nitrite
Atmospheric Data: None
Station Description
Latitude: 39°53'08.8"
Longitude: 86°21'19.6"
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 05120201
Datum: 889.70 feet above NAVD88
Drainage Area: 3.39 square miles
County in which site is located: Lake County
Site managed by: Indianapolis Office
Station Funding
This station is operated and maintained in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
Hydrologic Conditions
Sample Collection and Use
Why Continuous Monitoring is Importatnt
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - bridge
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - brush on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - brush on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - large debris mass
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - large debris mass
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream of gage
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream of gage
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - dry stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - dry stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - debris on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - debris on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream view
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream view
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment in stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment in stream
Below are publications associated with this project.
Real-time, continuous water-quality monitoring in Indiana and Kentucky
Plastic debris in 29 Great Lakes tributaries: Relations to watershed attributes and hydrology
Sediment acoustic index method for computing continuous suspended-sediment concentrations
Organic contaminants in Great Lakes tributaries: Prevalence and potential aquatic toxicity
National Field Manual for the Collection of Water-Quality Data. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water-Resources Investigations, Book 9
Optical techniques for the determination of nitrate in environmental waters: Guidelines for instrument selection, operation, deployment, maintenance, quality assurance, and data reporting
Precipitation-runoff relations and water-quality characteristics at edge-of-field stations, Discovery Farms and Pioneer Farm, Wisconsin, 2003-8
Guidelines and Procedures for Computing Time-Series Suspended-Sediment Concentrations and Loads from In-Stream Turbidity-Sensor and Streamflow Data
Water-quality “super” gages (also known as “sentry” gages) provide real-time, continuous measurements of the physical and chemical characteristics of stream water at or near selected U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. A super gage includes streamflow and water-quality instrumentation and representative stream sample collection for laboratory analysis. USGS scientists can use statistical surrogate models to relate instrument values to analyzed chemical concentrations at a super gage. Real-time, continuous and laboratory-analyzed concentration and load data are publicly accessible on USGS Web pages.
Available Data
Station ID: 03353415
Stream Data: Gage height, discharge, stream velocity
Water-Quality Data: Dissolved oxygen, specific conductance at 25°C, turbidity, water temperature, nitrate plus nitrite
Atmospheric Data: None
Station Description
Latitude: 39°53'08.8"
Longitude: 86°21'19.6"
Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 05120201
Datum: 889.70 feet above NAVD88
Drainage Area: 3.39 square miles
County in which site is located: Lake County
Site managed by: Indianapolis Office
Station Funding
This station is operated and maintained in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.
Hydrologic Conditions
Sample Collection and Use
Why Continuous Monitoring is Importatnt
Below are multimedia items associated with this project.
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - bridge
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - bridge
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - brush on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - brush on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - large debris mass
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - large debris mass
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream of gage
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream of gage
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - dry stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - dry stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - debris on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - debris on stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream view
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - downstream view
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment in stream
School Branch at Maloney Road near Brownsburg IN - equipment in stream
Below are publications associated with this project.