Stream Science in Oklahoma and Texas - Overview
Rivers and streams play a vital role for communities and ecosystems across Oklahoma and Texas by providing water for drinking, recreation, and irrigation; recharging aquifers; aquatic life; and transporting sediment and nutrients. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) collects data and has science projects at several streams and their watersheds. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in stream science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Monitoring
- Real-Time Stream Gages
- Crest Stage Gages
- Discharge Measurements
- Hydrologic studies
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Basin Characteristics
- Flow Duration Analysis
- Statistical analyses
- Availability & Use
- Assessment and tabulation of water budgets and water use
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science expertise in this printable information sheet.
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
Coastal Inflow Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrologic Trends Analysis on selected Texas streams
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
Nutrient and Sediment Variability in the Lower San Jacinto River
Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment
Post Hurricane Harvey Assessment
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
San Antonio River Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring in an Oil and Gas Production Area
Below are other science projects associated with this project.
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Investigation of Preferential Groundwater Seepage in the Ellenburger – San Saba Aquifer Using Geoelectric Measurements
San Antonio River Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring in an Oil and Gas Production Area
Red River Focus Area Study
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
Nutrient and Sediment Variability in the Lower San Jacinto River
Hydrologic Trends Analysis on selected Texas streams
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
Post Hurricane Harvey Assessment
Nutrient and Sediment Monitoring in Inflows to Texas Bays and Estuaries
Rivers and streams play a vital role for communities and ecosystems across Oklahoma and Texas by providing water for drinking, recreation, and irrigation; recharging aquifers; aquatic life; and transporting sediment and nutrients. The USGS Oklahoma-Texas Water Science Center (OTWSC) collects data and has science projects at several streams and their watersheds. Visit the links below for more information on our data and science.
OTWSC has expertise in stream science applications, including, but not limited to:
- Monitoring
- Real-Time Stream Gages
- Crest Stage Gages
- Discharge Measurements
- Hydrologic studies
- Hydraulic Analysis
- Basin Characteristics
- Flow Duration Analysis
- Statistical analyses
- Availability & Use
- Assessment and tabulation of water budgets and water use
Find out more about OTWSC surface-water science expertise in this printable information sheet.
Bandera Flood Early Warning Tool
Coastal Inflow Sediment and Nutrient Monitoring
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Monitoring Network
Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone Surface-water and Groundwater Interaction
Estimating Potential Effects on Streamflow from Nearby Wells in the Lower San Antonio River Basin
Hydrologic Trends Analysis on selected Texas streams
InFRM Flood Inundation Mapping
National Water-Quality Assessment Project in Texas - Surface Water Activities
Nutrient and Sediment Variability in the Lower San Jacinto River
Pecos River Basin Salinity Assessment
Post Hurricane Harvey Assessment
Salado Creek Bacteria Source Tracking
San Antonio River Sediment and Water Quality Monitoring in an Oil and Gas Production Area
Below are other science projects associated with this project.