SPCMSC Scientist gives invited plenary talk at University of South Florida College of Marine Science Graduate Student Symposium
SPCMSC Research Microbiologist Christina Kellogg will describe her scientific journey from obtaining a PhD from the USF College of Marine Science through two post-docs to her current position as a senior scientist and principal investigator at the U.S. Geological Survey in a talk titled “Working Where the Microbes Are: A Career Arc in (Mostly) Marine Microbiology”.
The discussion includes Chris' prior work on the genetic diversity of bacteriophages, searching for novel drug targets in pathogenic fungi, long-distance transport of microbes in African dust, and her current work on coral microbial ecology.
Dr. Kellogg was invited to be the plenary speaker at the 37th Annual Graduate Student Symposium at USF’s College of Marine Science. This day-long event gives students the opportunity to highlight their research in the form of 12-minute talks or posters in front of other students, faculty, and members of the St. Petersburg scientific community. Dr. Kellogg holds a courtesy appointment at USF CMS.
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