Webcam at streamgage at Little Menomonee River near Freistadt, Wisconsin.
MMSD Watercourse Corridor Study: Continuous Real-Time Streamflow
The MMSD Watercourse Corridor Study supports seven USGS streamflow gages on Milwaukee-area streams that measure real-time discharge and gage height; five of these sites also collect time-lapse videos.
During the current 5-year study period for Phase VI (2021-2025) of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Watercourse Corridor Study, the following four topics are being addressed by one or more USGS subprojects:
1. Ecological Assessments and Trends
2. Geomorphology and Habitat Studies Related to Stream and Estuary Rehabilitation
3. Contaminants in Water and Sediment
6. Continuous Real-Time Streamflow
This webpage focuses on topic 6. Continuous Real-Time Streamflow
The USGS has a history of providing accurate, long-term data on streamflow from gages it maintains on our nation’s streams and rivers. To enhance spatial coverage of this network, the USGS partners with other agencies to help fund streamflow measurements at many additional locations in the US. In the Milwaukee area, MMSD support through the Watercourse Corridor Study allows for streamflow collection at seven sites, thereby augmenting the larger USGS streamflow program while providing fundamental streamflow information valuable in the interpretation of water quality and biological data collected for the Watercourse Corridor Study.
Streamflow data is essential for evaluating the impacts of urbanization on the hydrology, chemistry, and biology of the waterways in the MMSD service area. Accurate measurement of streamflow is completed using several different methods (e.g., an installed gaging station or on-site measurement using stream cross-section measurements). All methods require consistent measurement of specific parameters such as velocity and/or water level on a relatively fine time scale followed by computations to convert these parameters into a streamflow value. Streamflow can influence multiple other stream characteristics such as the amount of sediment, chemicals, and microorganisms that are transported by the stream from its watershed.
The inclusion of time-lapse image capabilities at the gages has allowed for more efficient assessment of gage/site issues by technicians, in addition to allowing managers and the public a visual glimpse of stream conditions. These videos are embedded in USGS Water Data for the Nation (WDFN) streamflow pages, as well as a dedicated site which additionally highlights the connection between specific images and the streamflow record.
To determine streamflow at sites for use by MMSD and other watershed management agencies, as well as to support ongoing Corridor Study efforts that require streamflow.
Well-established USGS stream-gaging methods are used to determine streamflow at all gaging stations. Streamflow measurements are made every 4 to 6 weeks and more frequently during high flows to calibrate streamflow computations (stage-discharge relations or velocity-discharge coefficients) for each site.
Cameras mounted on stream gages are used to take photos at a predetermined time-step (typically every hour, during daylight) and those photos are compiled into a video which is available for viewing through the USGS WDFN streamflow page for that site, as well as through a dedicated imagery page for that site which highlights the connection between each image and the streamflow record.
Sites supported by the MMSD Watercourse Corridor Study:
- Lincoln Creek at Sherman Blvd. (040869416) [water data]
- Little Menomonee River near Freistadt (04087050) [water data | time-lapse]
- Little Menomonee River, upstream of the confluence with the Menomonee River (04087070) [water data]
- Honey Creek upstream of the confluence with the Menomonee River (04087119) [water data | time-lapse]
- Menomonee River at 16th St. (04087142) [water data | time-lapse]
- Milwaukee River at the mouth at Jones Island (04087170) [water data | time-lapse upstream | time-lapse downstream]
- Root River at Grange Ave. (04087214) [water data | time-lapse]
For more information on USGS streamflow methods, please visit the USGS Water Science School.
- Michelle Nott (USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center)
- Robert Waschbusch (USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center)
The webcams linked to below enable the generation of time-lapse videos and allow greater insights into site conditions and real-time streamflow.
Top row (L to R): Little Menomonee River near Freistadt; Honey Creek at Wauwatosa Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee
Bottom row (L to R): Milwaukee River at the mouth at Jones Island (upstream), (downstream); Root River at Grange at Greenfield

Webcam at streamgage at Little Menomonee River near Freistadt, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Honey Creek at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Honey Creek at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (upstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (upstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (downstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (downstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at Root River at Grange at Greenfield, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Root River at Grange at Greenfield, Wisconsin.
The MMSD Watercourse Corridor Study supports seven USGS streamflow gages on Milwaukee-area streams that measure real-time discharge and gage height; five of these sites also collect time-lapse videos.
During the current 5-year study period for Phase VI (2021-2025) of the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) Watercourse Corridor Study, the following four topics are being addressed by one or more USGS subprojects:
1. Ecological Assessments and Trends
2. Geomorphology and Habitat Studies Related to Stream and Estuary Rehabilitation
3. Contaminants in Water and Sediment
6. Continuous Real-Time Streamflow
This webpage focuses on topic 6. Continuous Real-Time Streamflow
The USGS has a history of providing accurate, long-term data on streamflow from gages it maintains on our nation’s streams and rivers. To enhance spatial coverage of this network, the USGS partners with other agencies to help fund streamflow measurements at many additional locations in the US. In the Milwaukee area, MMSD support through the Watercourse Corridor Study allows for streamflow collection at seven sites, thereby augmenting the larger USGS streamflow program while providing fundamental streamflow information valuable in the interpretation of water quality and biological data collected for the Watercourse Corridor Study.
Streamflow data is essential for evaluating the impacts of urbanization on the hydrology, chemistry, and biology of the waterways in the MMSD service area. Accurate measurement of streamflow is completed using several different methods (e.g., an installed gaging station or on-site measurement using stream cross-section measurements). All methods require consistent measurement of specific parameters such as velocity and/or water level on a relatively fine time scale followed by computations to convert these parameters into a streamflow value. Streamflow can influence multiple other stream characteristics such as the amount of sediment, chemicals, and microorganisms that are transported by the stream from its watershed.
The inclusion of time-lapse image capabilities at the gages has allowed for more efficient assessment of gage/site issues by technicians, in addition to allowing managers and the public a visual glimpse of stream conditions. These videos are embedded in USGS Water Data for the Nation (WDFN) streamflow pages, as well as a dedicated site which additionally highlights the connection between specific images and the streamflow record.
To determine streamflow at sites for use by MMSD and other watershed management agencies, as well as to support ongoing Corridor Study efforts that require streamflow.
Well-established USGS stream-gaging methods are used to determine streamflow at all gaging stations. Streamflow measurements are made every 4 to 6 weeks and more frequently during high flows to calibrate streamflow computations (stage-discharge relations or velocity-discharge coefficients) for each site.
Cameras mounted on stream gages are used to take photos at a predetermined time-step (typically every hour, during daylight) and those photos are compiled into a video which is available for viewing through the USGS WDFN streamflow page for that site, as well as through a dedicated imagery page for that site which highlights the connection between each image and the streamflow record.
Sites supported by the MMSD Watercourse Corridor Study:
- Lincoln Creek at Sherman Blvd. (040869416) [water data]
- Little Menomonee River near Freistadt (04087050) [water data | time-lapse]
- Little Menomonee River, upstream of the confluence with the Menomonee River (04087070) [water data]
- Honey Creek upstream of the confluence with the Menomonee River (04087119) [water data | time-lapse]
- Menomonee River at 16th St. (04087142) [water data | time-lapse]
- Milwaukee River at the mouth at Jones Island (04087170) [water data | time-lapse upstream | time-lapse downstream]
- Root River at Grange Ave. (04087214) [water data | time-lapse]
For more information on USGS streamflow methods, please visit the USGS Water Science School.
- Michelle Nott (USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center)
- Robert Waschbusch (USGS Upper Midwest Water Science Center)
The webcams linked to below enable the generation of time-lapse videos and allow greater insights into site conditions and real-time streamflow.
Top row (L to R): Little Menomonee River near Freistadt; Honey Creek at Wauwatosa Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee
Bottom row (L to R): Milwaukee River at the mouth at Jones Island (upstream), (downstream); Root River at Grange at Greenfield

Webcam at streamgage at Little Menomonee River near Freistadt, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Little Menomonee River near Freistadt, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Honey Creek at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Honey Creek at Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Menomonee River at 16th Street at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (upstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (upstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (downstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at mouth of Milwaukee River (downstream) at Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Webcam at streamgage at Root River at Grange at Greenfield, Wisconsin.
Webcam at streamgage at Root River at Grange at Greenfield, Wisconsin.