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Outreach Coloring Sheets

Our center has prepared wildlife coloring sheets for the classroom and field trips. Click the image or title of each sheet to download a PDF.

Black and white outline of man holding a duckling with a transmitter on its back

Mallard Duckling with Transmitter

A USGS scientist holds a mallard duckling with a transmitter, based on an image taken in Suisun Marsh, California.

Credit: Allie Weill/Sarah Peterson



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Black and white outline of snake coiled up on a duck nest, with its mouth around an egg


Gopher Snake with Duck Nest

A gopher snake attempts unsuccessfully to eat a mallard duck egg in a nest, based on an image taken in Suisun Marsh, California.

Credit: Allie Weill/Andrea Mott


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Black and white outline of a bird at the top of a pine tree


Whitebark Pine with Clark’s Nutcracker

A Clark's nutcracker at the top of a whitebark pine tree. Whitebark pine provides Clark’s nutcracker with food, while the Clark’s nutcracker is responsible for dispersing a very large proportion of whitebark pine seeds.

Credit: Allie Weill/Rob Klinger


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Black and white outline of woman holding a tagged goose


Scientist Holding Goose with Collar

A scientist holding a Lesser Snow Goose recently marked with a solar powered GPS collar.

Snow geese captured on the Central Valley wintering grounds have been marked with GPS transmitters to track them in the Central Valley and during migration to breeding areas.

Credit: Allie Weill


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Black and white drawing of a bat

Hoary Bat

A hoary bat in flight.

Credit: Allie Weill


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Outline drawing of the top of a cypress with round cones


Tecate Cypress (pdf)

This rare California cypress has serotinous cones, meaning they only open in response to fire.

Credit: Allie Weill/Jon Keeley

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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet picturing the Black-crowned Night Heron.

Black-Crowned Night Heron (pdf)

This secretive, twilight hunter of fish, snakes and other animals can be found on five continents, and is one of several bird species that breeds on Alcatraz Island.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Roger Hothem

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A screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet depicting the Brandt's Cormorant.

Brandt's Cormorant (pdf)

The Brandt's Cormorant nests along the California coast, including on Alcatraz Island. Like other cormorants, it likes to dry its wings after a long swim.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Tom Suchanek


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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet depicting the Fijian banded iguana.

Fijian Banded Iguana (pdf)

USGS scientists from San Diego traveled to the Pacific island of Fiji and discovered this rare species of neon-green iguana.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Robert Fisher



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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet depicting the American bullfrog.

American Bullfrog (pdf)

These voracious predators were introduced from the Eastern U.S., and now they are eating California's native frog species.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Chris Brown



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Screenshot of USGS coloring sheet on CA newt.

California Newt (pdf)

This orange and brown California native is under threat from invasive species that eat its eggs, such as crayfish released from bait shops and classrooms and mosquitofish released for pest control.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Chris Brown





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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet on Cabrillo Birds.


 Cabrillo Birds (pdf)

USGS surveys have found that many colorful songbird species use Cabrillo National Monument as a stop along their annual migration.

Credit: Ben Young Landis, Suellen Lynn

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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet on the mountain yellow-legged frog.


Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (pdf)

Also known as the Sierra Madre yellow-legged frog, government and zoo scientists are studying this endangered species.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Adam Backlin


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Screenshot of USGS coloring sheet showing a banded water snake.


Banded Water Snake (pdf)

Imported from the Eastern and Central U.S. as pets, these nonvenomous snakes now prey on California's native fish and amphibians. When handled by humans, they often defecate and emit foul-smelling musk.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Chris Brown


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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet showing the Red-Eared Slider


Red-Eared Slider (pdf)

People sometimes release this popular pet turtle into the wild, but this species can bully California's native pond turtles for food and shelter.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Chris Brown





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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet on the western pond turtle.

Western Pond Turtle (pdf)

The only freshwater turtle species native to California, it is under threat from habitat loss and exotic predators.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Chris Brown




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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet on the Western Gull.


Western Gull (pdf)

Like many other gull species, western gulls have different color patterns depending on age and whether it is breeding season.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Tom Suchanek




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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet depicting two sea otters.

Northern Sea Otter (pdf)

USGS scientists are studying sea otters from Alaska to California, because sea otter health can offer clues to the health of our Pacific coastal waters.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/USGS and C.J. Casson/Seattle Aquarium



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Screenshot of a USGS coloring sheet showing a southern sea otter.

Southern Sea Otter (pdf)

Sea otters depend on the nearshore ecosystem for their survival, using their big hind flippers to swim and hunt in kelp forests and even securing themselves with kelp fronds during naps.

Credit: Ben Young Landis/Joe Tomoleoni



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