Monitoring and Detection
Monitoring and Detection
Filter Total Items: 72
Restoration Impacts to Avian Populations along the Louisiana Outer Coast
USGS researchers are conducting ground surveys and collecting aerial imagery to understand avian use of restored habitats at Whiskey Island, Shell Island, Cheniere Ronquille, and Breton Island. They will also develop habitat maps to understand how coastal processes and episodic events influence barrier islands.
Burmese Python Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys in the Stormwater Treatment Areas and Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed
USGS scientists have developed and optimized python-specific eDNA markers to detect Burmese pythons from water samples taken from the Florida Everglades. This development may aid in the identification of possible waterways used as corridors for northward expansion of this invasive species.
Trawling and Sea Turtle Capture Records: A Collaborative Effort between USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USGS is partnering with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to digitize 20 years of historic sea turtle relocation trawling reports from over 50 sites across nine states.
Future Aquatic Invaders of the Northeast U.S.: How Climate Change, Human Vectors, and Natural History Could Bring Southern and Western Species North
Researchers will evaluate the potential of aquatic species to invade the Northeast U.S. Following the identification of appropriate target species by regional stakeholders, researchers will gather data from the NAS database and develop models to determine habitat suitability for each species.
Multi-year Burmese Python Vital Rate Research Collaborative in the Greater Everglades
USGS researchers will track juvenile Burmese python within Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and collect data on snake growth, habitat use, and causes of mortality. Known-fate models will be used to estimate survival and better understand factors that influence survival.
Avifauna Surveys of the Northern Main Chandeleur Islands
USGS WARC ecologists are assisting partners in conducting avian surveys on Chandeleur Islands during the pre-restoration monitoring phase to document threatened and endangered species, species richness and diversity, species abundance, and habitat use.
Vertical Control of Rod Surface Elevation Table (RSET) Benchmarks to Assess Implications of Sea-Level Rise within Texas Coastal Refuges
The USGS will establish Rod Surface Elevation Tables at five National Wildlife Refuges on the Texas coast. This work will support climate adaptation and resilience planning by identifying areas susceptible to loss and degradation due to sea-level rise and extreme climatic events along the Texas Gulf Coast.
Salinity, Flooding, and Urban Impacts to Critical Habitat of the Endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker
USGS researchers will collect data on salinity, water level, and flooding duration within Big Branch National Wildlife Refuge to improve the understanding of the hydrologic system, and how hydrology drives available red-cockaded woodpecker habitat use and availability across the landscape.
Investigation of Hydrology and Inundation of the Turtle Bayou Mitigation Area within Bayou Sauvage National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana
USGS will monitor hydrologic and marsh conditions at the Turtle Bayou mitigation area. This effort will help provide a long-term water level dataset for Turtle Bayou.
Sources of Recurring Outbreaks of Lythrum salicaria (Purple Loosestrife) Near the Mouth of the Mississippi River
USGS researchers are examining germination of Purple Loosestrife to determine if the seed bank can reestablish this invasive species in the Mississippi Delta.
Surface Elevation and Accretion Monitoring for the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project
USGS will install and maintain up to six rod surface-elevation table (RSET) rods and paired accretion monitoring stations at the location of the Maurepas Swamp Alternative-2 Mitigation Project.
Monitoring and Adaptive Management Plan for Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) Project: Large-scale Marsh Creation – Upper Barataria Component
USGS will provide support to the Large-scale Marsh Creation – Upper Barataria Component Project by monitoring change in the area of land and water, and recovery of vegetation and elevation over time.