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Burmese Python Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys in the Stormwater Treatment Areas and Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed

USGS scientists have developed and optimized python-specific eDNA markers to detect Burmese pythons from water samples taken from the Florida Everglades. This development may aid in the identification of possible waterways used as corridors for northward expansion of this invasive species.

Burmese Python Environmental DNA (eDNA) Surveys in the Stormwater Treatment Areas and Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed

USGS scientists have developed and optimized python-specific eDNA markers to detect Burmese pythons from water samples taken from the Florida Everglades. This development may aid in the identification of possible waterways used as corridors for northward expansion of this invasive species.
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Sea-Level Rise and Florida’s Island Biodiversity

While islands are some of the most biodiverse places on earth, they are also among the most threatened. Researchers from WARC and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are assessing the vulnerability of Florida’s coastal islands to inundation from sea-level rise and estimating potential loss of the terrestrial biodiversity on Florida’s islands.

Sea-Level Rise and Florida’s Island Biodiversity

While islands are some of the most biodiverse places on earth, they are also among the most threatened. Researchers from WARC and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are assessing the vulnerability of Florida’s coastal islands to inundation from sea-level rise and estimating potential loss of the terrestrial biodiversity on Florida’s islands.
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Trawling and Sea Turtle Capture Records: A Collaborative Effort between USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USGS is partnering with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to digitize 20 years of historic sea turtle relocation trawling reports from over 50 sites across nine states.

Trawling and Sea Turtle Capture Records: A Collaborative Effort between USGS and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

USGS is partnering with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to digitize 20 years of historic sea turtle relocation trawling reports from over 50 sites across nine states.
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Multi-year Burmese Python Vital Rate Research Collaborative in the Greater Everglades

USGS researchers will track juvenile Burmese python within Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and collect data on snake growth, habitat use, and causes of mortality. Known-fate models will be used to estimate survival and better understand factors that influence survival.

Multi-year Burmese Python Vital Rate Research Collaborative in the Greater Everglades

USGS researchers will track juvenile Burmese python within Big Cypress National Preserve (BICY) and collect data on snake growth, habitat use, and causes of mortality. Known-fate models will be used to estimate survival and better understand factors that influence survival.
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Ecology of the Diamondback Terrapin: Demographics, Movements, and Habitat Use

In response to declining populations, researchers at WARC are collecting data on demographics, movement patterns and habitat use, ecological niche and foraging ecology, and nesting ecology of diamondback terrapins.

Ecology of the Diamondback Terrapin: Demographics, Movements, and Habitat Use

In response to declining populations, researchers at WARC are collecting data on demographics, movement patterns and habitat use, ecological niche and foraging ecology, and nesting ecology of diamondback terrapins.
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Beach Compaction and the Impacts of Tilling on Nesting Sea Turtles and Foraging Shorebirds

Researchers are investigating beach compaction, the incubation environment for turtle nests, and shorebird nest abundance at beaches throughout the southeastern United States to better understand the impacts of beach compaction to nesting turtles and foraging seabirds.

Beach Compaction and the Impacts of Tilling on Nesting Sea Turtles and Foraging Shorebirds

Researchers are investigating beach compaction, the incubation environment for turtle nests, and shorebird nest abundance at beaches throughout the southeastern United States to better understand the impacts of beach compaction to nesting turtles and foraging seabirds.
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Mark-Recapture Estimation of Razor-backed Musk Turtle Abundance in Louisiana

USGS scientists are working to determine the baseline population numbers of the Razor-backed Musk Turtle.

Mark-Recapture Estimation of Razor-backed Musk Turtle Abundance in Louisiana

USGS scientists are working to determine the baseline population numbers of the Razor-backed Musk Turtle.
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USGS Coordinated Burmese Python Research Strategy for South Florida (FY21 – FY27)

Wetland and Aquatic Research Center and Fort Collins Science Center are coordinating a long-term, landscape-scale Burmese python research strategy for South Florida.

USGS Coordinated Burmese Python Research Strategy for South Florida (FY21 – FY27)

Wetland and Aquatic Research Center and Fort Collins Science Center are coordinating a long-term, landscape-scale Burmese python research strategy for South Florida.
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Understanding Greater Everglades Mammal Communities within and adjacent to the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge

WARC Researchers are using a variety of methods to assess mammal communities across the Greater Everglades.
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Prevalence Rates of Snake Fungal Disease and Its Population-level Impacts in a Snake Assemblage in Southwest Louisiana

WARC researchers used visual encounter surveys to determine prevalence rates of snake fungal disease in south-central Louisiana.

Prevalence Rates of Snake Fungal Disease and Its Population-level Impacts in a Snake Assemblage in Southwest Louisiana

WARC researchers used visual encounter surveys to determine prevalence rates of snake fungal disease in south-central Louisiana.
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Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) Research in Louisiana in Support of the Species Status Assessment and Listing Decision by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

WARC researchers are investigating individual movement, growth, and population dynamics of alligator snapping turtles in a southwest Louisiana creek.
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Fine-Scale Dive Profiles and Activity Patterns of Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers are developing acceleration data logger pop-off packages that can be affixed to sea turtles to collect behavioral patterns of diving, surfacing, and general activity levels.

Fine-Scale Dive Profiles and Activity Patterns of Sea Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers are developing acceleration data logger pop-off packages that can be affixed to sea turtles to collect behavioral patterns of diving, surfacing, and general activity levels.
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