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JACIE 2002 Presentations

Reston, Virginia

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Monday, March 25, 2002

Welcome — R.J. Thompson, USGS; Vicki Zanoni, NASA

General Overview Session

  • Thomas Henning, NIMA — NIMA`s Commercial Imagery Program
  • Greg Snyder, USGS
  • Bruce Davis, NASA Stennis Space Center — NASA Scientific Data Purchase
  • Compton Tucker, NASA — From Agamemnon to Ikonos-in search of the Trojan War

System Characterization Session

  • Jeff Liedtke, DigitalGlobe — QuickBird-2 System Description and Product Overview
  • Bradley Peterson, Space Imaging — IKONOS Overview and Operational Status
  • Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University — On-orbit Spatial Characterization of IKONOS
  • Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University — On-orbit Geometric Characterization of IKONOS Summer 2001 Brookings, SD Site
  • Braxton Baldridge, NIMA — Evaluation of IKONOS Geopositional Accuracy
  • Dean Gesch, USGS; John Kosovich, USGS — Evaluation and Accuracy Assessment of an IKONOS Digital Elevation Model
  • Eric Constance, USGS —  IKONOS DEM Evaluation
  • Thomas Ager, NIMA — IKONOS Stereo Imagery Accuracy Assessment
  • Gene Dial, Space Imaging — IKONOS Geometric Characterization

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

System Characterization Session (cont)

  • R.A. Schowengerdt, University of Arizona — Spatial Characterization of IKONOS
  • Braxton Baldridge, NIMA — Evaluation of Imagery Interpretability for IKONOS Pan, MSI, and Pan-Sharpened Imagery
  • Braxton Baldridge, NIMA — Evaluation of IKONOS Pan, MSI, and Pan-Sharpened Imagery for Suitability to Feature Extraction Tasks
  • Howard Bowen, Space Imaging — IKONOS Calculation of MTF Uusing Stellar Images
  • Mary Patnutti, Lockheed Martin — NASA IKONOS Radiometric Characterization

Research and Applications Session

  • Kurt Thome, University of Arizona — Radiometric Calibration of IKONOS Using Ground-Reference Test Sites
  • Robert Ryan, NASA Stennis Space Center — IKONOS Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation(MTFC On versus MTFC Off)
  • Slawomir Blonski, Lockheed Martin — Comparing IKONOS and Landsat 7 Images Insights from Computer Simulations
  • Sam Goward, University of Maryland — Comparing Landsat-7 and IKONOS Measurements for Selected U.S. EOS Validation Sites
  • George Hurtt, University of New Hampshire — IKONOS Imagery for Large-scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia
  • Rodney Hanley, University of North Dakota — Mapping and Predictive Modeling of the Invasive Weed Leafy Spurge
  • Pete Coulter, San Diego State University — Landscaped Vegetation Assessment in Urban Environments
  • Andy Korb, SAIC — Modeling and Simulation Comparison between IKONOS, Landsat 5, and Landsat 7 MSI Systems

Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Research and Applications Session (cont)

  • James Garvin, SSAI — Monitoring Landscapes on Oceanic Islands: Sub-meter Imaging from IKONOS in the Context of RADARSAT SAR
  • Christopher Small, Columbia University — High Resolution Spectral Mixture Analysis of Urban Reflectance
  • Dean Roczen — VESTRA Resources, Inc. — IKONOS and Precision Viticulture
  • Nevin Bryant, NASA JPL — Application of IKONOS Imagery to Analysis of Intermodal Transportation Corridors in Los Angeles
  • Xuexia Chen, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology — 
  • Maryellen Sault, NOAA — CSCAP: Coast and Shoreline Change Analysis Program
  • Limin Yang, Raytheon — Application of IKONOS Imagery to Analysis of Intermodal Transportation Corridors in Los Angeles
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