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JACIE 2014 Presentations

Louisville, Kentucky

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JACIE 2014 Meeting Summary


Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Keynote Session (Joint w/ ASPRS) 8 - 9:15 am 

  • Frank Kelly, Director USGS EROS
  • David Hodgson, Managing Director, DMCii

Session 1a:  9:30 - 11 am,  Moderators: Kurt Thome, NASA and Greg Stensaas, USGS

  • JACIE Sponsoring Agency Briefings
  • Dr. Stephen Volz, NASA
  • Dr. Changyong Cao, NOAA
  • Glenn Bethel, USDA
  • Jenn Lacey, USGS

Session 1b:  11 am - 12 pm, Moderators: Kurt Thome, NASA and Greg Stensaas, USGS

  • Q&A Session for Keynotes & Agencies 

Session 2: 1:30 - 3 pm, Moderator: Jon Christopherson, SGT

  • Michele Kuester — Validation of the WorldView-2 Absolute Radiometric Calibration
  • Ajit Sampath — A Look at Data From Astrium’s New Satellites: SPOT-6 and Pleides 1A & 1B
  • Sebastien LePrince — COSI-Corr Processing: A Solution for 3D Change Detection Using Optical Remote Sensing
  • Andreas Brunn — Combining Relative and Absolute Calibration Methods to Achieve Radiometric Calibration of the RapidEye Constellation

Session 3:  3:30 - 5 pm, Moderator: Kurt Thome, NASA

  • Brian Cutler — Airbus Defense and Space’s Complete Optical Constellation
  • Klaus Neumann — Airborne Imaging Sensor from Hexagon Geosystems 
  • Michael Gruber — UltraCam Osprey – Calibration, Aerial Operation and Data Processing
  • Ellis Freedman — An Update on the Constant MTF Interpolator: An Image Resampler with Minimal MTF Losses and Geometric Error
  • David Mulawa — Geolocation Accuracy Performance of the Digitalglobe Constellation During 2013

Poster Reception - Live music by Tommy Jordan, Jesse Winch, Chris McClone, Dave Furr

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Registration Open 8 - 9 am

Breakfast with Exhibitors

Passport Contest Prize Drawing

Session 4:  9 - 10:30 am, Moderator: Jon Christopherson, SGT

  • DongHan Lee — Calibration and Validation for KOMPSAT-3
  • DongHan Lee —  Definition of KOMPSAT-3 product Quality
  • DooChun Seo — Overview of KOMPSAT-3 Geometric Calibration and Accuracy
  • Beau Jarvis — A New Axis of Data: Rapid Cadence, Broad Coverage Satellite Imagery

Session 5: Joint Special Session: Landsat 8 Data Quality 11 am - 12:30 pm, Moderator: Ron Hayes, SGT

  • Ron Morfitt — Radiometric Performance of the Landsat 8 OLI and TIRS Sensors
  • James Storey — Geometric and Spatial Performance of Landsat 8
  • Ron Hayes — Measuring and Monitoring Landsat 8 Data Quality
  • Pat Scaramuzza — L8 Higher Level Product Development

Session 6:  1:30 - 3 pm, Moderator: Jon Christopherson, SGT

  • Dirk Robinson — High-Resolution Imagery and Video from SkySat-1
  • Byron Smiley — On-Orbit Calibration Activities and Image Quality of SkySat-1
  • Jorge Gil — DEIMOS-1 cross-calibration with Landsat-7 and Landsat-8
  • Jorge Gil — DEIMOS-2 cross-calibration with Dubaisat-2

Session 7:  3:30 - 5 pm, Moderator: Ajit Sampath, SGT

  • Mike Tully — The Rise of the [Geospatial] Machines: The Future with Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)
  • Scott Perkins — A Case Study on Using Commercial Airborne Imagery to Perform Rapid IA & PA Damage Assessments in Less than 24 Hours
  • Brian Cutler — WorldDEM
  • Lori Phillips — Integrating Multi-resolution Lidar-derived DEMs into the National Elevation Dataset

Friday, March 28, 2014

Registration open 7:30 - 8:30 am

Session 8:  8:30 - 10 am, Moderator: Kurt Thome, NASA

  • Brad Doorn — Sustainable Land Imaging Architecture
  • Darrel Williams — Temporal Repeat Frequency Needed to Achieve Cloud-Free Imagery from Landsat-Class Observatories: An Analysis from 10 Years of MODIS TERRA Daily Coverage
  • Dath Mita — Operational Challenges to Contemporary Changes of Satellite Imagery Characterization
  • Sebastien Saunier — Coordinated Quality Control (CQC) : Coordinating and monitoring quality information within the GMES/Copernicus Space Component Data Access System

Session 9:  10:30 am - 12 pm, Moderator: Dath Mita

  • Mary Pagnutti — High Spatial Resolution Visible through SWIR Multispectral Image Product Simulation
  • Haile K. Tadesse — Land Cover Classification and Analysis Using Radar and Landsat Data in North Central Ethiopia
  • Jon Christopherson — Summary of Characterization Work at the USGS EROS
  • Dmitry Varlyguin — Open Data Policy for Landsat Imagery: New Opportunities for Regional and Global Crop Mapping

Session 10: 1:30 - 3 pm, Moderator: Dennis Helder

  • Jeffrey Czapla-Myers — The Absolute Radiometric Calibration of Earth-Observing Sensors using Ground-Based Techniques
  • Dennis Helder (per student AMeya Vaidya) — Absolute Radiometric Calibration Using Pseudo Invariant Calibration Sites
  • Robert Ryan — Advanced LED illuminated Calibration Sphere
  • Tom Heinrichs — A New Alaska, US, and Global Capability: Near-real-time, Multi-satellite, Optical, Radar, and Elevation Products

Session 11:  3:30 - 5 pm, Moderator: Greg Stensaas

  • Ajit Sampath — Developing Standards for Lidar Quality
  • Dean Merchant — ASPRS Guidelines For Geometric Calibratrion of Optical Aerial Camera Systems
  • Kurt Thome — Sensor Interconsistency to Achieve Climate-Quality Measurements

Closing and Recap - Greg Stensaas

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