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October 15, 2020 - Upcoming Reprocessing of Landsat 8 Data Acquired During 2019 Safehold

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Artist rendering Landsat 8

While conducting validation of data processing, the USGS Calibration/Validation team at the EROS Center discovered that corrupt Bias Parameter Files (BPFs) were applied to Landsat 8 Collection 1 Level-1 data that were acquired prior to, and during a satellite safehold event that occurred on December 19, 2019. (Visit this LWMS Headline for more information about the safehold event.)

To correct this issue, on Monday, October 19, 2020, 4,764 Landsat 8 scenes acquired from December 12, 2019 (DOY 346) to December 19, 2019 (DOY 353) will be reprocessed to apply the correct BPFs in the impacted Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 data – these updates will then propagate through the USGS Level-2 and Level-3 data processing systems as well.

The Landsat 8 scenes being reprocessed are listed in this spreadsheet. Please note that as data are reprocessed, each scene's Product Identifier will be updated to reflect the most recent processing date. 

Please contact USGS Customer Services with any questions about this announcement.

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