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Hydrologic Data Collected at Leaky Weirs, Cienega Ranch, Willcox, AZ (March 2019 - October 2020)

January 12, 2022

This dataset contains hydrological data collected at a series of leaky weirs on a working ranchland site in a semiarid ecosystem in Cochise County, Arizona, from 2018-2020. Leaky weirs are a type of structure being experimented with by land managers in aridlands to reduce peak flow events and increase recharge to the aquifer. The weirs are constructed of rock cemented into place in areas of exposed bedrock within the channel are built to allow for water to leak through slowly. Three sites were instrumented for monitoring, one control and two sites treated with 'leaky weirs'. At each site, at least one pressure transducer was installed in a piezometer to measure water level. Each site also had multiple "3-in-1" gauges, which included two iButton temperature sensors at different depths to capture temperature changes associated with changing water levels and a crest stage gauge to capture the high-water mark. Finally, each site had at least one 'hydrocam' to capture photos of flow events. The "" data release zip file includes the following directories: HydroCamData which contains one daily representative jpg image from each hydrocam and jpgs of all hydrocam photos with visible surface flow; SpatialData which includes a shapefile of instrument locations and a CSV file with instrument height data; ThreeInOneData which includes data from the 3-in-1 sensors, specifically the temperature and depths of iButton sensors; TransducerData which includes raw and corrected pressure transducer data, reference read data used to correct the transducer data as well as the script for interpolating weather station data. The "" contains everything but the photos for faster download times.

Publication Year 2022
Title Hydrologic Data Collected at Leaky Weirs, Cienega Ranch, Willcox, AZ (March 2019 - October 2020)
DOI 10.5066/P9OX6TT1
Authors Hanna A. Coy, Natalie R Wilson, Andrew S. Bennett, Diana Hsieh, Laura M Norman
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Asset Identifier Service (AIS)
USGS Organization Western Geographic Science Center - Main Office
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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