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Sediment Volume and Bedrock of the Similkameen River Above Enloe Dam Near Oroville, Washington

September 29, 2023

This data release contains 3-meter gridded rasters of depth to bedrock below bathymetric surface, the thickness of unconsolidated sediment, and the volume of unconsolidated sediment within a 2.6-km reach of the Similkameen River, Okanogan County, Washington, impounded by Enloe Dam. These rasters were calculated from continuous resistivity profiles (CRP) surveyed using a SuperSting R8 8-channel resistivity meter with a CRP streamer containing a 100-m long array of 11 electrodes was towed behind a boat spaced at 10 m. After collection, the raw CRP files were georeferenced to coordinates concurrently by a global positioning system. Output files were merged and linearized. This was converted to a data file compatible with the software RES2DINV used to perform an inversion of apparent resistivity data to calculate a model of the true resistivity for each profile. Georeferencing and depth information were incorporated. Using Workbench GIS noisy data and data where the array turns were removed. Data was smoothed and an unconstrained 20-layer inversion applied allowing the depth of investigation to be calculated. Sediment-rock interface was interpreted along the 200-ohm-m contour. Points where resistivity indicated bedrock were output to ASCII file with their associated geographic coordinates.

Publication Year 2023
Title Sediment Volume and Bedrock of the Similkameen River Above Enloe Dam Near Oroville, Washington
DOI 10.5066/P9VI2ZIX
Authors Alexander O Headman, Oscar A Wilkerson, Christopher A Curran, Eric A White
Product Type Data Release
Record Source USGS Digital Object Identifier Catalog
USGS Organization Washington Water Science Center
Rights This work is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal
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