US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
Can I get a bulk order of USGS topographic maps in PDF format for a state or the entire country?
Bulk delivery is available for US Topo maps (produced 2009-present) and the Historical Topographic Map Collection (produced 1884-2006). Only current US Topo maps (not superseded maps) are available for bulk distribution (use topoView to download individual superseded maps).
Bulk delivery options are currently only available for maps in GeoPDF file format.
Options for bulk delivery:
1. Batch download: We recommend this option for state-size areas, which is roughly 1,500 maps or fewer. Use The National Map Downloader to select maps over any rectangular area or for predefined areas such as counties or states. The resulting product list can be saved to a CSV file, and this file used as input to the uGet download manager application to retrieve all the maps.
2. CSV database dump: Advanced users can download a CSV list of all topo products that includes a download URL for each map ( Use the information in that file for more sophisticated filtering, version control, and to keep private collections of maps up to date. We do not provide tutorial assistance for those operations. There is also a link to the file at the bottom of our Topographic Maps page.
3. Catalog API: Monitor USGS product databases through the API of the ScienceBase catalog. This is similar to option 2, but is more elegant and powerful. See the ScienceBase Development Documentation Wiki for details. This option is for skilled Web programmers.
Dataset sizes as of April, 2022:
US Topo
- Median file size = 40.6 MB
- 65,240 current maps, 2.77 TB total
- 170,989 non-current (superseded) maps, 4.51 TB total (NOT AVAILABLE FOR BULK DISTRIBUTION)
- About 75 new maps are added or replaced each work day.
Historical Topographic Map Collection (HTMC)
- Median file size = 11 MB
- 186,197 files, 2.02 TB total
- This collection is relatively complete and stable, though we estimate that between 10,000 and 20,000 additional maps will eventually be added.
How can I download vector data from The National Map in bulk?
The USGS only offers vector downloads from The National Map in bulk by special request. For assistance, send an e-mail to and include your contact information, requested product, requested area, and download format.
How can I download orthoimagery in bulk?
Download orthoimagery in bulk through a Bulk Download Application (BDA). Free registration is required. Start by clicking on the Help link in EarthExplorer and selecting the Bulk Download Tutorial. To receive bulk data via external hard drive, you must supply the hard drive(s) within our specifications, pay for shipping the drive(s), and provide a paid return label or a carrier account number...
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been the primary civilian mapping agency of the United States since 1879. Some of the most well-known USGS maps are the 1:24,000-scale topographic maps, also called 7.5-minute quadrangles. In 2009, the USGS transitioned from our hand scribed historical topographic maps to US Topos, which are computer-generated on a regular schedule using national databases...
How do I contact the USGS?
For general science inquiries, call 1-888-392-8545. You can also use this website to send us a message or to initiate a live Web chat with a USGS Science Information Specialist. For questions on the distribution of federal park passes, maps, books and other science products, or the status of existing orders, call 1-888-275-8747 or visit the USGS Store website. Most of our employees are listed in...
What are the base map services (or URLs) used in The National Map?
The National Map Services offers a series of composite base maps that combine layers into tile cache services with the cartographic richness of multiple data sources. The following base maps are available: USGS Topo - combines the most current data (boundaries, geographic names, transportation, elevation, hydrography, land cover, and other themes) that make up The National Map. Contours generated...
Do you offer teacher discounts for your maps and other cost products?
Yes. Educational institutions qualify for discounts on purchases made through the online USGS Store. To receive any discounts you must first be set up in their system. Please fax your request on school letterhead (or on a purchase order) to 303-202-4693 and include your Federal Tax ID number ( not to be confused with your Federal Tax Exempt Number). For questions, call 1-888-MAP-DEAL (1-888-627...
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
The National Map—New data delivery homepage, advanced viewer, lidar visualization
Scanning and georeferencing historical USGS quadrangles
US Topo—Topographic maps for the Nation
How can I download vector data from The National Map in bulk?
The USGS only offers vector downloads from The National Map in bulk by special request. For assistance, send an e-mail to and include your contact information, requested product, requested area, and download format.
How can I download orthoimagery in bulk?
Download orthoimagery in bulk through a Bulk Download Application (BDA). Free registration is required. Start by clicking on the Help link in EarthExplorer and selecting the Bulk Download Tutorial. To receive bulk data via external hard drive, you must supply the hard drive(s) within our specifications, pay for shipping the drive(s), and provide a paid return label or a carrier account number...
How do I find, download, or order topographic maps?
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has been the primary civilian mapping agency of the United States since 1879. Some of the most well-known USGS maps are the 1:24,000-scale topographic maps, also called 7.5-minute quadrangles. In 2009, the USGS transitioned from our hand scribed historical topographic maps to US Topos, which are computer-generated on a regular schedule using national databases...
How do I contact the USGS?
For general science inquiries, call 1-888-392-8545. You can also use this website to send us a message or to initiate a live Web chat with a USGS Science Information Specialist. For questions on the distribution of federal park passes, maps, books and other science products, or the status of existing orders, call 1-888-275-8747 or visit the USGS Store website. Most of our employees are listed in...
What are the base map services (or URLs) used in The National Map?
The National Map Services offers a series of composite base maps that combine layers into tile cache services with the cartographic richness of multiple data sources. The following base maps are available: USGS Topo - combines the most current data (boundaries, geographic names, transportation, elevation, hydrography, land cover, and other themes) that make up The National Map. Contours generated...
Do you offer teacher discounts for your maps and other cost products?
Yes. Educational institutions qualify for discounts on purchases made through the online USGS Store. To receive any discounts you must first be set up in their system. Please fax your request on school letterhead (or on a purchase order) to 303-202-4693 and include your Federal Tax ID number ( not to be confused with your Federal Tax Exempt Number). For questions, call 1-888-MAP-DEAL (1-888-627...
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.
US Topo is the next generation of topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the familiar 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps are designed to look and feel (and perform) like the traditional paper topographic maps for which the USGS is so well known.