Welcome Back! The Federal UxS community returns to in-person meetings to explore new opportunities, and plenty of challenges, together. The overarching goal of the workshop is to approach UxS challenges with a whole-of-Government team, leveraging successes within our Agencies to accelerate our national UxS enterprise and focus group resources on shared expertise and new opportunities.
Mark your calendars for September 13 - 15, 2022
LOCATION: NASA Ames Conference Center, Building 3 - 500 Severyns Ave, Moffett field, CA 94035
Workshop Information
- Agenda
- Conference Location & Directions
- Parking
- NASA Ames Conference Center Room Map
- Workshop FAQs
- Registration Closed
Local Accommodations and Attractions

NIC, along with the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office and NASA partners host this semi-annual UxS workshop to bring together federal scientists, system users, and other experts to present and discuss the state-of-the-state of federal UxS technology use and applications.
UAS Research Center
Third Federal UAS Workshop
Welcome Back! The Federal UxS community returns to in-person meetings to explore new opportunities, and plenty of challenges, together. The overarching goal of the workshop is to approach UxS challenges with a whole-of-Government team, leveraging successes within our Agencies to accelerate our national UxS enterprise and focus group resources on shared expertise and new opportunities.
Mark your calendars for September 13 - 15, 2022
LOCATION: NASA Ames Conference Center, Building 3 - 500 Severyns Ave, Moffett field, CA 94035
Workshop Information
- Agenda
- Conference Location & Directions
- Parking
- NASA Ames Conference Center Room Map
- Workshop FAQs
- Registration Closed
Local Accommodations and Attractions

NIC, along with the USGS National Uncrewed Systems Office and NASA partners host this semi-annual UxS workshop to bring together federal scientists, system users, and other experts to present and discuss the state-of-the-state of federal UxS technology use and applications.