NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) welcome the community to a series of Space Economy Workshops intended to coordinate the development of new technologies to detect and assess off-world mineral resources, as well as to discuss the challenges and opportunities for an off-world mineral resource economy.
Tamara Wilson
Tamara’s broad research interests include how climate and land use change, both historic and projected, influence regional environmental processes and resource availability and how nature-based solutions can address climate change. Her scenario research identifies climate change impacts and feedbacks on land use, protected areas, water availability, ecosystems, and habitat sustainability.
Land change and water use in California
Water shortages in California are a growing concern amidst ongoing drought, earlier spring snowmelt, projected future climate warming, and currently mandated water-use restrictions. Modeling results show that only if currently mandated 25% reductions in municipal water use are continuously implemented, would water demand in 2062 balance to water use levels in 2012.
Threats to protected areas
Protected areas will likely undergo shifts in ecological composition in coming decades given the coupled threats of land use and climate change. By assessing the land use threats facing species and/or ecosystems we can assist land managers in preserving biodiversity into the future and prioritizing at-risk lands for land acquisition or other nature based solutions.
Ecological Forecasting
We modeled dynamic scenarios of climate, land use, cropland and wetland habitat change across the Central Valley of California to help optimize water allocations for multiple ecosystem benefits, producing annual mapped forecasts and long-term projections of the spatial and temporal availability of managed wetland habitat in this critical migratory corridor.
Her graduate training at the University of Arizona was in the fields of biogeography, climatology, climate change, paleoclimate, and paleoecology. With her experience examining natural archives of paleo-environmental landscape change, she was able to make the leap to utilizing modern remote sensing based records to examine climate and human-derived landscape level changes and their associated impacts. Her recent work utilizes historic land change records to inform model scenarios of future land change and their potential impacts on natural resources, including habitat and water availability.
As Deputy Director of the National Innovation Center, Tamara works to expand the reach of the center, helping to forge new and exciting partnerships between USGS scientists and other public, private, academic, and non-profit parties. She is working to develop regional and national communication pipelines as well as coordinating science seminars and workshops to introduce the latest technological advancements in earth science and explore their use in the federal science portfolio.
Tamara recently served as Policy Analyst for the Department of the Interior working to craft policy and implementation guidance for Nature-based Solutions. She is currently serving as the Assistant Regional Administrator for the Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center.
Professional Experience
2025-present: Research Geographer, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
2024 - 2025: Assistant Regional Administrator, Southwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, USGS
2023-2024: Policy Analyst, Nature-based Solutions and Climate Change, U.S. Department of the Interior
2022 - 2024: Climate Science Steering Committee Coordinator, Office of the Chief Scientist, USGS
2019 - 2024: Deputy Director, National Innovation Center, USGS
2017: Program Analyst, Youth and Education in Science Program, USGS
2014 - 2024: Research Geographer, USGS WGSC
2009 - 2014: Geographer, USGS WGSC
2005 - 2009: Physical Scientist, USGS, Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC)
Education and Certifications
M.A. Geography, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ (2002)
B.A. Environmental Studies - Land Use Planning and Management, California State University East Bay, Hayward, CA (1997)
Affiliations and Memberships*
Advisor and Chair - Nature-based Solutions Working Group - Department of the Interior (2023-2024)
Chair - 6th Federal UxS Users Workshop (2023-2024)
Co-Chair - Green Infrastructure Federal Collaborative Regional Permitting Network Implementation Committee (2023-2024)
Co-Chair - USGS Climate Science Plan Writing Team (2022-2024)
Chair - USGS EarthMAP Use Case Development Team (2020 – 2021)
Chair - USGS National Innovation Center Seminar Series (2019-present)
Organizing Committee - 3rd, 4th, 5th Federal UxS Workshops (2019 - 2022)
Technical Reviewer - California Fourth Climate Change Assessment chapter in "Increasing Soil Organic Carbon To Mitigate Greenhouse Gases And Increase Climate Resiliency For California" (2018)
Chair - Pacific Region Colloquium Committee, Menlo Park, CA (2013 - 2018)
Technical Contributor - 4th National Climate Assessment Chapter on Land Use and Land Cover (2017)
4th California Climate Assessment externally-funded partner (2016 - 2017)
Land Change Science Program Review Panel member, USGS (2016)
Co-Chair - USGS Postdoctoral/New Researcher Colloquium (2014 - 2017)
Eastern LandCarbon Land Use and Land Cover Downscaling Working Group (2011)
Association of American Geographers
American Geophysical Union
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Society for Conservation Biology
Society for Freshwater Science
California Rangeland Coalition
Society for Conservation GIS
Honors and Awards
Individual Performance Award - Department of the Interior (2024)
USGS Star Award for Excellence in Service - Next Generation Water Observation External Research & Development (2024)
USGS Group Award for USGCRP Climate Literacy Guide Writing Team - Office of the Director, Chief Scientist (2024)
USGS Star Award for Excellence in Service - Office of the Director, Chief Scientist (2023)
USGS Star Award for Excellence in Service - Next Generation Water Observation External Research & Development (2023)
USGS Star Award for Excellence in Service – EarthMAP Use Case Development Team Lead (2021)
USGS Star Award for Excellence in Service - National Innovation Center (2021)
Local Development under Climate Change: Evaluating Trade-offs Between Carbon Emissions, Water Sustainability, and Affordable Housing for Communities in the Central Coast ($722,000) CASGC (2020)
Integrating Land Use and Climate Change on California's Central Coast: Impacts and Adaptations for Local Communities ($415,000) CASGC (2018)
Unit Award for Excellence of Service – LandCarbon Team (2017)
Elected to Leadership 101 training by USGS colleagues (2017)
Elected Trustee of the Mountain View Whisman School District Board of Education (2016-2020)
The Nature Conservancy ($30,000) (2014)
Science and Products
U.S. Geological Survey climate science plan—Future research directions
Will there be water? Climate change, housing needs, and future water demand in California
Trade-offs in adapting to changes in climate, land use, and water availability in California
Resilience of riparian vegetation productivity to early 21st century drought in northern California, USA
Knowledge coproduction on the impact of decisions for waterbird habitat in a changing climate
Linkages between land-use change and groundwater management foster long-term resilience of water supply in California
Use case development for earth monitoring, analysis, and prediction (EarthMAP)—A road map for future integrated predictive science at the U.S. Geological Survey
Climate and land change impacts on future managed wetland habitat: A case study from California’s Central Valley
Ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under different scenarios of future climate and land use change
Land-use change and future water demand in California’s central coast
Critical land change information enhances the understanding of carbon balance in the United States
Effects of 21st century climate, land use, and disturbances on ecosystem carbon balance in California
6th Federal UxS Workshop
National Innovation Center Seminar Series
5th Federal UxS Workshop
Integrating Remote-Sensing and Ecological Forecasting into Decision-Support for Wetland Wildlife Management in the Central Valley of California
Pacific Region Colloquium
Land use and tsunami hazards in the Pacific Northwest
California land-change projections
Threats to protected areas
Land change and water use in California
Land Use and Climate Change Team
Projected future groundwater balance for California Central Coast under different scenarios of land-use and climate change
Spatial data of California riparian vegetation productivity trends over time (2000-2020) and environmental covariates
Agricultural, domestic, and ecological vulnerability of California's Central Coast to projected changes in land-use, water sustainability, and climate by 2061 under five scenarios
Integrated modeling of climate and land change impacts on future dynamic wetland habitat – a case study from California’s Central Valley
Californias Water Use Future Based on Scenarios of Land Use Change - Data Release
Land-use and Land-cover Projections for California's 4th Climate Assessment
NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) welcome the community to a series of Space Economy Workshops intended to coordinate the development of new technologies to detect and assess off-world mineral resources, as well as to discuss the challenges and opportunities for an off-world mineral resource economy.
Map of the Upper Feather River Watershed, including the watershed boundary (red), recent fire perimeters (2020 North Complex Fire, 2021 Dixie Fire), high elevation areas (> 2000 meters) and active stream gages (black triangles). More than 40% of the watershed has been burned since 2020.
Map of the Upper Feather River Watershed, including the watershed boundary (red), recent fire perimeters (2020 North Complex Fire, 2021 Dixie Fire), high elevation areas (> 2000 meters) and active stream gages (black triangles). More than 40% of the watershed has been burned since 2020.
Decision support StoryMap tool for wetland and wildlife management for the Central Valley of California.
linkUSGS Scientists published a StoryMap showing projected changes in land use, flooded area, and wildlife habitat in California’s Central Valley for five scenarios of future climate and water management.
Decision support StoryMap tool for wetland and wildlife management for the Central Valley of California.
linkUSGS Scientists published a StoryMap showing projected changes in land use, flooded area, and wildlife habitat in California’s Central Valley for five scenarios of future climate and water management.
Decision Support for Wetland and Wildlife Management
Science and Products
U.S. Geological Survey climate science plan—Future research directions
Will there be water? Climate change, housing needs, and future water demand in California
Trade-offs in adapting to changes in climate, land use, and water availability in California
Resilience of riparian vegetation productivity to early 21st century drought in northern California, USA
Knowledge coproduction on the impact of decisions for waterbird habitat in a changing climate
Linkages between land-use change and groundwater management foster long-term resilience of water supply in California
Use case development for earth monitoring, analysis, and prediction (EarthMAP)—A road map for future integrated predictive science at the U.S. Geological Survey
Climate and land change impacts on future managed wetland habitat: A case study from California’s Central Valley
Ecosystem carbon balance in the Hawaiian Islands under different scenarios of future climate and land use change
Land-use change and future water demand in California’s central coast
Critical land change information enhances the understanding of carbon balance in the United States
Effects of 21st century climate, land use, and disturbances on ecosystem carbon balance in California
6th Federal UxS Workshop
National Innovation Center Seminar Series
5th Federal UxS Workshop
Integrating Remote-Sensing and Ecological Forecasting into Decision-Support for Wetland Wildlife Management in the Central Valley of California
Pacific Region Colloquium
Land use and tsunami hazards in the Pacific Northwest
California land-change projections
Threats to protected areas
Land change and water use in California
Land Use and Climate Change Team
Projected future groundwater balance for California Central Coast under different scenarios of land-use and climate change
Spatial data of California riparian vegetation productivity trends over time (2000-2020) and environmental covariates
Agricultural, domestic, and ecological vulnerability of California's Central Coast to projected changes in land-use, water sustainability, and climate by 2061 under five scenarios
Integrated modeling of climate and land change impacts on future dynamic wetland habitat – a case study from California’s Central Valley
Californias Water Use Future Based on Scenarios of Land Use Change - Data Release
Land-use and Land-cover Projections for California's 4th Climate Assessment
NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) welcome the community to a series of Space Economy Workshops intended to coordinate the development of new technologies to detect and assess off-world mineral resources, as well as to discuss the challenges and opportunities for an off-world mineral resource economy.
NASA and the United States Geological Survey (USGS) welcome the community to a series of Space Economy Workshops intended to coordinate the development of new technologies to detect and assess off-world mineral resources, as well as to discuss the challenges and opportunities for an off-world mineral resource economy.
Map of the Upper Feather River Watershed, including the watershed boundary (red), recent fire perimeters (2020 North Complex Fire, 2021 Dixie Fire), high elevation areas (> 2000 meters) and active stream gages (black triangles). More than 40% of the watershed has been burned since 2020.
Map of the Upper Feather River Watershed, including the watershed boundary (red), recent fire perimeters (2020 North Complex Fire, 2021 Dixie Fire), high elevation areas (> 2000 meters) and active stream gages (black triangles). More than 40% of the watershed has been burned since 2020.
Decision support StoryMap tool for wetland and wildlife management for the Central Valley of California.
linkUSGS Scientists published a StoryMap showing projected changes in land use, flooded area, and wildlife habitat in California’s Central Valley for five scenarios of future climate and water management.
Decision support StoryMap tool for wetland and wildlife management for the Central Valley of California.
linkUSGS Scientists published a StoryMap showing projected changes in land use, flooded area, and wildlife habitat in California’s Central Valley for five scenarios of future climate and water management.
Decision Support for Wetland and Wildlife Management
*Disclaimer: Listing outside positions with professional scientific organizations on this Staff Profile are for informational purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement of those professional scientific organizations or their activities by the USGS, Department of the Interior, or U.S. Government