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We collect data from Oregon lakes and streams, groundwater, landscapes, and ecosystems. You can explore the data on the map-based viewers below. Data is also available from our Oregon Monthly Water Availability Report.

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Watershed landscape data used in the dynamic total nitrogen and total phosphorus SPARROW models developed for watersheds draining to Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington, 2005 – 2020

This data release contains the watershed ancillary data that were used as input for a set of dynamic Spatially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes (SPARROW) models for watersheds draining to Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Washington for the years 2005 - 2020. The SPARROW models were used to estimate mean seasonal total nitrogen and total phosphorous conditions and...

Model application and calibration load data for seasonally dynamic total nitrogen and total phosphorus SPARROW models developed for watersheds draining to Washington waters of the Salish Sea, 2005 through 2020

This data release contains two data sets: 1) the model application data for a set of dynamic total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) SPARROW (SPAtially Referenced Regression On Watershed attributes; Schwarz and others, 2006, load models that were developed for watersheds draining to Washington waters of the Salish Sea (Puget Sound region) 2005 through...

Model Archive Summary for Acoustic Derived Suspended Sand Concentration at 14246900 Columbia River at Port Westward NR Quincy, OR

This model archive summary documents the suspended sand (grain sizes > 0.0625mm) concentration model developed to compute 5-minute suspended sand concentration data of the Columbia River at Port Westward, near Quincy, OR, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site number 14246900. The methods used follow USGS guidance as referenced in USGS Techniques and Methods, Book 3, Chap. C2 (Edwards and...

Model Archive Summary for Acoustic Derived Suspended Fines Concentration at 14246900 Columbia River at Port Westward NR Quincy, OR

This model archive summary documents the suspended fines (grain sizes 0.0625mm) concentration model developed to compute 5-minute suspended fines concentration data of the Columbia River at Port Westward, near Quincy, OR, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site number 14246900. The methods used follow USGS guidance as referenced in USGS Techniques and Methods, Book 3, Chap. C2 (Edwards and...

Model Archive Summary for Acoustic Derived Suspended Sediment Concentration at 14246900 Columbia River at Port Westward NR Quincy, OR (version 2.0)

This model archive summary documents the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) model (version 2.0) developed to compute 5-minute SSC data of the Columbia River at Port Westward, near Quincy, OR, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) site number 14246900. The methods used follow USGS guidance as referenced in USGS Techniques and Methods, Book 3, Chap. C2 (Edwards and others, 1999); Office of...

Floodplain forest vegetation cover maps to support effectiveness monitoring of channel and floodplain restoration projects along the Willamette River, Oregon

This dataset consists of repeat vegetation cover maps of multiple Willamette River restoration sites where restoration activities were implemented to increase the area of floodplain forests. Beginning in the early 21st century, large-scale restoration programs have been implemented along the Willamette River, Oregon, to address historical losses of floodplain habitats for native fish...

Water Surface Elevation Data from the Siletz River, 2017-18

Water-surface elevations were recorded by 12 submerged pressure transducers deployed from fall 2017 to summer 2018 along an approximately 25-km reach of the Siletz River, Oregon. All pressure transducers were deployed in the main channel of the Siletz River. The water-surface elevations were surveyed by using a real-time kinematic global positioning system (RTK-GPS) at each pressure...

Active channel mapping for the mainstem Willamette River, Oregon, in 2009 and 2016

The active channel of the Willamette River in western Oregon is the portion of the floodplain that regularly conveys water and bed-material sediment (typically sand and gravel) on an annual basis (Wallick and others, 2013). The active channel comprises features such as gravel bars, side channels, main channel and alcoves that contribute to the overall diversity of aquatic and floodplain...

Human-modified ponded features mapped within the Willamette River floodplain, Oregon, in 2018

The floodplains of the Willamette River and its major tributaries in western Oregon comprise a diverse array of natural and human-modified features that collectively support a wide range of habitats used by native fish and other wildlife. Like other large alluvial rivers, the Willamette River floodplain has many water bodies disconnected from the main river channel throughout most of the...

Repeat Lidar and Orthoimagery of Headwater Streams in the Breitenbush River Basin, Oregon, Summer 2022

In June and September 2022, NV5 Geospatial collected aerial imagery and near-infrared (NIR) lidar from crewed aircraft over 34 square kilometers of headwater streams in the Breitenbush River Basin in northwestern Oregon. Repeat aerial imagery and NIR lidar data were collected over an area spanning from the northern slope of Triangulation Peak to the mainstem Breitenbush River near the...

Repeat Lidar and Orthoimagery of Headwater Streams in the Donner und Blitzen River Basin, Oregon, Summer 2022

In June and September, 2022, NV5 Geospatial collected aerial imagery and near-infrared (NIR) lidar from crewed aircraft over 62 square kilometers over headwater streams in the Donner und Blitzen River watershed in southeastern Oregon. Repeat data were collected along Mud Creek and Bridge Creek on the western slope of Steens Mountain. This data release includes orthoimagery and lidar data...

Data and metrics for evaluating hydrologic model performance and simulation of drought duration, severity, deficit, and occurrence in the conterminous United States

This data release presents truth data and benchmark results describing simulation of hydrologic drought events in the conterminous United States. This data release supports a publication (Simeone and others, 2024) which documents drought benchmarking methods and their application to the results of the National Water Model (NWM) version 2.1. Truth data used were observations at U.S...
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