Water Availability and Use
Water Availability and Use
Withdrawals by Use Categories
2015 Pennsylvania withdrawals by county, from the Water Use Data Visualization
2015 Pennsylvania withdrawals by county, from the Water Use Data Visualization
Delaware River Basin Water Availability
As one of several National Focus Area Studies within the National Water Census, USGS completed a 3-year study of water availability and use
As one of several National Focus Area Studies within the National Water Census, USGS completed a 3-year study of water availability and use
Groundwater Availability and Use
Wells provide water for homes and public supply systems throughout Pennsylvania, for agriculture widely, and for industry in selected areas.
Wells provide water for homes and public supply systems throughout Pennsylvania, for agriculture widely, and for industry in selected areas.
Water availability and use science for Pennsylvania, or conducted by center staff.
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Groundwater Recharge - Pennsylvania
New baseflow and recharge estimates were published in a USGS data release in 2023 (see 'Data' tab). Recharge is the process of adding water to the saturated zone. Because it is almost impossible to measure directly, recharge is usually estimated by indirect means. Completed USGS studies provide estimates of groundwater recharge in Pennsylvania and methods for estimating recharge in humid regions.
Pennsylvania and the Delaware River Basin
In Pennsylvania, the USGS's water-resources roots date back to the late 1800's, with the initiation of streamflow gaging on the Delaware and Susquehanna Rivers and assessments of groundwater resources near Philadelphia. The USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center continues to provide scientific information about the water resources of the Delaware River Basin, in cooperation with regional and local...
Delaware River Basin IWAAs Pilot
The USGS is conducting a pilot study in the Delaware River Basin to support development of National and Regional Integrated Water Availability Assessments (IWAAs). The Delaware River Basin Pilot will be conducted with state and local partners with the support of USGS Cooperative Program Matching Funds and will focus on improving the data, tools, and information stakeholders need to make water...
Groundwater Availability and Use in Pennsylvania
The USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center helps water providers assess the availability of groundwater for use in homes, on farms, and in industrial activities.
Well-Withdrawal Footprint Mapping
A simple method for mapping groundwater withdrawals at wells provides an intuitive visualization of the magnitudes by displaying an area, the 'footprint', centered on each well to represent its volumetric rate. Footprints for closely spaced wells are combined to equitably display the area corresponding to the combined withdrawals. The size of the footprints on the map are controlled by a user...