Groundwater Availability and Use in Pennsylvania
The USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center helps water providers assess the availability of groundwater for use in homes, on farms, and in industrial activities.
Groundwater Quality of Domestic Supply Wells in Pennsylvania
Groundwater Use
Domestic Water Use
Domestic (Private) Supply Wells
Delaware River Basin Focus Area Study
Well-Withdrawal Footprint Mapping
Groundwater Use in the United States
Domestic Water Use
Bacteriological quality of groundwater used for household supply
Estimated Groundwater Withdrawals from Principal Aquifers in the United States--County Level Data for 2015
Estimated Use of Water in the United States County-Level Data for 2015
This dataset contains water-use estimates for 2015 that are aggregated to the county level in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS's) National Water Use Science Project is responsible for compiling and disseminating the Nation's water-use data.
Compilation and evaluation of data used to identify groundwater sources under the direct influence of surface water in Pennsylvania
Estimated groundwater withdrawals from principal aquifers in the United States, 2015
Groundwater withdrawals and regional flow paths at and near Willow Grove and Warminster, Pennsylvania—Data compilation and preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
Effects of changes in pumping on regional groundwater-flow paths, 2005 and 2010, and areas contributing recharge to discharging wells, 1990–2010, in the vicinity of North Penn Area 7 Superfund site, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Evaluation of long-term trends in hydrologic and water-quality conditions, and estimation of water budgets through 2013, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Estimated use of water in the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, 2010
Map visualization of groundwater withdrawals at the sub-basin scale
Water-budgets and recharge-area simulations for the Spring Creek and Nittany Creek Basins and parts of the Spruce Creek Basin, Centre and Huntingdon Counties, Pennsylvania, Water Years 2000–06
Water budgets and groundwater volumes for abandoned underground mines in the Western Middle Anthracite Coalfield, Schuylkill, Columbia, and Northumberland Counties, Pennsylvania: Preliminary estimates with identification of data needs
Summary of groundwater-recharge estimates for Pennsylvania
Effects of Land-Use Changes and Ground-Water Withdrawals on Stream Base Flow, Pocono Creek Watershed, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Estimated ground-water availability in the Delaware River basin, 1997-2000
Wellfootprint - A Map App for Visualizing Groundwater Withdrawals
Wellfootprint computes a raster map of groundwater withdrawals relative to a user-defined "Depth-Rate Index" (DRI), such as a recharge rate. Dividing each well's withdrawal rate by the length per time DRI yields an area for display for each well's 'footprint' as a circle around each well. Symbols for closely spaced wells are merged to visualize the combined withdrawals eq
The USGS Pennsylvania Water Science Center helps water providers assess the availability of groundwater for use in homes, on farms, and in industrial activities.
Groundwater Quality of Domestic Supply Wells in Pennsylvania
Groundwater Use
Domestic Water Use
Domestic (Private) Supply Wells
Delaware River Basin Focus Area Study
Well-Withdrawal Footprint Mapping
Groundwater Use in the United States
Domestic Water Use
Bacteriological quality of groundwater used for household supply
Estimated Groundwater Withdrawals from Principal Aquifers in the United States--County Level Data for 2015
Estimated Use of Water in the United States County-Level Data for 2015
This dataset contains water-use estimates for 2015 that are aggregated to the county level in the United States. The U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS's) National Water Use Science Project is responsible for compiling and disseminating the Nation's water-use data.
Compilation and evaluation of data used to identify groundwater sources under the direct influence of surface water in Pennsylvania
Estimated groundwater withdrawals from principal aquifers in the United States, 2015
Groundwater withdrawals and regional flow paths at and near Willow Grove and Warminster, Pennsylvania—Data compilation and preliminary simulations for conditions in 1999, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2017
Effects of changes in pumping on regional groundwater-flow paths, 2005 and 2010, and areas contributing recharge to discharging wells, 1990–2010, in the vicinity of North Penn Area 7 Superfund site, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
Evaluation of long-term trends in hydrologic and water-quality conditions, and estimation of water budgets through 2013, Chester County, Pennsylvania
Estimated use of water in the Delaware River Basin in Delaware, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania, 2010
Map visualization of groundwater withdrawals at the sub-basin scale
Water-budgets and recharge-area simulations for the Spring Creek and Nittany Creek Basins and parts of the Spruce Creek Basin, Centre and Huntingdon Counties, Pennsylvania, Water Years 2000–06
Water budgets and groundwater volumes for abandoned underground mines in the Western Middle Anthracite Coalfield, Schuylkill, Columbia, and Northumberland Counties, Pennsylvania: Preliminary estimates with identification of data needs
Summary of groundwater-recharge estimates for Pennsylvania
Effects of Land-Use Changes and Ground-Water Withdrawals on Stream Base Flow, Pocono Creek Watershed, Monroe County, Pennsylvania
Estimated ground-water availability in the Delaware River basin, 1997-2000
Wellfootprint - A Map App for Visualizing Groundwater Withdrawals
Wellfootprint computes a raster map of groundwater withdrawals relative to a user-defined "Depth-Rate Index" (DRI), such as a recharge rate. Dividing each well's withdrawal rate by the length per time DRI yields an area for display for each well's 'footprint' as a circle around each well. Symbols for closely spaced wells are merged to visualize the combined withdrawals eq