Barrier Island Sensitivity to Changes in Sediment Supply
Observations and models show that maintaining barrier islands requires a balance between sea-level rise and sediment supply. However, most estimates of sediment supply are not based on modern conditions, which could result in less accurate predictions of sediment fluxes. We explore how natural and human alterations impact modern sediment fluxes, or changes, on barrier islands – research that has important implications for coastal resilience and restoration.
As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project, we measure sediment supply changes throughout barrier island systems, including terrestrial and submerged environments (back barrier, island, and shoreface) using repeat geophysical surveys, remote-sensing analyses, and sediment sampling. This integrated approach allows us to better understand short-term changes resulting from storms, post-storm recovery, or human activities. We couple our short-term observations with modeling and long-term geologic characterization to assess barrier island change over multiple time scales and develop predictive scenarios for future barrier-island evolution. This information is critical for resource managers to effectively respond to environmental and man-made challenges.
Submerged Sediment Fluxes
Interannual time-series of bathymetry data showing infilling of a borrow pit created at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands in 2010. Bathymetry shows seafloor depth, with red representing shallow water and blue representing deeper water. Sediment originally removed from the borrow pit was placed as a sand berm along the island platform and has been redistributed over the last several years. Using these data, we can estimate modern sediment fluxes and variations in those fluxes year-to-year, helping guide models and coastal restoration planning.

Subaerial Island Changes
This time series of Landsat satellite imagery shows changes at the northern Chandeleur Islands resulting from storm events and berm construction. We use remote-sensing datasets to extract information such as land area, land-cover, and beach or marsh widths and track how those features change through time.

Integrated Submerged and Terrestrial Sediment Flux
Over short-time periods, we use annual satellite imagery, aerial photography, and submerged and terrestrial elevation data to measure change across the whole barrier-island system. Transects (purple lines) show the locations of annual elevation data and plots from the northernmost transect show vertical island growth due to increased sediment supply.

Coastal sediments can record barrier island processes that occur when we are not around to measure them. Small-scale changes in sediment texture can tell us what processes contributed to barrier island erosion/deposition or where sediments are redistributed. We measure textural changes in surface samples and in cores to quantify along- and cross-barrier sediment exchanges.
Learn more about the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux (CSAF) Project
Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux (CSAF)
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2018 Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2018 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2017 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2016 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Below are publications associated with this project.
Satellite-derived barrier response and recovery following natural and anthropogenic perturbations, northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Impacts of sediment removal from and placement in coastal barrier island systems
Application of sediment end-member analysis for understanding sediment fluxes, northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Natural and human-induced variability in barrier-island response to sea level rise
Nearshore sediment thickness, Fire Island, New York
Quantification of storm-induced bathymetric change in a back-barrier estuary
Evolution of mid-Atlantic coastal and back-barrier estuary environments in response to a hurricane: Implications for barrier-estuary connectivity
Integrating geophysical and oceanographic data to assess interannual variability in longshore sediment transport
Coastal Change at Fire Island
Observations and models show that maintaining barrier islands requires a balance between sea-level rise and sediment supply. However, most estimates of sediment supply are not based on modern conditions, which could result in less accurate predictions of sediment fluxes. We explore how natural and human alterations impact modern sediment fluxes, or changes, on barrier islands – research that has important implications for coastal resilience and restoration.
As part of the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux project, we measure sediment supply changes throughout barrier island systems, including terrestrial and submerged environments (back barrier, island, and shoreface) using repeat geophysical surveys, remote-sensing analyses, and sediment sampling. This integrated approach allows us to better understand short-term changes resulting from storms, post-storm recovery, or human activities. We couple our short-term observations with modeling and long-term geologic characterization to assess barrier island change over multiple time scales and develop predictive scenarios for future barrier-island evolution. This information is critical for resource managers to effectively respond to environmental and man-made challenges.
Submerged Sediment Fluxes
Interannual time-series of bathymetry data showing infilling of a borrow pit created at the northern end of the Chandeleur Islands in 2010. Bathymetry shows seafloor depth, with red representing shallow water and blue representing deeper water. Sediment originally removed from the borrow pit was placed as a sand berm along the island platform and has been redistributed over the last several years. Using these data, we can estimate modern sediment fluxes and variations in those fluxes year-to-year, helping guide models and coastal restoration planning.

Subaerial Island Changes
This time series of Landsat satellite imagery shows changes at the northern Chandeleur Islands resulting from storm events and berm construction. We use remote-sensing datasets to extract information such as land area, land-cover, and beach or marsh widths and track how those features change through time.

Integrated Submerged and Terrestrial Sediment Flux
Over short-time periods, we use annual satellite imagery, aerial photography, and submerged and terrestrial elevation data to measure change across the whole barrier-island system. Transects (purple lines) show the locations of annual elevation data and plots from the northernmost transect show vertical island growth due to increased sediment supply.

Coastal sediments can record barrier island processes that occur when we are not around to measure them. Small-scale changes in sediment texture can tell us what processes contributed to barrier island erosion/deposition or where sediments are redistributed. We measure textural changes in surface samples and in cores to quantify along- and cross-barrier sediment exchanges.
Learn more about the Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux (CSAF) Project
Coastal Sediment Availability and Flux (CSAF)
Below are data or web applications associated with this project.
Coastal Multibeam Bathymetry Data Collected in 2018 Offshore of Seven Mile Island, New Jersey
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2018 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2017 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Archive of Chirp Subbottom Profile Data Collected in 2016 From the Northern Chandeleur Islands, Louisiana
Below are publications associated with this project.