This graphic displays the timeline of generating Landsat products.
Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-1 products are delivered within 4-6 hours of acquisition. Landsat 9 Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature products become available in about 3 days.
How do I use Quality Assessment (QA) bands that are delivered with Landsat products?
Some Landsat products include Quality Assessment (QA) bands with unsigned integers that represent bit-packed information for each pixel. Details for individual products are at:
- Landsat Level-1 (Collection 1 and Collection2)
- Landsat Level-2 Surface Reflectance
- Landsat Level-2 Provisional Aquatic Reflectance
These files must be unpacked to a binary form to be used effectively. The bit-packed information in a QA band is a decimal translation of binary strings. For example, the decimal value “1” translates to the binary value “0001.” The binary value “0001” has 4 bits (0, 1, 2, and 3), written right to left as bits 0 (“1”), 1 (“0”), 2 (“0”), and 3 (“0”).
Each of the bits 0-3 represents a condition that can affect the calculation of a physical value:
- Bit 0 can be used to identify fill values
- Bit 1 can be used to identify a cloud
- Bit 2 can be used to indicate water
- Bit 3 can be used identify snow
If the condition is true, the bit is set to “1”; if the condition is false, the bit is set to “0”:
- Bit 0 = 1 = fill
- Bit 1 = 0 = no cloud
- Bit 2 = 0 = land
- Bit 3 = 0 = no snow
Quality Assessment tools are available to help users classify and extract bit packed values to enhance interpretation of the QA values for all Landsat data products.
How long does it take to create Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products after a Landsat scene is acquired?
How do I search for and download Landsat data?
How can I tell the difference between Landsat Collections data and Landsat data I have downloaded in the past?
What are the Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 data product file sizes?
What are Landsat Collection Tiers?
What are Landsat Collections?
Can Landsat Collection Real-Time scenes be used in my research?
Why are negative values observed over water in some Landsat Surface Reflectance products?
What Landsat products are available?
What is the Landsat Collections Saturation Bits parameter?
What are U.S. Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD)?
What are LandsatLook images?
This graphic displays the timeline of generating Landsat products.
Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-1 products are delivered within 4-6 hours of acquisition. Landsat 9 Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature products become available in about 3 days.
Left: Land surface reflectance natural color composite image (bands 4,3,2); Right: aquatic reflectance Band 2 (Blue band) image of San Francisco Bay, using data acquired by Landsat 8 (Path 44 Row 33) on October 7, 2018
Left: Land surface reflectance natural color composite image (bands 4,3,2); Right: aquatic reflectance Band 2 (Blue band) image of San Francisco Bay, using data acquired by Landsat 8 (Path 44 Row 33) on October 7, 2018

Landsat 9 Project Scientist Jeff Masek discusses the ways Landsat data is used and how important it is to have high quality data.
Landsat 9 Project Scientist Jeff Masek discusses the ways Landsat data is used and how important it is to have high quality data.
Example of the Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 and Level-2 sample products from path 140 row 41, acquired on May 3, 2013. Left: Level-1 Top of Atmosphere. Middle: Level-2 Surface Reflectance. Right: Level-2 Surface Temperature.
Example of the Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 and Level-2 sample products from path 140 row 41, acquired on May 3, 2013. Left: Level-1 Top of Atmosphere. Middle: Level-2 Surface Reflectance. Right: Level-2 Surface Temperature.
Landsat Collections
Landsat benefiting society for fifty years
How long does it take to create Landsat Collection 2 Level-2 products after a Landsat scene is acquired?
How do I search for and download Landsat data?
How can I tell the difference between Landsat Collections data and Landsat data I have downloaded in the past?
What are the Landsat Collection 1 Level-1 data product file sizes?
What are Landsat Collection Tiers?
What are Landsat Collections?
Can Landsat Collection Real-Time scenes be used in my research?
Why are negative values observed over water in some Landsat Surface Reflectance products?
What Landsat products are available?
What is the Landsat Collections Saturation Bits parameter?
What are U.S. Landsat Analysis Ready Data (ARD)?
What are LandsatLook images?
This graphic displays the timeline of generating Landsat products.
Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-1 products are delivered within 4-6 hours of acquisition. Landsat 9 Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature products become available in about 3 days.
This graphic displays the timeline of generating Landsat products.
Landsat 9 Collection 2 Level-1 products are delivered within 4-6 hours of acquisition. Landsat 9 Level-2 Surface Reflectance and Surface Temperature products become available in about 3 days.
Left: Land surface reflectance natural color composite image (bands 4,3,2); Right: aquatic reflectance Band 2 (Blue band) image of San Francisco Bay, using data acquired by Landsat 8 (Path 44 Row 33) on October 7, 2018
Left: Land surface reflectance natural color composite image (bands 4,3,2); Right: aquatic reflectance Band 2 (Blue band) image of San Francisco Bay, using data acquired by Landsat 8 (Path 44 Row 33) on October 7, 2018

Landsat 9 Project Scientist Jeff Masek discusses the ways Landsat data is used and how important it is to have high quality data.
Landsat 9 Project Scientist Jeff Masek discusses the ways Landsat data is used and how important it is to have high quality data.
Example of the Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 and Level-2 sample products from path 140 row 41, acquired on May 3, 2013. Left: Level-1 Top of Atmosphere. Middle: Level-2 Surface Reflectance. Right: Level-2 Surface Temperature.
Example of the Landsat Collection 2 Level-1 and Level-2 sample products from path 140 row 41, acquired on May 3, 2013. Left: Level-1 Top of Atmosphere. Middle: Level-2 Surface Reflectance. Right: Level-2 Surface Temperature.