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Adam J. Oliphant

Adam Oliphant is a geographer with the USGS based in Flagstaff Arizona. 

He is part of the Western Geographic Science Center and specializes in using remote sensing to map vegetation over countries and continents.  Adam recently finished mapping cropland extent across all of Southeast and Northeast Asia using Landsat 7&8 as part of the Global Food Security-support Analysis Data at 30m (GFSAD30) project.

Current research focused on mapping crop type and cropland fallows in the United States and integrating NASA/USGS satellite sensors with satellite systems from ESA including Sentinel 1&2. Adam has an interest in Citizen Science and community participation in the collection, analysis, and dissemination of scientific data and projects.

Adam has an interest in surface water quality and quantity monitoring and using consumer grade electronics to collect scientifically useful information.


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