View of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. Photo was taken from the bluff on East Cliff Drive, east of the San Lorenzo River mouth. Sand on the beach gets eroded, redistributed, and deposited due to the dynamic conditions brought about by storms and changing river flow.
Andrea O'Neill
Oceanographer with the USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center
I'm an oceanographer and meteorologist with the Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center in Santa Cruz, CA. I have expertise in coastal and marine hazards projections, hydrodynamic simulations, coastal impacts with climate change, and team building.
Professional Experience
Following 11 years of meteorological and oceanographic forecasting in the Western Pacific, I began my career at USGS doing future coastal flooding hazards projections using the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS).
Education and Certifications
B.S. in Oceanography from the University of Washington in Seattle, WA
M.S. in physical oceanography and meteorology from Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA
Science and Products
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Satellite-derived shorelines for the U.S. Gulf Coast states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida for the period 1984-2022, obtained using CoastSat
Projections of shoreline change for California due to 21st century sea-level rise
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. North and South Carolina coasts
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Northern California 3.2 (ver. 1d, June 2023)
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Central California, v3.1
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Southern California, v3.0, Phase 2
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data from San Pablo Bay and China Camp marsh (northern San Francisco Bay), 2013-2016
Near-surface wind fields for San Francisco Bay--historical and 21st-century projected time series
View of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. Photo was taken from the bluff on East Cliff Drive, east of the San Lorenzo River mouth. Sand on the beach gets eroded, redistributed, and deposited due to the dynamic conditions brought about by storms and changing river flow.
Forecasting storm-induced coastal flooding for 21st century sea-level rise scenarios in the Hawaiian, Mariana, and American Samoan Islands
Global projections of storm surges using high-resolution CMIP6 climate models
Rapid modeling of compound flooding across broad coastal regions and the necessity to include rainfall driven processes: A case study of Hurricane Florence (2018)
Projecting climate dependent coastal flood risk with a hybrid statistical dynamical model
Impacts of sea-level rise on the tidal reach of California coastal rivers using the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Dynamic flood modeling essential to assess the coastal impacts of climate change
Identification of storm events and contiguous coastal sections for deterministic modeling of extreme coastal flood events in response to climate change
Assessing and communicating the impacts of climate change on the Southern California coast
Projected 21st century coastal flooding in the Southern California Bight. Part 2: Tools for assessing climate change-driven coastal hazards and socio-economic impacts
Projected 21st century coastal flooding in the Southern California Bight. Part 1: Development of the third generation CoSMoS model
Estimating fluvial discharges coincident with 21st century coastal storms modeled with CoSMoS
Climate change-driven cliff and beach evolution at decadal to centennial time scales
Science and Products
Dynamic coastlines along the western U.S.
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS)
Satellite-derived shorelines for the U.S. Gulf Coast states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida for the period 1984-2022, obtained using CoastSat
Projections of shoreline change for California due to 21st century sea-level rise
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. Atlantic coast
Future coastal hazards along the U.S. North and South Carolina coasts
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Northern California 3.2 (ver. 1d, June 2023)
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Central California, v3.1
Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for Southern California, v3.0, Phase 2
Hydrodynamic and sediment transport data from San Pablo Bay and China Camp marsh (northern San Francisco Bay), 2013-2016
Near-surface wind fields for San Francisco Bay--historical and 21st-century projected time series
View of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. Photo was taken from the bluff on East Cliff Drive, east of the San Lorenzo River mouth. Sand on the beach gets eroded, redistributed, and deposited due to the dynamic conditions brought about by storms and changing river flow.
View of the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk amusement park in Santa Cruz, California. Photo was taken from the bluff on East Cliff Drive, east of the San Lorenzo River mouth. Sand on the beach gets eroded, redistributed, and deposited due to the dynamic conditions brought about by storms and changing river flow.