USGS map showing the movement of a lesser scaup infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (red line) compared to four lesser scaup not infected (maroon, yellow, blue and black lines). Movement was recorded January 23 to 26, 2022. The black dot identifies where the birds were captured and released in Maryland.
Jeffery Sullivan
Jeff is a Biologist at the Eastern Ecological Science Center in Laurel, MD. Jeff works under Diann Prosser on projects focused on understanding avian influenza infection dynamics and waterbird ecology within the Chesapeake Bay
Jeff began working for USGS in 2016, where he studies breeding ecology of colonial nesting waterbirds in the Chesapeake Bay as well as the persistence, spread, and amplification of avian influenza viruses in wild waterfowl. His graduate work focused on understanding the movement ecology of female white-tailed deer relative to estrous and hunting pressure.
Professional Experience
2016-present - U.S. Geological Survey Eastern Ecological Science center
Education and Certifications
M.S., Auburn University, Forestry and Wildlife Management (2016
B.S., Washington College, Environmental Studies (2010)
Science and Products
Assessing nest attentiveness of Common Terns via video cameras and temperature loggers
Using thermal infrared cameras to detect avian chicks at various distances and vegetative coverages
Eviction notice: Observation of a Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) usurping an active Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) Nest
Promoting change in common tern (Sterna hirundo) nest site selection to minimize construction related disturbance
Seasonal occurrence and abundance of dabbling ducks across the continental United States: Joint spatio-temporal modelling for the Genus Anas
Waterfowl spring migratory behavior and avian influenza transmission risk in the changing landscape of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway
A video surveillance system to monitor breeding colonies of common terns (Sterna Hirundo)
Investigating home range, movement pattern, and habitat selection of Bar-headed Geese during breeding season at Qinghai Lake, China
Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight
Use of Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) burrows as shelter by Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks
Species distribution modeling in regions of high need and limited data: waterfowl of China
Deriving Spatial Waterfowl Inputs for Disease Risk Modeling
Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight
USGS map showing the movement of a lesser scaup infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (red line) compared to four lesser scaup not infected (maroon, yellow, blue and black lines). Movement was recorded January 23 to 26, 2022. The black dot identifies where the birds were captured and released in Maryland.
A male lesser scaup at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center in Maryland. This bird was not part of this new research. Photograph taken in 2017. Credit: Jeffrey Sullivan, USGS.
A male lesser scaup at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center in Maryland. This bird was not part of this new research. Photograph taken in 2017. Credit: Jeffrey Sullivan, USGS.
Science and Products
Assessing nest attentiveness of Common Terns via video cameras and temperature loggers
Using thermal infrared cameras to detect avian chicks at various distances and vegetative coverages
Eviction notice: Observation of a Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) usurping an active Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) Nest
Promoting change in common tern (Sterna hirundo) nest site selection to minimize construction related disturbance
Seasonal occurrence and abundance of dabbling ducks across the continental United States: Joint spatio-temporal modelling for the Genus Anas
Waterfowl spring migratory behavior and avian influenza transmission risk in the changing landscape of the East Asian-Australasian Flyway
A video surveillance system to monitor breeding colonies of common terns (Sterna Hirundo)
Investigating home range, movement pattern, and habitat selection of Bar-headed Geese during breeding season at Qinghai Lake, China
Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight
Use of Bank Swallow (Riparia riparia) burrows as shelter by Common Tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks
Species distribution modeling in regions of high need and limited data: waterfowl of China
Deriving Spatial Waterfowl Inputs for Disease Risk Modeling
Preliminary evaluation of behavioral response of nesting waterbirds to small unmanned aircraft flight
USGS map showing the movement of a lesser scaup infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (red line) compared to four lesser scaup not infected (maroon, yellow, blue and black lines). Movement was recorded January 23 to 26, 2022. The black dot identifies where the birds were captured and released in Maryland.
USGS map showing the movement of a lesser scaup infected with highly pathogenic avian influenza (red line) compared to four lesser scaup not infected (maroon, yellow, blue and black lines). Movement was recorded January 23 to 26, 2022. The black dot identifies where the birds were captured and released in Maryland.
A male lesser scaup at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center in Maryland. This bird was not part of this new research. Photograph taken in 2017. Credit: Jeffrey Sullivan, USGS.
A male lesser scaup at the USGS Eastern Ecological Science Center in Maryland. This bird was not part of this new research. Photograph taken in 2017. Credit: Jeffrey Sullivan, USGS.