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JACIE 2004 Presentations

Reston, Virginia

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Monday, November 8, 2004


Welcome - Gregory L. Stensaas, USGS EROS Data Center

Opening Remarks and Government Sponser Session 9:05 - 10:15 am 

  • Barbara Ryan, USGS
  • Martin Frederick, NASA Applied Sciences Program
  • Ken Peterman, NGA — NGA Overview
  • Jay Feuquay, USGS — USGS Land Remote Sensing Overview

Industry Overview Session 10:30 am - 12:00 pm 

  • Robert Kudola, DigitalGlobe — QuickBird System Status and Product Overview © Copyright 2003, DigitalGlobe, Inc.
  • Gary G. Adkins, ORBIMAGE, Inc. — ORBIMAGE Overview
  • Gene Dial, Martin Taylor, & Brad Peterson, Space Imaging, LLC — IKONOS 2004 Calibration & Validation Status 

Image Quality Session 1:25 - 3:30 pm Chair: Terry Lehman

  • Kevin Kohm, ORBIMAGE, Inc. — OrbView-3 Spatial Characterization © ORBIMAGE, Inc. 2004
  • Dennis Helder & Jason Choi, South Dakota State University — On-orbit Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) Measurement of QuickBird
  • Slawomir Blonski, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — Spatial Resolution Characterization for QuickBird Image Products 2003-2004 Season
  • Edward C. Jones, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — Image Quality Evaluation of QuickBird Super Resolution and Revisit of IKONOS: Civil And Commercial Application Project (CCAP)
  • Thomas G. Servoss & Scott G. Vogler, ITT Industries Space Systems Division — On-Orbit System MTF Measurement 

Geopositional Accuracy Session 3:30 - 5:00 pm Chair: Mike Duncan

  • Robert Kudola, DigitalGlobe — QuickBird Post Launch Geopositional Characterization Update © Copyright 2003, DigitalGlobe, Inc.
  • David Mulawa, ORBIMAGE, Inc. — OrbView-3 Geometric Calibration and Geopositional Accuracy
  • Kenton Ross, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — Geopositional Statistical Methods
  • Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University; Kenton Ross, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center; — QuickBird and OrbView-3 Geopositional Accuracy Assessment 

Poster Session 5:30 pm

  • Slawomir Blonski, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — Initial On-orbit Spatial Resolution Characterization of OrbView-3 Panchromatic Images
  • Kelly Knowlton, Science Systems & Applications Inc., Stennis Space Center — Laboratory Measurement of Bidirectional Reflectance of Radiometric Tarps
  • Duane O’Neal, Science Systems & Applications Inc., Stennis Space Center; Erik Daehler, formerly of Lockheed Martin Space Operations – Stennis Programs — Stennis Space Center Verification and Validation Capabilities
  • Mary Pagnutti, Science Systems & Applications Inc., Stennis Space Center —  Joint Agency Commercial Imagery Evaluation (JACIE) Team
  • Chris Cattrall & Kurt Thome, University of Arizona — Adjacency Effects in High Resolution Imagery
  • Jason Choi & Dr. Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University — Effect of Pulse Width vs. GSD on MTF Estimation
  • Jon Christopherson, SAIC — Camera and Sensor Calibration at the USGS
  •  Ravikanth Darbha & Dr. Dennis Helder, South Dakota State University — QuickBird Geometric Verification
  •  Nathan Leisso, Kurt Thome, & Chris Cattrall, University of Arizona — Comparison of MODTRAN to Heritage-based Results in Vicarious Calibration at University of Arizona
  • Lauri Sohl, City of Sioux Falls GIS — Using Remotely Sensed Imagery to Determine Impervious Surface in Sioux Falls, South Dakota    
  • Michael Coan for Collin Homer & Randy McKinley, SAIC, USGS EROS Data Center — Estimating Sub-pixel Proportions of Sagebrush with a Regression Tree
  • Ron Beck, USGS EROS Data Center — How Do YOU Use the National Land Cover Dataset?
  • Ron Beck, USGS EROS Data Center — The National Map Hazards Data Distribution System
  • Ron Beck, USGS EROS Data Center — Recording a Troubled World
  • Ron Beck, USGS EROS Data Center — What Does This…Have To Do With This?
  • Ron Beck, USGS EROS Data Center — When Can a Picture Save a Thousand Homes?
  • Zhong Lu, T. Masterlark, O. Kwoun, & R. Rykhus, SAIC, USGS EROS Data Center; C. Wicks & W. Thatcher, USGS Earthquake & Volcano Hazards Program; D. Dzurisin, USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory; J. Power, USGS Alaska Volcano Observatory —  InSAR Studies of Alaska Volcanoes
  • Wayne Miller, USGS EROS Data Center — Earth Observing­‑1 (EO‑1) Data Products
  • Wayne Miller, USGS EROS Data Center — Improving Access to the USGS Aerial Film Collections: High Resolution Scanners
  • Wayne Miller, USGS EROS Data Center — Improving Access to the USGS Aerial Film Collections: Phoenix Digitizing System Product Distribution
  • Phil Rufe, U.S. Geological Survey — System & Product Characterization: Issues Approach
  •  Jason M. Stoker, SAIC — Innovative Approaches to Analysis of Lidar Data for The National Map
  • George Xian & Cory McMahon, SAIC; Mike Crane, USGS  — Changes in Imperviousness Near Military Installations    

Tuesday, November 9, 2004

Geopositional Accuracy Session (cont.) 8:30 - 9:00 am Chair: Mike Duncan

  • Paul Bresnahan, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — Geopositional Accuracy Evaluations of QuickBird and OrbView-3:Civil and Commercial Applications Project (CCAP)
  • Michael Coan, SAIC, USGS EROS Data Center — Geometric Accuracy Assessment: OrbView ORTHO Products


Radiometric Accuracy Session 9:30 - 12:05 am  Chair: Mary Pagnutti

  • Robert Kudola & Keith Krause, DigitalGlobe — QuickBird Radiometric Calibration Update
  • Kevin Kohm, ORBIMAGE, Inc. — OrbView-3 Radiometric Calibration © ORBIMAGE, Inc. 2004
  • Kurt Thome, University of Arizona — QuickBird Radiometric Characterization
  • Kara Holekamp, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — NASA Radiometric Characterization
  • Gerald T. Fraser, National Institute of Standards and Technology — Establishing and Verifying the Traceability of Remote-Sensing Measurements to International Standards  
  • Robert Kudola, DigitalGlobe — QuickBird Applications

Research and Applications Session 1:35 -5:00 pm  Chair: Vicki Zanoni

  • Dejan Damjanovic, Space Imaging, LLC — Airport Mapping and Perpetual Monitoring using IKONOS © 2002 Space Imaging, LLC
  • Paul Basgall & Greg Grohman, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency — OrbView-3 Relative Accuracy Results and Impacts on Exploitation and Accuracy Improvement
  • Lauri B. Sohl, City of Sioux Falls GIS — Using Remotely Sensed Imagery to Determine Impervious Surface in Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Steven J. Van Aartsen, City of Sioux Falls GIS — Applying High-resolution Satellite Imagery and Remotely Sensed Data to Local Government Applications: Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Nevin A. Bryant, Thomas L. Logan, & Albert L. Zobrist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology — Automatic Co-Registration of QuickBird Data for Change Detection Applications
  • Joe Spruce & Judith Berglund, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center; Bruce Davis, NASA Applied Sciences Directorate, Stennis Space Center — Developing Coastal Surface Roughness Maps Using ASTER and QuickBird Data Sources
  • Stephanie Hulina & Dmitry Varlyguin, Geospatial Data Analysis Corp. — Automated, Near-Real Time Cloud and Cloud Shadow Detection in High Resolution VNIR Imagery

5:20 Adjourn

6:30 No-Host Dinner

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Research and Applications Session (cont)  8:30 -   am  Chair: Spencer Roylance 

  • Michael Coan, SAIC, USGS EROS Data Center — Science Applications of High Resolution Imagery at the USGS EROS Data Center
  • Robert E. Ryan, Gregory Terrie, & Judith Berglund, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — Draft Plan for Characterizing Commercial Data Products in Support of Earth Science Research
  • Mary Pagnutti, Science Systems & Applications, Inc., Stennis Space Center — Atmospheric Correction Prototype Algorithm for High Spatial Resolution Multispectral Earth Observing Imaging Systems
  • Fred Huemmrich, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center — Determining Regional Arctic Tundra Carbon Exchange: A Bottom-Up Approach
  • Scott J. Goetz & Claire Jantz, Woods Hole Research Center; Robb K. Wright, Marcia Snyder, & Brian Melchior, Department of Geography, University of Maryland — Using IKONOS Imagery to Assess Impervious Surface Area, Riparian Buffers and Stream Health in the Mid-Atlantic Region
  • Greg Snyder, U.S. Geological Survey — Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy Civil Implementation Update
  • Mike Duncan, U.S. Geological Survey — USGS Commercial Remote Sensing Data Contracts (CRSDC)
  • Tom Cecere, U.S. Geological Survey — Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy (CRSSP): Civil Near-Term Requirements Collection Update

Closing Comments - Gregory L. Stensaas, USGS EROS Data Center

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