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December 14, 2015 - ​Upcoming Landsat Science Team Meeting

The next meeting of the Landsat Science Team (LST) will be held January 12-14, 2016, at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

The LST is composed of 21 scientists and engineers from American universities, federal agencies, and international organizations that represent the breadth of key Landsat science, engineering, and applications topics. The group meets twice each year to contribute scientific and technical evaluations of Landsat issues important to the broader Landsat user community.

The goal for the Blacksburg meeting is to evaluate priorities and approaches for improving the global Landsat/moderate resolution record. This includes the following topics: Landsat product improvements, Sentinel-2/Landsat synergy, Landsat surface reflectance consistency, the Landsat Multispectral Scanner System (MSS) record, and Landsat analysis-ready data. The LST will also discuss plans for Landsat 9 and 10.

Previous meeting agendas and presentations can be found on the LST Web page.

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