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February 10, 2016 – Landsat 8 Thermal Level-1 Data Update

As of February 10, 2016, many* of the scenes acquired from October to December 2015 have been reprocessed into nominal Level-1 products containing valid Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) data and are available for download.

The generation of Landsat 8 surface reflectance products from these data will become available within the next week. A message will be posted on the EPSA on-demand interface when higher level processing is available for these scenes.

*A number of scenes acquired from approximately 10 pm CT November 1, 2015 to approximately 5 pm CT on November 2, 2015 will still contain zero-fill TIRS data, and will not be reprocessed until April 2016.

Landsat 8 TIRS data acquired from January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2016 will be reprocessed and made available in April. A strategy is being developed for generating near-real time products moving forward. Details about the reason for this reprocessing can be found in the October 28, 2015 and November 17, 2015 Headlines.

More details will be posted on the Landsat Missions Web site as they become available. Questions about Landsat 8 data products can be directed to Customer Services.

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