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Landsat Data Products Workshop II - November 1-3, 2010

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts

November 1-3, 2010


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 


Surface Reflectance, Land Surface Temperature, and Albedo

  • LEDAPS update (Jeff Masek, NASA)
  • Landsat-MODIS Consistency as an Operational QA of SR (Chengquan Huang, University of Maryland)
  • A Land Surface Temperature product (John Schott, Rochester Institute of Technology)
  • Update on Landsat Albedo (Feng Gao, Earth Resources Technology)


Cloud and Cloud Shadow

  • LDCM cloud cover assessment update and overview (Pat Scaramuzza, SGT)
  • A simple cloud mask algorithm developed for MODIS land bands applied on Landsat scenes (Lazaros Oreopoulos, NASA-GSFC)
  • Cloud detection in Landsat imagery of ice sheets using shadow matching technique and automatic normalized snow index threshold value decision (Robert Bindschadler, NASA-GSFC)
  • Removing cloud from moderate resolution imagery (Leo Lymburner, Geoscience Australia)



  • A physically based approach in retrieving vegetation Leaf Area Index from Landsat Surface Reflectance data (Sangram Ganguly, NASA-Ames Research Center)
  • Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) product from Landsat 5 and 7 (Alan Belward, European Commission Joint Research Center)
  • Landsat 7 gap filling using the Neighborhood Similar Pixel Interpolator (NSPI) (Jim Vogelmann, USGS)
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