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Landsat Science Team Meeting - February 4-6, 2020

Landsat Science Teams consist of USGS and NASA scientists and engineers, external scientists, engineers, and application specialists, representing industry and university research initiatives. The Science Teams are tasked with providing scientific and technical evaluations to the USGS and NASA to help ensure the continued success of the Landsat program. 

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Arizona State Office, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), U.S. Department of the Interior

Phoenix, Arizona

February 4-6, 2020


Presentations from this meeting can be searched on the Landsat Science Team Meeting Presentations webpage. 

2018-2023 Landsat Science Team - February 2020
2018-2023 Landsat Science Team - February 2020

Meeting Objectives:

  1. Receive Landsat programmatic updates on Landsat 7’s orbit change, Landsat 9 development, and update the LST on global Analysis Ready Data (ARD) activities since the Summer 2019 LST meeting
  2. Receive a Sustainable Land Imaging Technology (SLI-T) briefing and discuss future Landsat mission priorities
  3. Review the status Landsat Collection 2 processing, Landsat’s commercial cloud architecture, and Landsat data products and access
  4. Visit Northrop Grumman Innovation Systems (NGIS) for a tour of Landsat 9’s spacecraft-OLI-2/TIRS-2 instrument integration


Tuesday, February 4, 2020

  • Opening remarks (CJ Loria, Director of USGS EROS Center)
  • Introductions and meeting objectives (Chris Crawford/Jeff Masek)     
  • USGS Landsat management perspective (Pete Doucette, on behalf of Tim Newman)
  • A snapshot of current and future Landsat project activities at EROS (Chris Crawford)
  • Landsat 8 Safehold event and Landsat 7 future operations planning status (Chris Crawford, on behalf of Martin England and Keith Alberts)
  • Landsat 7 orbit change presentations (LST-Contributed)
    • Shankar N. Ramaseri Chandra, Jon B. Christopherson, Christopher J. Crawford, KBR Contractor to the USGS EROS/USGS EROS - Schedule and impacts of changing Mean Local Time Crossing for Landsat 7
    • Hankui K. Zhang, Zhongbin Li, David P. Roy, South Dakota State University/ Michigan State University - Landsat 7 orbit drift – lessons learned from a conterminous United States ARD analysis of the impact of Landsat 5 orbit drift on the temporal consistency of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper reflectance and NDVI
    • Shi Qiu, Zhe Zhu, Rong Shang, Christopher J. Crawford, University of Connecticut / USGS EROS - Effects of Landsat 7’s orbit drift and a solution to preserve its science capabilities
  • Discussion Topic #1: Landsat 5 and 7 science impacts from an earlier crossing time   (Chris Crawford/Jeff Masek/LST)
  • Landsat 9 development status (Del Jenstrom/Brian Sauer)
  • Landsat Global Analysis Ready Data (ARD) status and update  (Chris Crawford, on behalf of John Hutchinson)
  • Discussion Topic #2: Landsat Global ARD roadmap (David Roy/Curtis Woodcock/LST)
  • Landsat ARD science and applications presentations (LST-Contributed)
  • Curtis Woodcock, Boston University - Synthetic images as useful Landsat products
    • Matthew Hansen, University of Maryland - Landsat Analysis Ready Data for global land cover and land cover change mapping
    • Mike Wulder, Canadian Forest Service - Biomass dynamics over Canada’s forests
    • David Roy, Haiyan Huang, Luigi Boschetti, Lin Yan, Michigan State University/South Dakota State University, University of Idaho - Near daily 30 m burned area mapping using the NASA Harmonized Landsat Sentinel-2 data
  • Landsat MSS status (geolocation, cloud mask, atmospheric correction) (Chris Crawford)
  • NASA Earth Sciences Technology Office (ESTO) SLI-Technology updates (Phil Dabney)
  • Discussion Topic #3: Priorities for future Landsat missions (Jeff Masek/Chris Crawford/LST)


Wednesday, February 5, 2020

  • Landsat Products Improvement Project (LPIP) commercial cloud architecture status (Kristi Kline)
  • USGS LandsatLook tool demonstration and accessing Landsat data in Amazon Web Services (AWS) (Kristi Kline)
  • Discussion Topic #4: LPIP commercial cloud architecture (Chris Crawford/Kristi Kline/LST


Thursday, February 6, 2020

  • Landsat Science Interface Panel (SIP) outcomes (Cody Anderson)
  • USGS and NASA Cal/Val presentations (Cody Anderson/Mike Choate/Kurt Thome)
  • Harmonized Landsat-Sentinel-2 (HLS) Status (Jeff Masek)
  • European Space Agency (ESA) Sentinel-2 Updates (Patrick Griffiths)
  • Landsat-Sentinel-2 interoperability and harmonization presentations (LST-Contributed)
    • Alexei Lyapustin, Y. Wang, J. Masek and J. Ju, NASA GSFC/University of Maryland Baltimore County/ University of Maryland - An update on MAIAC atmospheric correction for harmonized Landsat/Sentinel record
    • Eric Vermote, NASA GSFC - Landsat/Sentinel-2 Atmospheric Correction Intercomparison eXercise (ACIX-II)
    • Sergii Skakun, University of Maryland - Cloud Mask Intercomparison eXercise (CMIX)
    • Nima Pahlevan, Science Systems and Applications Inc./NASA GSFC - Atmospheric Correction Intercomparison eXercise – Aqua (ACIX-II – Aqua)
  • Discussion Topic #5: Landsat-Sentinel-2 interoperability and harmonization roadmap: 2020 and beyond (Jeff Masek/Chris Crawford/David Roy/Curtis Woodcock)
  • Introduction to Landsat research-to-operations product transitions at EROS   (Chris Barnes/Chris Crawford)
  • Future Landsat Collection-based actions  (Collection 2 summary and Collection 3 formulation/planning) (Chris Engebretson)
  • Discussion of Collections and Landsat research-to-operations (Chris Crawford/LST)
  • Landsat Science and Applications roundup[5-minute lightning fast presentations] (LST-Contributed)
    • Nima Pahlevan, Science Systems and Applications Inc./NASA GSFC - Latest update on aquatic science products
    • Dave Johnson, USDA-NASS - Intersecting precision ag. data to Landsat, Sentinel-2, and Planet imagery
    • Crystal Schaaf, University of Massachusetts-Boston - Albedo from Landsat and MODIS/VIIRS
    • Issac Rosenthal and Crystal Schaaf, University of Massachusetts-Boston - Kelp forest extent from Landsat
    • Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin-Madison - Mapping agricultural abandonment with Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
  • Feng Gao, USDA-ARS - Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) from early growing season revealed historical delays of corn and soybean emergence in 2019 across Corn Belt
  • Matthew Hansen, University of Maryland - Large area land change monitoring with Landsat
  • Peter Strobl, European Commission Joint Research Centre - Copernicus DEM
  • Discussion Topic #6: Meeting wrap-up and recap of outstanding actions (Curtis Woodcock/David Roy)


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